You are Cordially Invited to the
35 TH
Gala Anniversary Event of The Conservative Caucus
Click here for YOUR Invitation
TCC Chairman,
Howard Phillips, hosted meetings in every U.S. Congressional
District to recruit and mobilize grass-roots activists to
hold their elected legislators accountable to Constitutional
Regional conferences were
conducted in Los Angeles and the Washington, D.C. area. By
this time, there were State Coordinators or contacts in all
50 states and District Directors in more than 375 of the 435
U.S. Congressional Districts.
The Conservative Caucus
Research, Analysis, and Education Foundation (TCCF), a
501(c)3 entity, was established to supplement the work of
TCC. TCC’s efforts to hold members of Congress accountable
were reinforced by TCCF’s publication of Senate
Report, analyzing the voting records of U.S. Senators in
all 50 dates. Congressional Reports were published in
targeted Congressional Districts.
1977 TCC
formed a Citizen’s Cabinet, a form of Shadow Government, to
respond to the misbegotten policies of the Carter
Administration. In the same year, we led the fight against
the surrender of the U.S. Canal and Zone at Panama, with
Chairman Howard Phillips traveling to all 50 states for
rallies, news conferences, and organizational meetings. In
the same year, TCC worked closely with Phyllis Schlafly in
state-by-state campaigns to defeat the dangerous Equal
Rights Amendment. We also helped lead the fight against
Postcard Voter Registration and participated in the defeat
of Ted Sorensen’s nomination to be Director of the U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency.
A TCC National Conference in
Atlanta assembled TCC State Coordinators and Congressional
District Directors from nearly all of the 50 states and 435
Congressional Districts. TCC’s New Hampshire State
Coordinator was elected to the United States Senate, and TCC
provided leadership which was important in the defeat of a
Jimmy Carter-Teddy Kennedy socialized medicine scheme. TCC’s
National Field Director traveled to crucial states helping
defeat a Constitutional Amendment which would have given the
District of Columbia full voting rights in the U.S. Senate
and House of Representatives.
TCC Chairman Howard
Phillips, accompanied by top generals and admirals, visited
all 50 states rallying TCC’s membership to help defeat the
Jimmy Carter-Leonid Brezhnev SALT II Treaty. TCC helped lead
the fight which resulted in the defeat of taxpayer financing
of elections. Chairman Phillips led a fact-finding trip to
the Republic of China on Taiwan, accompanied by members of
Congress and key conservative leaders. But for the betrayal
of homosexual Congressman Robert Bauman on legislation
concerning the Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2
Constitutional requirement that the U.S. House of
Representatives consent to the surrender of U.S.
territory, passage of the
final surrender of the U.S. Canal and Zone to Panama would
have failed.
1980 TCC’s
important documentary, Can Soviet Imperialism be Halted,
starring top defense and foreign policy experts, was
broadcast on TV stations throughout America. TCC continued
its program of national and regional Leadership Conferences.
1981 TCC
helped facilitate the Kemp-Roth tax cuts signed into law by
President Reagan. Together with Tim LaHaye, Howard Phillips
participated in the founding of Concerned Women for America
(CWA) and the Council for National Policy (CNP). Phillips
opposed the nomination of Sandra Day O’Connor, a
pro-abortion legislator from Arizona, to the U.S. Supreme
Court. Defunding the Left, TCC’s efforts to block taxpayer
subsidies to left of center activist groups, made some
limited progress during the Reagan Administration.
1982 Picking
up on activities initiated by TCC during the 1970s, Chairman
Phillips was instrumental in helping persuade President
Reagan to seek the defeat of the Soviet Union by means of
assistance to anti-Soviet guerrilla groups in Angola and
Central America. Phillips traveled frequently to southern
Africa and led a major delegation to meet with anti-Soviet
activists in Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and
1983 Beginning
in 1980, TCC took the lead in promoting global ballistic
missile defense, which came to be known as SDI. Ultimately,
on March 23, 1983, with the help of leaders recruited by TCC,
especially Lt. General Dan Graham, President Reagan
rhetorically embraced the concept of protecting America from
missile attacks. That same year, TCC organized a memorial
service attended by nearly 4,000 anti-Communist patriots at
Constitution Hall for Congressman Lawrence P. McDonald who
was a passenger on KAL007, a plane shot down by the Soviet
1984 TCC
campaigned at the 1984 Republican National Convention in
support of a 10 percent flat tax. In that year, TCC also
campaigned against the U.N. Genocide Treaty, which never
came to a vote.
1985 TCC
helped push Congress to approve funding for the MX Missile,
needed to maintain a credible nuclear deterrent. TCC also
mobilized efforts against Assistant Secretary of State
Chester Crocker, who aided Communist groups in southern
Africa in alliance with the Chevron Corporation whose
facilities in Angola were guarded by Fidel Castro’s Cuban
1986 TCC
helped persuade Congress to repeal the Clark Amendment,
which blocked U.S. aid to anti-Soviet freedom fighters in
Angola. That same year, with TCC’s help, tax reforms were
enacted eliminating all tax brackets above 28
1986 (continued)
percent. TCC also
pushed for confirmation of William Rehnquist and Antonio
Scalia to the U.S. Supreme Court. Backed by TCC, President
Reagan agreed to end voluntary U.S. compliance with a SALT
II Agreement which was beneficial to the Soviet Union. TCC
Chairman Howard Phillips and White House Communications
Director Pat Buchanan helped draft President Reagan’s veto
message concerning sanctions on South Africa.
1987 TCC helped
lead the campaign for confirmation of Judge Robert Bork to
the U.S. Supreme Court. TCC helped persuade Congress to
prohibit the continued use of taxpayer funds to promote
homosexuality under the guise of AIDS education. With TCC
support, Jesse Helms became ranking Republican on the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, aided by his Chief of Staff,
TCC Treasurer Dr. James P. Lucier. Together with Congressman
Jack Kemp, TCC led a delegation to Central America for
meetings with key officials in El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras, and Costa Rica.
1988 TCC
helped lead the fight against ratification of the
Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which removed U.S.
missiles from Germany within striking range of Moscow.
1989 TCC
members helped Congress repeal the so-called "Catastrophic
Coverage" Act, a back-door form of socialized medicine. TCC
also aided Senate approval of the restoration of the Marine
pension of Lt. Colonel Oliver North. Chairman Phillips
traveled inside Nicaragua to deliver a jungle address to
freedom fighter troops. TCC helped block the appointment of
Caldwell Butler to be Chairman of the Legal Services
Corporation Board – – – an important victory in the campaign
to Defund the Left.
1990 TCC
Chairman Phillips testified at the Senate Judiciary
Committee Hearings against the confirmation of David Souter
to the Supreme Court – – – the only conservative who
challenged the consistent pro-abortion record of Judge
1991 TCC
launched its nationally broadcast weekly television program,
"Conservative Roundtable". TCC was instrumental in securing
enactment of an amendment calling on President Bush to begin
negotiations with Panama to keep U.S. troops in the Canal
Zone. Chairman Phillips led a Baltic Liberation Tour,
bringing American anti-Communists to Latvia, Lithuania,
Estonia, and Poland. While in Europe, the TCC- sponsored
group met with Vaclav Klaus, a free market anti-Communist
leader in the Czech Republic. TCC members brought pressure
on President George H.W. Bush to preserve immigration
regulations, preventing the entrance to the United States of
AIDS-infected homosexuals. With strong TCC support, Clarence
Thomas was confirmed as a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Following an initiative from
TCC, the U.S. General Accounting Office began an
investigation of Federal grants to Left-wing organizations,
including militant homosexual groups.
1993 TCC helped
block President Clinton from ending the ban on homosexuals
in the military. Massive lobbying by TCC members blocked
enactment of an unconstitutional D.C. statehood bill.
1994 TCC
launched the Campaign for a Congressional Impeachment
Inquiry long before the name Monica Lewinsky became a
household word, challenging President Clinton’s technology
transfers to Red China as well as his Whitewater scandal.
TCC helped defeat Hillary Clinton’s socialized medicine
proposals, and blocked an automatic pay raise for members of
Congress. In addition, TCC helped secure rejection of
Clinton’s nomination of Robert Pastor to be U.S. Ambassador
to Panama. Pastor had helped draft the Panama Canal Treaties
and more recently has been a key architect of the scheme for
a North American Union (NAU).
1995 Behind
TCC’s leadership, Congress cut the budget of the radical
Leftist Legal Services Corporation by 30 percent.
1996 The
Senate passed S. Con. Res. 14, calling for negotiations to
keep U.S. military bases in Panama after 1999.
1997 TCC
helped block confirmation of Left-winger Anthony Lake to
head the Central Intelligence Agency.
1998 TCC’s
four year Campaign for a Congressional Impeachment Inquiry
resulted in the historic vote in the House to impeach
President Clinton.
1999 Chairman
Phillips was in Panama protesting on the day Jimmy Carter
and David Rockefeller helped preside over the final
surrender of the U.S. Canal and Zone to Panama’s Left-wing
2000 TCC
launched its website,
TCC helped secure passage by the House of Representatives of
a bill to repeal Bill Clinton’s tax increase on Social
Security benefits.
2001 After
years of advocacy by TCC, the U.S. withdrew from the
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which limited America’s
ability to block enemy missile attacks. Chairman Phillips
led a Fact-Finding delegation to Taiwan, Singapore,
Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing. Key meetings were held
with prominent journalists, diplomats, military personnel,
and political leaders, including Taipei Mayor Ma, who is now
the President of Taiwan. |
Backed by TCC, President
Bush removed the U.S. signature from the International
Criminal Court Treaty.
2003 TCC led
the way in blocking the so-called "Continuity of Government"
Project, which would have facilitated post-crisis the
selection of Congressmen by appointment rather than
2004 The
Social Security Totalization Agreement with Mexico giving
U.S. Social Security benefits to illegal aliens was withheld
by the White House after TCC led the effort to persuade
Congress to reject it.
2005 TCC
a popular Blog on current issues. The U.S. Senate voted 55
to 45 to repeal the 1993 Clinton tax on Social Security
benefits, but the House failed to act.
2006 TCC
launched a Secure Borders Coalition, which was instrumental
in blocking amnesty for illegal aliens. Chairman Phillips
and Lt. Gen. Gordon Sumner (USA-Ret.) led a Fact-Finding
trip to Panama, meeting with top government officials and
touring the Communist Chinese port facilities at one end of
the Canal.
2007 TCC
organized the Coalition to Block the North American Union,
chaired by Howard Phillips. Support was rallied for House
Concurrent Resolution 40 to block the Security and
Prosperity Partnership (SPP), the NAFTA Superhighway, and
the North American Union (NAU). Phillips held a major news
conference in Ottawa, Canada during a meeting of the elected
leaders of Mexico, Canada, and the United States which
focused on North American Union related topics.
2008 TCC
Chairman Phillips helped establish a significant presence in
New Orleans with participants from a number of organizations
challenging the meeting of U.S. President George W. Bush,
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and Mexican
President Felipe Calderon regarding the North American Union
(NAU). TCC also campaigned to block statehood for Puerto
2009 TCC is
working to reject the U.N. Law of the Sea Treaty (UNLOST),
the return of the Fairness Doctrine, the renewed push for
illegal alien amnesty, and other measures. Repeal of the
Death Tax is a key priority, and TCC has helped lead the
effort against confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S.
Supreme Court. |
T hese excerpts
review some of the highlights of TCC’s unique leadership
in defense of America’s Constitutional liberty.
Currently, TCC is working to eliminate the death tax,
withdraw from the U.N., the IMF, the World Bank, and all
other New World Order institutions, withdraw from NAFTA
and the World Trade Organization, prevent amnesty for
illegal aliens, promote English as America’s official
language, rebuild the U.S. Navy and Air Force, block the
proposed Value Added Tax, stop socialized medicine,
shift from taxes to tariffs as the principal source of
U.S. government revenue, defeat the homosexual agenda,
prohibit abortion, and restore Constitutional fidelity
to the Federal government.

You are Cordially Invited to the
Gala Anniversary Event of The Conservative Caucus
Vision Forum |
American Target
Advertising |
John Birch Society |
Maj. F. ANDY
USA, Ret. |
Summit Ministries |
Balladeer |
An evening to remember...
Representative Ron Paul
Tributes by many conservative
An evening of fascinating entertainment by Charlie Zahm and Tad Marks
A reunion of many conservative activists and
the founders of the modern conservative movement
A look at 35 years of
accomplishments -- and plans for the future
28, 2009
At the Hyatt Arlington Hotel
1325 Wilson Boulevard,
Arlington (Rosslyn), VA 22209
6:00 - 10:00 pm |
$35,000 35 First Class seats (seating and pictures with Ron
Paul and other speakers, admission to exclusive private
reception, and commemorative gift)
$10,000 10 First Class seats (seating and pictures with Ron
Paul and other speakers, admission to exclusive private
reception, and commemorative gift)
$1,000 First Class seating, private reception, and
commemorative gift
Tickets $200 apiece General reception and commemorative gift
Contact Joyce at 703-281-6782
to make your reservation. Send your check payable to TCC (not tax deductible) to
Howard Phillips, The Conservative Caucus (TCC), 450 Maple Avenue
East, Vienna, VA 22180
Donors may offer their tickets to be used by students and
other worthy activists if they are unable to attend or to fill a
to TCC are not tax deductible. The IRS has determined TCC to be a
501(c)4 organization exempt from Federal income tax. Corporate
donations are permitted. |