Executive Order No. 6474, December 4, 1933
The Establishment of the Federal Alcohol Control Administration
By virtue of the authority vested in me under Title I of the
National Industrial Recovery Act, approved June 16, 1933 (Public
No. 67, 73d, Congress):
(1) There is hereby established an agency to be known as the
"Federal Alcohol Control Administration" to aid in effectuating
the policy of said title.
(a) The Administration shall be composed of five officers of
the executive branch of the Government to designated by the
President from time to time.
(3) The following-named persons are hereby designated and appointed as the original
members of the Federal Alcohol Control
Administration, established under the provisions of said
Joseph H. Choate, Jr., Treasury Department
Edward G. Lowry, Jr., Treasury Department
Harris E. Willingham, Department of Agriculture
W. A. Tarver, Department of Justice
Willard L. Thorp, Department of Commerce
(4) Joseph H. Choate, Jr., is designated as chairman of and
Director for the Administration.
(5) The Administration is hereby authorized (a) to make investigations and studies
with reference to the coordination of the activities of the Government pertaining to the
taxation, control, and regulation of alcohol and alcoholic beverages, and such other
investigations and studies as it deems necessary to aid it in performing its functions;
(b) to exercise such powers and duties as may be vested in it by any code of fair
competition or license under the National Industrial Recovery Act or by any marketing
agreement or license under the Agricultural adjustment Act, pertaining to alcohol or
alcoholic beverages; (c) to prescribe rules and regulations with respect to any such code,
marketing agreement, or license, other than provisions thereof relating to hours of labor,
rates of pay, or other conditions of employment; and
(6) To utilize the services of any department or other establishment or agency of the
Government to the extent necessary to carry out the powers and duties of the
Administration including services of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Bureau of Customs,
the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, and the Food and Drugs Administration. Any
department, establishment, or agency whose services are so utilized may be compensated
therefor from such funds as may be allowed to the Administration from moneys available for
carrying out the purposes of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act.
(7) The Administration shall fix the compensation and define the powers and duties of
the Director. The Director shall appoint and fix the compensation of such officers and
employees of the Administration without regard to the civil-service rules and the
Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and shall make such expenditures as may be
necessary to carry out the powers and duties of the Administration.
(8) For the purposes of this order (including payment of the salary of the Director
for the Administration), unless otherwise provided for, the sum of $500,000 is hereby
allocated from the appropriation of $3,300,000,000 authorized by Section 220 of the
National Industrial Recovery Act and made by the Fourth Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1933
(Public No. 77, 73d Congress)
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