Executive Order No. 6777, June 30, 1934
The National Resources Board is Established
BY VIRTUE of the authority vested in me by the National Industrial Recovery Act (Public No. 67, 73d Cong.), I hereby establish the National Resources Board, consisting of the Secretary of the Interior (chairman), the Secretary of War, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Labor, the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator, Frederic A. Delano, Charles E. Merriam, Wesley C. Mitchell.
An advisory committee, consisting of Frederic A. Delano (chairman), Charles E. Merriam, and Wesley C. Mitchell, is hereby constituted, to which additional members may be added from time to time by order of the President.
There is also established a technical committee with no fixed membership or tenure of office to be selected by the Board.
The Functions of the Board shall be to prepare and present to the President a program and plan of procedure dealing with the Physical, social, governmental, and economic aspects of public policies for the development and use of land, water, and other natural resources, and such related subjects as may from time to time be referred to it by the President.
The Board shall submit a report on land and water use on or before December 1, 1934. The program and plan shall include the coordination of projects of Federal, State, and local governments and the proper division of responsibility and the fair division of cost among the several governmental authorities.
The National Planning Board of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works is hereby abolished, and all of its powers, duties, records, personnel, equipment, and funds are hereby transferred to the National Resources Board.
The Committee on National Land Problems, created by Executive Order No. 6693, of April 28, 1934, is hereby abolished.
The Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works is hereby directed to allot to the National Resources Board the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), and such additional sums as may be approved from time to time by the President, to carry out its functions.
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