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June 15, 2002 USA PATRIOT ACT MAKES US ALL GUILTY According to Joel Skousen (World Affairs Brief, 05/17/02 in The Reaper, 6/5/02, p. 11), "The USA Patriot Act "creates a definition of terrorism so broad that almost any minor criminal offense and even some misdemeanors could be construed as terrorist acts. According to the Act, any activity that involves acts dangerous to human life that violate the laws of the United States or any state and appear to be intended [vague]: (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping could be construed as terrorism. The Act nearly eliminates any judicial supervision of telephone and Internet surveillance by federal law-enforcement authorities. Federal agencies have been conducting illegal surveillance of civilians for years, but the Act makes their authority to do so official. It authorizes the FBI to acquire any business records whatsoever by order of a secret US court without having to show evidence of a crime. The recipient of such a search order is forbidden from telling any person that he has received such a request, which is a violation of First and Fourth Amendment protections of free speech and private property. The Act gives the Attorney General and the Secretary of State the power to arbitrarily designate domestic groups as terrorist organizations, and to deport any noncitizen who belongs to such designated associations. This will lead to broad based snooping of any American citizens whom Federal agencies view as hostile to government. This tactic is already being used in Maricopa County in Arizona, where federal officials included in a published watch list of potential domestic terrorists defenders of the US Constitution against government and the UN (Super Patriots). Since when is being a critic of government or the UN a crime? The Act allows unverified information gathered in any federal investigation to be shared with intelligence agencies, and put on national databases, without public scrutiny or recourse against such information if false. This constitutes one of the main pillars of a Police State. Most of the sweeping changes the Act makes have little or nothing to do with fighting terrorism. Drug enforcement powers are widely expanded, as well as the ability of federal agencies to make seizures of private property. " EEOC BROUGHT PRESSURE TO HIRE MUSLIMS IN AIRPORT SECURITY POSTS Paul Sperry writes (, 11/9/01) that "A leading airport-security firm under fire for hiring foreigners was pressured by the federal government two-and-a-half years ago to rehire Arab non-citizens. "Argenbright Security Inc., which provides security at both Washington Dulles International and Ronald Reagan Washington National airports, agreed in early 1999 to rehire seven Muslim women after they filed a religion-bias complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission." EITHER WAY THEY LOSE "The Justice Department, in the wake of the Sept. 11 hijackings, is investigating the same company for failing to properly screen its guards. "Argenbright operates the screening posts under contract with United Airlines at Dulles and Newark International Airport in New Jersey, where Islamic terrorists hijacked two of the four jumbo jets." MUSLIM SENSITIVITY TRAINING REQUIRED "Airport security experts say the EEOC settlement - which also mandates Muslim-sensitivity training for all Argenbright employees - goes a long way toward explaining why 87 percent of the checkpoint screeners at Dulles are not U.S. citizens. All seven Muslim complainants worked as Dulles screeners at the time. " If I were Argenbright and being investigated, Id tell them, "you want to sue us? Go talk to the damn EEOC. Theyre the ones who forced these people on us," said Steve Elson, a former Federal Aviation Administration airport-security inspector. "Four of the seven Muslim workers are from Sudan, a country on the State Departments terrorist blacklist. One is from Egypt, and another is from Afghanistan. "The Muslims contended they were fired by Argenbright for refusing to take off their head scarves while screening passengers. They said covering their heads is required by the Koran. "The EEOC complaint was drafted by a lawyer for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington-based interest group that has spoken out in support of terrorist groups and has called for a halt to U.S. bombing in Afghanistan. In 1998, after Osama bin Laden was fingered for blowing up the U.S. embassies, CAIR demanded that a Los Angeles billboard with bin Ladens picture and the caption, Enemy No. 1, be removed." FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES "On Sept. 17, CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad stood next to President Bush at the Islamic Center of Washington, where Bush pleaded for Americans to respect Muslims and Islams teachings of peace. Awad also was seated near the first lady at Bushs Sept. 20 speech to Congress." LEGAL SERVICES FOR TERRORISTS? Marc Morano writes that "A charity fund established to help victims of the Sept. 11th attacks made a grant of $171,000 to a group defending eight individuals being held in connection with the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D..C. "The grant from the September 11th Fund, which is affiliated with the United Way, was given to the Legal Aid Society, a group that is aiding in the legal defense of eight suspects detained in Brooklyn, N.Y. as a result of the governments investigation into the terrorist attacks. " Instead of helping out the victims, theyre actually helping out potentially suspected terrorists, said Dan Rene of the legal watchdog group National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC). " YOUR 9-11 CHARITABLE DONATIONS AT WORK "In its Oct. 3rd announcement, the September 11 Fund stated the grant to the Legal Aid Society will be used to provide immediate direct legal services to the thousands of lower-income individuals working in or near the World Trade Center (including cleaning staff, waiters, messengers, vendors, etc.) who were directly affected by the terrorist attack. "According to Rene, the September 11th fund announced on October 3 the $171,000 grant to the Legal Aid Society was ostensibly to provide emergency civil legal assistance to low-income attack victims. "Ken Boehm and Peter Flaherty of the NLPC wrote in a letter today to the September 11th Fund, At a time when the public is questioning why so few of the victims have received aid they desperately need from groups that have raised hundreds of millions of dollars, it is disturbing that the Legal Aid Society rushed to provide free civil help to the detainees. " Source:, 11/8/01 December 15, 2001 RUSSIANS FINALLY WIN IN AFGHANISTAN According to Eric Margolis (, 11/26/01), "When Pakistan ditched its ally, Taliban, in September, and sided with the US, Islamabad and Washington fully expected to implant a pro-American regime in Kabul and open the way for the Pak-American pipeline. But this was not to be. "In a dazzling coup, Russian leader Vladimir Putin stole a march on the Bush Administration, which was so busy trying to tear apart Afghanistan to find bin Laden it failed to notice the Russians were taking over half the country." IS NORTHERN ALLIANCE MOSCOWS PROXY? "The wily Russians achieved this victory through their proxy Afghan force, the Northern Alliance. Moscow, which has sustained the Alliance since 1990, re-armed it after 11 Sept with new tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, helicopters, and trucks. The Alliances two military leaders, Gen Rashid Dostam and Gen Muhammed Fahim, were stalwarts of the old communist regime with close links to KGB. "Putin put Chief of the Russian General Staff, Col. Gen. Viktor Kvashnin, and the deputy director of KGB, in charge of the Alliance. During the Balkan fighting in 1999, the hard-charging Kvashnin outfoxed the US by seizing Prishtinas airfield, thus assuring a permanent Russian role in Kosovo. "Now, hes done it again. To the fury of Washington and Islamabad, in a coup de main, Kvashnin rushed the Northern Alliance into Kabul, in direct contravention of Bushs dictates. "The Russians have regained influence over Afghanistan, revenged their defeat by the US in the 1980s war, and neatly checkmated the Bush Administration which, for all its high-tech military power, understood little about Afghanistan." AMONG OTHER THINGS, ITS ABOUT OIL "Americas ouster of the Taliban regime meant Pakistan lost its former influence over Afghanistan and is now cut off from Central Asias resources. So long as the Alliance holds power, the US is equally denied access to the much coveted Caspian Basin. Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kirgizstan, Azerbaijan, and Chechnya contain the worlds most recently discovered major oil and gas deposits. "The world has ample oil today. Today, total global consumption is 60-70 million barrels. But, according to CIA estimates, when China and India reach South Koreas current level of per capita energy use, within 30 years, their combined oil demand will be 120 million barrels daily. In short, the major powers will be locked in fierce competition for [scarce] oil, with the Gulf and Central Asia the focus of this rivalry." ACCESS TO OIL IS GEOSTRATEGICALLY CRUCIAL "Central Asias oil and gas producers are landlocked. Their energy wealth must be exported through long pipelines. Competition over potential pipeline routes has become the 21st Centurys geopolitical equivalent of the great power race to build strategic railroads, a rivalry that helped spark World War I. "He who controls energy, controls the globe. The United States imports only 7% of its energy from the Mideast, but holds on to this vital region in order to control the energy source of its European and Japanese allies." ACROSS WHOSE TERRITORY WILL THE OIL FLOW? "Russia, the worlds second largest oil exporter, wants Central Asian resources to be transported across its territory. Iran, also an oil producer, wants the energy pipelines to debouche at its ports, the shortest route. "The United States and Pakistan have long sought to build pipelines running due south from Termez, Uzbekistan, to Kabul, Afghanistan, then down to Pakistans Arabian Sea ports, Karachi and Gwadar. Oilmen call this route, the new Silk Road, after the fabled route used to export Chinas riches. But this requires a stable, pro-western Afghanistan." IRAN IS A KEY PLAYER "Iran has intrigued in Afghanistan since 1989 to keep that nation in disorder, thus preventing rival Pakistan from building its long-sought Termez-Karachi pipeline." NEW WORLD ORDER POLICYMAKERS HAVE IMPLEMENTED A "DEFEND FOREIGNERS FIRST" USE OF AMERICAS MILITARY MANPOWER AND WEAPONRY Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex.) points out that "The sober reality is that on September 11th millions of foreigners abroad were better protected by American armed forces than were our own citizens at home. In fact, on that fateful morning we had tens of thousands of soldiers and billions of dollars in weapons deployed worldwide all standing by helplessly while our citizens were savagely attacked in New York and Washington. "It is beyond frustrating to consider that there are literally dozens of places around the globe where an unauthorized commercial jet straying off course would have been confronted by American fighters, yet the New York skyline and even the Pentagon were left almost completely unprotected." SAFER IN SERBIA AND SOUTH KOREA THAN NYC OR D.C.? "The American people have a right to know, for example, why the Iraq-Kuwait border, the DMZ between North and South Korea, and the skies over Serbia were better defended that morning than our own cities, borders, and skies." MORE THAN 100 COUNTRIES ENJOY OUR PROTECTION WHY NOT DEFEND THE USA? "We must understand that U.S. troops currently are permanently or semi-permanently stationed in more than one hundred countries. We undoubtedly are involved in more regional conflicts than any other time in our history . Yet our military is only half the size it was during the Reagan era. " COAST GUARD SHOULD BE BROUGHT HOME NATO SHOULD BE SENT HOME "Consider the Coast Guard, whose seemingly obvious mission is to secure Americas coastlines. So why are Coast Guard vessels busy patrolling Mediterranean waters and the shoreline of Colombia? Similarly, why do we need the help of German NATO AWACS planes to control American skies when we have 33 of our own? Are all 33 being used overseas?" Texas Straight Talk, 10/22/01 BUSHS "SNEAK AND PEEK" Jon Dougherty reports (, 10/30/01) that "Last week, President Bush signed into law new powers sought by Attorney General John Ashcroft and the Justice Department that will allow federal law-enforcement agencies to wiretap the entire Internet. Under the USA Patriot Act of 2001, law-enforcement agencies can also, in rare instances, search a persons home without informing that homeowner for up to 90 days the so-called sneak-and-peek provision as well as implant a hidden key logger device on that suspects computer, allowing law-enforcement officials to capture passwords and monitor every keystroke of a suspects computer. " WOULD THEY WANT CLINTON OR GORE TO HAVE THIS POWER? " We should think always that every new law may be enforced by our worst enemies, said Jon B. Utley, the Robert A. Taft fellow in constitutional and international studies at the Ludwig von Mises Institute. Think about maybe a Hillary Clinton enforcing these laws to "investigate" conservatives. " CONGRESSIONAL REPUBLICANS ALMOST ALWAYS ROLL OVER FOR GOP PRESIDENTS "Though liberal Democrats are often associated with wide expansions of the size and scope of the federal government, Utley said Republican administrations are guilty of many of the most egregious taking away of constitutional freedoms. " RICO and the seizure laws whereby police can confiscate cars, boats, even homes without due process and keep the money for their own departments, were products of GOP administrations, he said. " Sneak-and-peek is a radical departure from the way our Founding Fathers tried to protect us from unreasonable searches and seizures, said J. Bradley Jansen, deputy director of the Free Congress Foundations Center for Technology Policy ." NO SUNSET PROVISION AND WOULD APPLY TO NON-TERRORISTS " Citizens are supposed to enjoy the protection of the Fourth Amendment. What makes this measure particularly troubling is that the sunset provisions that apply to other measures of the anti-terrorism bill do not apply here, he said. Furthermore, it applies to all crimes that fall under federal jurisdiction, not just those involving terrorism. " PREVIOUS GOP-INITIATED LAWS HAVE BEEN USED TO PROSECUTE PRO-LIFERS "Utley pointed out that RICO statutes racketeering and organized crime provisions originally written to target the Mafia have been misapplied to gain convictions against doctors for private billing practices and against Americans protesting at abortion clinics." ONLY THREE REPUBLICANS VOTED "NO" Republican Congressmen who opposed H.R. 3162 (Roll Call no. 398, 10/24/01, passed 357-66) were:
IT DEPENDS ON WHAT THE DEFINITION OF "PATRIOT" IS John Whitehead writes (11/5/01) that "One day after terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon traumatized our nation, President Bush vowed, We will not allow this enemy to win the war by changing our way of life or restricting our freedoms. Yet six weeks after the tragedy that claimed more than 6,000 lives, Congress passed, and President Bush signed into law a bill officially known under the Orwellian name the USA Patriot Act of 2001 a law that, in many ways, contradicts everything this country stands for and could easily sweep up innocent civilians in a dragnet of surveillance and detentions. [B]y expanding the definition of terrorism, this law could be used by our government to harass a broad range of political dissenters ." CARNIVORE AND MORE "And now, for the first time in the history of this nation, federal agents and police officers have the right to conduct black-bag sneak-and-peek searches of homes and offices without first notifying you of their intent or without you even being present. [L]aw enforcement investigators can use roving wiretaps to listen in on your phone conversations. This law will also make it easier for the FBI using its powerful new Internet spying technology called Carnivore to monitor computers, read e-mails and track which web pages are visited by American citizens with merely the say-so of an employer or university. This is the power now possessed by the FBI ." (The Rutherford Institute, P.O. Box 7482, Charlottesville VA 22906) 15 CHICOMS DIE WHILE AIDING TALIBAN AGAINST U.S. "Military sources in Dushanbe and Bishbek, capitals of Tajikistan and Kyrgizstan respectively, report at least 15 Chinese fighting men on the side of the Taliban, were killed in last weeks U.S. bombing over [Kandahar] and in a separate incident on the ground, according to the DEBKA intelligence news service. "This report was confirmed, reports DEBKA, by Pakistani sources in Peshawar, who discovered the Chinese presence alongside the Taliban from their own intelligence reports on the death of the commander of Arab Afghan troops in Jalalabad. That commander was Basir al Masri, a senior aide to Osama bin Laden and the Egyptian Islamic Jihad chief, Ayman al-Zawahiri. "Al Masri appears to have been caught by an American bombardment, just as he was leaving [Kandahar] for Jalalabad after meeting Taliban leaders. Those leaders warned him as he left that U.S. Special Forces units were operating in the southern and western outskirts of the town. Because they thought the size of his bodyguard insufficient, they offered a detail of their own men to see him safely past the danger zone. Among that armed escort were five Chinese fighters. A Special Forces unit waylaid the group and detonated explosive charges, one of which hit Abu Basirs vehicle and a second the escort vehicles. Most of the escort was killed, including three of the Chinese guards. The next day, their bodies were carried into Kandahar. "Another 10 Chinese fighters were killed in U.S. bombardments, DEBKA reports." NON-ARABS NEED NOT APPLY "The intelligence service reports its sources have no doubt that the Chinese combatants fought in a Taliban unit and were not part of Osama bin Ladens al-Qaida or its associated Egyptian Jihad forces in Afghanistan. Neither organization admits non-Arab adherents certainly not as guards for its senior officers." BIN LADEN GOT MILLIONS FROM RED CHINESE FOR U.S. MISSILES "The Chinese-bin Laden relationship goes back some years. The British daily, Guardian, carried a report Saturday by John Hooper in Milan, claiming that three years ago, China paid bin Laden several million dollars for unexploded American cruise missiles left over from the U.S. attack on his bases. Hooper quotes an alleged senior al-Qaida agent in Europe, whose account is contained in the transcript of a secretly taped conversation between two bin Laden adherents.", 10/22/01 October 31, 2001 PROHIBIT, PROTECT, AND PUNISH: TIME TO DEFEND OUR BORDERS Phyllis Schlafly prescribes practical action against terrorism: " We must immediately close our borders to all illegal aliens and deport those who are in the United States, including the millions who are illegally in this country on expired visas. It is a default of duty that our government hasnt made this a regular practice, and there is no time to delay in starting now. " We must increase the Border Patrol to any extent necessary to keep guards on duty 24 hours a day at all crossing points and provide military backup as needed. The Constitution, Article IV, Section 4, states: The United States shall protect each of the States against invasion. " We must completely overhaul visa procedures to require full disclosure about the applicants identity, employment, destination, health, travel plans and U.S. guarantors. " We should require all legal aliens to carry an ID card with fingerprints, report their residence and travels, and enter the information on a database to track their travels in this country and flag the date of their visa expiration. " No visas of any kind should be issued to countries of suspected terrorists or countries that refuse to repudiate terrorists, and the State Department, which is responsible for the lax issuance of visas, must be monitored. Our government should keep a database of all illegal aliens who are deported and make them ineligible for reentry. " We should put a moratorium on the granting of all student and worker visas until a system is in place to track the aliens in this country and assure that they report to the educational institution or corporation claimed as the reason for entry. " We should forbid colleges and universities that receive federal funding from giving free tuition, student loans or in-state tuition rates to aliens. We have too many American students who need this type of assistance. " All airport security personnel, as well as pilots, should be required to be U.S. citizens. " The safety instructions given to flight crews to be passive and cooperative with hijackers should be rescinded immediately and replaced with instructions and training in how to overpower and outmaneuver hijackers. " The mug shots of the 22 most wanted terrorists, plus the 19 hijackers, all fit an identifiable profile. The airlines should be given legal immunity for refusing to board anyone they think may pose a danger. " States should repeal laws that allow illegal aliens to get drivers licenses and the states that are currently toying with this bad idea should deep-six it. Drivers licenses should be issued only to citizens and legal residents who can pass the drivers test in English. " We should put a moratorium on all immigration for at least a year. We certainly should not admit any refugees from the current conflict as there is no way to know the good guys from the potential bad guys. " We should review naturalizations of the past five years to detect fraud or criminal records as a basis for revocation of citizenship. Revoke the citizenship of any naturalized citizen who violates the oath to renounce allegiance to another country by asserting dual citizenship or holding public office in a foreign country. " We should not use terrorism as an excuse to promote measures that simply increase the power and budget of Big Government or place more controls over the actions of law-abiding Americans. The law must make a clear distinction between citizens and aliens. "Encourage your member of Congress to introduce legislation to achieve any of these goals or to support the bills already in the hopper. Current bills worthy of support include Missouri Republican Sen. Kit Bonds bill to require foreigners to carry ID cards, New Hampshire Republican Sen. Bob Smiths bill to allow airline pilots to carry guns and Colorado Republican Rep. Tom Tancredos bill to put a one-year moratorium on immigration." (Washington Times, 10/20/01, p. A12) "OPEN BORDERS" IMMIGRATION POLICY PLACES AMERICA AT RISK John J. Miller writes (National Review, 10/15/01, p. 41) that "On the day hijackers slammed their jumbo jets into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the House of Representatives was scheduled to vote on a measure the pro-immigration lobby has wanted for years. Its called 245(i), and it would have let illegal aliens adjust their status without leaving the United States. In other words, people living in this country in violation of its immigration laws would be able, when eligible, to pick up green cards at their local INS office as opposed to having to travel abroad to seek them at consular offices. This is another example of how official Washington winks at illegal immigration, and it would have won easy approval but for the emergency evacuation of the House Chamber." BUSH PLAN FOR ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY DIED ON 9-11 "A lot changed on September 11. The 245(i) provision may still pass its pretty popular among politicians because theres a specific constituency for it but there wont be any more talk about a broad amnesty for illegal aliens. (Opponents probably wouldnt hesitate to point out that one of the men responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing became a legal resident because of the last amnesty, in 1986.) "To the extent that the amnesty measure survives at all, it will downshift into a guest-worker program for agriculture, whose advocates feel compelled to speak in terms of what they call food security. " STATE DEPARTMENT PRACTICES FACILITATE RISKY ENTRIES "One of the most obvious ways to improve border security is to increase the size of the Border Patrol. Congress has doubled the number of agents since the mid 1990s, but has ignored what may be considered Americas adjunct Border patrol: the State Departments consular corps in U.S. embassies. These are the people responsible for issuing tourist, student, and immigrant visas and they represent a portal many foreigners must pass through before they even set foot on American soil. Roughly half of all illegal aliens got into the U.S. not by swimming across the Rio Grande in the black of night, but by entering with valid visas and then staying past their expiration dates. According to authorities, at least 16 of the 19 hijackers came into the U.S. with legal visas. " WE NEED TO TRACK FOREIGNERS FAST "Nearly half a billion foreigners enter the U.S. each year, and the most stringent demand many of them will face is filling out a form asking where theyre headed; the forms are then shipped off to storage, where they probably wont ever be seen again. What the country needs is a high-tech method of tracking foreigners as they enter and leave. Right now, the federal government doesnt even know how many people are in the country with expired visas, let alone who they are or where they live. Five years ago, Congress passed a law to create such a monitoring system, but last year it essentially reversed its decision. This effort now should be revived, and the system it creates should have robust, real-time capabilities. When foreigners come to the U.S., the government ought to open a file on them using biometric technology, such as digital thumbprints. This will confound people who try to enter with false identification (which at least some of the hijackers seem to have done) and also overcome technical problems such as the uncertain spelling of names (Is that Osama with an "O" or Usama with a "U," Mr. bin Laden?)." SECURITY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MONEY "This is in some ways a dicey proposition: More hoops at the Canadian border will cause longer lines at the Windsor Tunnel, which will hurt commerce. Yet it might also be possible to accommodate frequent travelers with something like the speed-pass lanes on toll roads. "Congress will definitely want to improve federal supervision of the roughly half-million people who are in the U.S. on student visas. Its not clear whether the hijackers had such visas, though its reasonable to assume that at least a few of them obtained vocational-training permits called M visas that would have allowed them to enroll at aviation academies. In 1996, Congress passed a law that would have allowed instant access to information on student visa holders but now, five years later, the program still hasnt been fully implemented because of opposition from universities and foreign-student organizations. Congress should demand that it move online rapidly surely before the current 2003 deadline so that the government can keep better tabs not only on who attends flight school but also who switches majors from literature to nuclear engineering. "There are plenty of other necessary steps. The FBI must do a better job of sharing its counterterrorism information with the INS. The bureaucratic culture of the INS itself must change to appreciate its role in fighting terrorism. The Canadians, too, must tighten their own admission procedures: Theres a reason why so many terrorists, including five of the September 11 hijackers, enter Canada before attempting to come here." MANY ALIENS NO LONGER ASSIMILATE Sam Francis points out (The Wanderer, 10/11/01, p. 5) that "It is all very well for public leaders to assure us that most Arab Americans and Muslims are loyal and law-abiding. Theres [no] doubt thats true. Its also true that most Arabs and Muslims outside America are not terrorists. But the larger truth that Americans need to grasp is that by allowing a vast subculture of non-Western immigrants to emerge within our own society, we have permitted the creation of an alternative social structure in which terrorists can move virtually undetected. "The claim of the open-borders lobby that non-Americans and non-Westerners can immigrate to this country and overnight become part of our nation and our civilization simply by assenting to a creed, an idea, or a proposition has now been shattered. "We can bomb Afghanistan and every Arab or Muslim country in the world all we want; we can suspend the Bill of Rights and turn the CIA into a reasonable facsimile of Murder Incorporated; we can wage war abroad until we drop from exhaustion. But until we control our own borders and know that a significant ethnic minority within our own population is not, at best, alien to and, at worst, a sworn enemy of our own people and civilization, we should have no illusions that we are going to win any war against terrorism." NATO/EU POLITICIANS VOW TO PROTECT TERRORISTS FROM DEATH PENALTY Toby Westerman writes (, 10/17/01) that "Lord David Russell-Johnston, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, stated that Europe will not permit the transfer of suspected terrorists to the U.S. if they face the death penalty. Russell-Johnston informed Deutsche Welle that the Council of Europe will only allow the extradition of terrorists if the U.S. indicates that it will not execute them. " THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR CHRISTIAN HERITAGE IS BASED ON MANS SINFUL DESIRE TO SEEK FREEDOM FROM GOD, RATHER THAN FREEDOM UNDER GOD Joe Sobran urges (The Wanderer, 10/11/01, p. 5): "Lets take a good, hard look at ourselves. What have we become? If this were still the basically Christian country it was in 1950, I doubt that the Muslim world would find us loathsome. But that America was a far cry from todays America; that America would have been nauseated by todays America. Does any sane man think that Muslims can regard what liberals call progress the apotheosis of abortion, sodomy, and sexual freedom as anything but spiritual degeneration? Maybe the fact that they call us the Great Satan means that they dont hate us because they think we are good. "Three factors have now changed the situation radically, and for the worse. Europe has abandoned Christianity and adopted contraception; huge numbers of Muslims are moving in; and the Muslims are reproducing. If these trends continue, by the end of this century, two emblematically Catholic countries Spain and Italy will have Muslim majorities. "Osama bin Laden is only one symptom. His actual importance is being grossly exaggerated. The real story is the de-Christianization of Christendom, already far advanced. The post-Cold War victory parties were a little premature: The God-fearing West we set out to save from Godless Communism no longer exists." BUSH SHOULD RECONSIDER HIS "OPEN BORDERS" IMMIGRATION POLICY Sam Francis writes (The Wanderer, 10/4/01, p. 5) that for the mammoth underground network of foreign terrorists, supporters, and collaborators which may already exist in this country "the ease with which the terrorists entered, and the bloodshed they have already perpetrated and may perpetrate in the future, the American people have to thank the open-borders lobby politicians who push for more immigration and fewer restrictions on entry, ideologues who insist that national borders and identities are obsolete, and Big Business, which demands a never-ending flow of cheap labor at the expense of American workers and the security of its own country." SCREENING PLAN SHOULD BE IMPLEMENTED "The FBI reports that at least 15 of the 19 hijackers entered the United States on business or tourist visas. Their entry might have been halted had a computerized screening system of border crossers been in operation. Under the system, foreign criminals, terrorists, and violators of visa laws would have been instantly detected. The system was mandated by Congress after suspected Palestinian terrorists, who had been issued visas without background checks, were arrested in New York in 1996 with bomb-making equipment. "But the system wasnt in operation. Because of action by one of the chief open-borders advocates, former Sen. (now Energy Secretary) Spencer Abraham, the screening system was never established. Abraham, an advocate of virtually unrestricted immigration, claimed it would cause traffic congestion at the Mexican border! " Im pleased that the budget negotiators agreed with us that we cannot allow our border to be turned into one big parking lot, Abraham, then the chairman of the Senate Immigration Subcommittee, said at the time in 1998. Had the screening system been in place, some or all of the terrorists might have been nabbed, and information on them might have led to the others. Some 5,000 Americans or more might still be alive today. You can thank Abraham and his cronies that theyre not." WHY NOT ENFORCE VISA RESTRICTIONS? "Other terrorists seem to have entered on visas that were legal enough but to have overstayed them after the visas expired. Virtually nothing is done today to apprehend or control aliens whose visas have expired; they constitute a vast subterranean subculture within American society. "As for the borders themselves, both the Mexican and Canadian borders were closed immediately after the attacks perhaps the greatest case of locking the barn door after the horse escapes in history. Of course, both the Mexican government and many open-borders ideologues have long claimed the borders cant be shut, that theyre just too long and too many people cross over. The closing of both of them again exposes the falsehoods on which the open borders claims are based." LESSONS OF 9/11
U.N. AND NATO CLAIM AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE INTERNATIONAL LEGAL BASIS UNDER U.N. CHARTER FOR U.S. RESPONSE AGAINST TERRORISTS "In unprecedented developments, the United Nations and NATO have moved to provide the international legal basis for a U.S. response to the terrorist attack on American soil. Acting U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. James Cunningham called the terrorist attack an assault on U.N. 'values' and thanked the U.N. Security Council, including Communist China and Russia, notorious supporters of terrorist regimes, for their 'support' after it passed a resolution authorizing a response. "The U.N. General Assembly also passed a resolution denouncing the attack. 'Together, we've demonstrated - here today in the historic hall of the General Assembly - that we are united and strong in the face of teror,' Cunningham said to a group that includes Iraq, Sudan, Iran, Libya, and Cuba and the PLO. U.N. Boss Kofi Annan said, 'All nations of the world must work together to identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice.' NATO said it regards the attack on the U.S. as an attack on NATO and that NATO will respond under the authority of the U.N. Charter." Cliff Kincaid, America's Survival, Inc
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