Executive Order No. 6661
Veterans Regulations No. 1 (d)
Entitlement to Pension
By virtue of the authority vested in me under sec-
tions 1 and 4 of title I of the act entitled "An act to
maintain the credit of the United States Government",
approved March 20, 1933 (Public, No. 2, 73d Congress),
the following regulation amending Veterans Regulation
No. 1 (a) is hereby prescribed:
I. Veterans Regulation No. 1 (a) is hereby amended
by adding a new part (V) to read as follows:
I. In all cases disallowed by the Special Boards of
Review authorized under section 20 of Public Law
Numbered 78, 73d Congress, 75 per centum of the pay-
ments being made on March 19, 1933 shall be paid from
the date of this regulation to the date of decision by the
Board of Veterans' Appeal: Provided, That the Board
of Veterans' Appeals is hereby authorized and directed
to review all such cases at the earliest practicable date:
Provided further, That the provisions of Veterans Reg-
ulation No. 2 (a), part III, shall be generally applicable
for such review, and particularly the Board of Veterans'
Appeals shall determine on all available evidence the
question of whether service connection shall be granted
under the provisions of Veterans Regulations issued
pursuant to Public No. 2, 73d Congress, and notwith-
standing the evidence may not clearly demonstrate the
existence of the disease or any specific clinical findings
within the terms of or period prescribed by Veterans
Regulation No. 1 (a), Part I, paragraph I (c) issued
under Public No. 2, 73d Congress, shall in their deci-
sions resolve all reasonable doubts in favor of the vet-
eran, the burden of proof in such cases being on the
Government: Provided further, That the Administrator
of Veterans' Affairs is hereby authorized and directed
to develop such cases by correspondence and investiga-
tion to the end that all available material evidence shall
be secured and made a part of the claim before decision
by the Board of Veterans' Appeals is rendered: Pro-
vided further, That in those cases where, as a result of
the review, service connection is granted by the Board of
Veterans' Appeals, pension shall be payable, effective
July 1, 1933, at the rate provided in Veterans Regula-
tion No. 1 (a), part I as amended, subject to deduction
of the amount of pension paid for any period subsequent
to June 30, 1933: Provided further, That the provisions
of Veterans Regulations promulgated under Public Law
Numbered 2, 73d Congress, pertaining to Federal em-
ployees, hospitalized cases, and beneficiaries residing
outside the continental limits of the United States, shall
be applicable to those persons entitled to under
the foregoing provisions of this paragraph.
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The White House,
March 27, 1934.
[No. 6661.]
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