Alien Enemy Presidential Proclamations
On April 6, 1917 President Woodrow Wilson took the first steps to minimize
the threat from German aliens residing in the United States by issuing
twelve regulations for "alien enemies," persons of enemy birth who had not
completed the naturalization process. By the end of the war, twenty
regulations in all were issued. The first twelve on April 6, and the
remaining eight on November 16, 1917. The authority to intern was derived
from these presidential proclamations and the majority of those interned in
the western United States were interned under section 20.
Proclamation of April 6, 1917 |
An alien enemy shall not have in his possession, at any time or place,
any fire-arm, weapon or implement of war, or component part thereof,
ammunition, maxim or other silencer, bomb or explosive or material used in
the manufacture of explosives;
An alien enemy shall not have in his possession at any time or place,
or use or operate any aircraft or wireless apparatus, or any form of
signalling device, or any form of cipher code, or any paper, document or
book written or printed in cipher or in which there may be invisible
All property found in the possession of an alien enemy in violation of
the foregoing regulations shall be subject to seizure by the United States;
An alien enemy shall not approach or be found within one-half of a mile
of any Federal or State fort, camp, arsenal, aircraft station, Government
or naval vessel, navy yard, factory, or workshop for the manufacture of
munitions of war or of any products for the use of the Army or Navy;
An alien enemy shall not write, print, or publish any attack or threats
against the Government or Congress of the United States, or either branch
thereof, or against the measures or policy of the United States, or against
the person or property of any person in the military, naval, or civil
service of the Unites States, or of the States or Territories, or of the
District of Columbia, or of the municipal governments therein;
An alien enemy shall not commit or abet any hostile act against the
United States, or give information, aid, or comfort to its enemies;
An alien enemy shall not reside in or continue to reside in, to remain
in, or enter any locality which the President may from time to time
designate by Executive Order as a prohibited area in which residence by an
alien enemy shall be found by him to consititute a danger to the public
peace and safety of the United States, except by permit from the President
and except under such limitations or restrictions as the President may
An alien enemy whom the President shall have reasonable cause to
believe to be aiding or about to aid the enemy, or to be at large to the
danger of the public peace or safety of the United States, or to have
violated or to be about to violate any of these regulations, shall remove
to any location designated by the President by Executive Order, and shall
not remove therefrom without a permit, or shall depart from the United
States if so required by the President;
No alien enemy shall depart from the United States until he shall have
received such permit as the President shall prescribe, or except under
order of a court, judge, or justice, under Sections 4069 and 4070 of the
Revised Statutes;
No alien enemy shall land in or enter the United States, except under
such restrictions and at such places as the President may prescribe;
If necessary to prevent violations of these regulations, all alien
enemies will be obliged to register;
An alien enemy whom there may be reasonable cause to believe to be
aiding or about to aid the enemy, or who may be at large to the danger of
the public peace or safety, or who violates or attempts to violate, or of
whom there is reasonable ground to believe that he is about to violate, any
regulation duly promulgated by the President, or any criminal law of the
United States, or of the States or Territories thereof, will be subject to
summary arrest by the United States Marshal, or his deputy, or such other
officer sa the President shall designate, and to confinement in such
penitentiary, prison, jail, military camp, or other place of detention as
may be directed by the President.
Proclamation of November 16, 1917 |
An alien enemy shall not approach or be found within one hundred yards
of any canal; nor within one hundred yards of any wharf, pier or dock used
directly by or by means of lighters by any vessels of over five hundred
(500) tons gross engaged in foreign or domestic trade other than fishing;
nor within one hundred yards of any warehouse, shed, elevator, railroad
terminal or other terminal, storage or transfer facility adjacent to or
operated in connection with any such wharf, pier or dock; and wherever the
distance between any two of such wharves, piers or docks, measured along
the shore line connecting them, is less than eight hundred and eighty
yards, an alien enemy shall not approach or be found within one hundred
yards of such shore line.
Whenever the Attorney General of the United States deem it to be
necessary, for the public safety and the protection of transportation, to
exclude alien enemies from the vicinity of any warehouse, elevator or
railroad depot, yard or terminal which is not located within any prohibited
area designated by this proclamation or the proclamation of April 6th,
1917, then an alien enemy shall not approach or be found within such a
distance of any such warehouse elevator, depot, yard or terminal as may be
specified by the Attorney General by regulation duly made and declared by
him; and the Attorney General is hereby authorized to fix, by regulations
to be made and declared from time to time, the area surrounding any such
warehouse, elevator, depot, yard or terminal from which he deems it
necessary, for the public safety and the protection of transportation to
exclude alien enemies.
An alien enemy shall not, except on public ferries, be found on any
ocean, bay, river or other waters within three miles of the shore line of
the United States or its territorial possessions; said shore line for the
purpose of this proclamation being hereby defined as the line of sea coast
and the shores of all waters of the United States and its territorial
possessions connected with the high seas and navigable by ocean going
vessels; nor on any of the Great Lakes, their connecting waters or harbors,
within the boundaries of the United States.
No alien enemy shall ascend into the air in any airplane, balloon,
airship, or flying machine.
An alien enemy shall not enter or be found within the District of
An alien enemy shall not enter or be found within the Panama Canal
All alien enemies are hereby required to register at such times and
places and in such manner as may be fixed by the Attorney General of the
United States and the Attorney General is hereby authorized and directed to
provide, as speedily as may be practicable, for registration of all alien
enemies and for the issuance of registration cards to alien enemies and to
make and declare such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary for
effecting such registration; and all alien enemies and all other persons
are hereby required to comply with such rules and regulations; and the
Attorney General in carrying out such registration, is hereby authorized to
utilize such agents, agencies, officers and departments of the United
States and of the several states, territories, dependencies and
municipalities thereof and of the District of Columbia as he may select for
the purpose, and all such agents, agencies, officers and departments are
hereby granted full authority for all acts done by them in the execution of
this regulation when acting by the direction of the Attorney General. After
the date fixed by the Attorney General for such registration, an alien
enemy shall not be found within the limits of the United States, its
territories or possessions, without having his registration card on his
An alien enemy shall not change his place of abode or occupation or
otherwise travel or move from place to place without full compliance with
any such regulations as the Attorney General of the United States may, from
time to time, make and declare; and the Attorney General is hereby
authorized to make and declare, from time to time, such regulations
concerning the movements of alien enemies as he may deem necessary in the
premises and for the public safety, and to provide in such regulations for
monthly, weekly or other periodical report by alien enemies to federal,
state or local authorities; and all alien enemies shall report at the times
and places and to the authorities specified in such regulations.
Taken from U.S., President, Proclamation,"Alien Enemy Regulation" Statutes
at Large, vol. XL, Part 2, pp. 1651-1652; U.S., President , Proclamation,
"Additional and Supplemental Regulations Concerning Alien Enemies" Statutes
at Large, vol. XL, Part 2, pp. 1716-1718.
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