Executive Orders Executive Orders form the White House

Executive Orders, Presidential Documents, White House

Executive Order No. 6205-C, July 15, 1933

Silk Manufacturing Industry

  [No code of fair competition for the silk industry has yet been approved, but the above named divisions of that industry are operating under the Cotton Textile Code pursuant
to an agreement with the President, embodied in the following Executive Order:]

  Pursuant to the authority vested in me by Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act, approved June 16, 1933, and pending action upon a Code of Fair Competition to be presented by the Silk Association of America.

  I agree with the Committee representing the Broad Silk and Rayon Weavers Division, the Converters Division, the Special Fabrics Division, the Ribbon Division and the Woven Label Division, of the Silk Association of America, that they shall be bound beginning July 17 by the provisions of the Cot- ton Textile Industry Code as set forth in the telegram, dated July 14, offering this agreement to the President of the United States pursuant to Section 4 of the National Recovery Act, which telegram is signed by Henry E. Stehli, James C. Black, Paul C. Derby, Sol C. Moss, Ramsay Peugent, George G.
Sommaripa, and addressed to Mr. Nelson Slater, Deputy Ad- ministrator, Department of commerce, Washington, D.C., with the express understanding that this agreement is subject to cancellation at any time without notice.


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