Executive Order No. 6568
Miscellaneous Provisions
By virtue of the authority vested in me under section 4 of title I of the act entitled "An act to maintain the credit of the United States Government", approved March 20, 1933 (Public, No. 2, 73d Congress), the following regulation amending Veterans Regulation No. 10 and Veterans Regulation No. 10 (b) is hereby prescribed:
1. Paragraph X of Veterans Regulation No. 10 as amended by Veterans Regulation No. 10 (b), is amended to read as follows:
"X. No person holding an office or position, appointive or elec- tive, under the United States Government, or the municipal govern- ment of the District of Columbia, or under any corporation, the majority of the stock of which is owned by the United States, shall be paid a pension, or emergency officers' retirement pay, so long as he continues to draw a salary from such employment, except (1) those receiving pension or emergency officers' retirement pay for dis- abilities incurred in combat with an enemy of the United States or for disabilities resulting from an explosion of an instrumentality of war in line of duty during an enlistment or employment as pro- vided in Veterans Regulation No. 1 (a), Part I, paragraph I; (2) those persons so employed whose pension is protected by the pro- visions of the act; however, the rate of pension as to this class shall not exceed $6 per month; (3) those unmarried persons whose salary or compensation for service as such employee is in an amount not in excess of $1,000 per annum, computed monthly, or any married per- son or any person with minor children whose salary or compensa- tion for service as such employee is in an amount not in excess of $2,500 per annum, computed monthly; and (4) widows of veterans."
2. Veterans Regulation No. 10 is amended by adding a new para- graph to read as follows:
"XXI. Any person entitled to monetary benefits under the pro- visions of title I, Public No. 2, 73d Congress, or section 20, Public No. 78, 73d Congress, may renounce his right thereto. The appli- cation renouncing the right shall be in writing over the person's signature and upon filing of such application, payment of monetary benefits and the right thereto shall be terminated and he shall be denied any and all rights thereto from date of receipt of such appli- cation by the Veterans' Administration. The renouncement pro- vided for herein shall not preclude the person from filing a new application for pension at a future date but such application shall have the attributes of an original application and no payment will be made for any period prior to the date thereof."
3. The amendments contained in this regulation shall be effective as of the date of promulgation.
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The White House,
January 19, 1934.
[No. 6568]
An act to afford protection of pension benefits to peacetime veterans
placed on the pension rolls after March 19, 1933, and for other purposes
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That paragraph X of Executive Order Numbered 6098, dated March 31, 1933 (Vet- erans' Regulation Numbered 10 (38 U.S.C., ch. 12, appendix)), as amended by paragraph 1, Executive Order Numbered 6568, dated January 19, 1934 (Veterans' Regulation Numbered 10 (c)),is hereby canceled as of the date of enactment of this Act.
Approved, August 25, 1937. (Pub. 357, 75th Cong., ch. 761, 1st sess.)
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