Executive Orders Executive Orders form the White House

Executive Orders, Presidential Documents, White House

Executive Order No. 6859, September 27, 1934

N.R.A. is Reorganized -- The National Industrial Recovery Board is Established

BY VIRTUE of the authority vested in me by the National Industrial Recovery Act, approved June 16, 1933, and to effectuate the purposes of said act;

1. I hereby appoint Clay Williams, A.D. Whiteside, Sidney Hillman, Leon C. Marshall, and Walton Hamilton to serve as members of the National Industrial Recovery Board, which is hereby created to administer under my direction the provisions of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act.
2. I hereby appoint Blackwell Smith, legal adviser, and Leon Henderson, economic adviser, to said National Industrial Recovery Board. The legal adviser and economic adviser shall serve ex officio as members of said Board.
3. The said Board is hereby authorized, subject to the general approval of the Industrial Emergency committee (created constituted, and empowered by the Executive Order of June 30, 1934, No. 6770, and subsequent Executive Orders amending said Order), to promulgate administrative policies, to appoint, employ, discharge, fix the compensation, define the duties, and direct the conduct of the personnel necessary for its administration and to exercise all those powers heretofore conferred by Executive Order upon the Administrator for Industrial Recovery.
4. The Board shall elect from its members a chairman and an executive secretary, both to serve at the pleasure of the Board and to perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Board, or by the President.
5. Any previous orders concerning the subject matter hereof are hereby modified and amended so far as necessary to make this order fully effective.

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