Executive Order No. 7028, May 1, 1935
Transfer of Land Program F.E.R.A. to the Resettlement Administration
BY VIRTUE of and pursuant to the authority vested in me under Title II of the National Industrial Recovery Act, approved June 16, 1933 (48 Stat. 200), I hereby:
1. Transfer from the Federal Emergency Relief Administration to the Resettlement Administration (a) all the real and personal property or any interest therein, together with all contracts, options, rights and interests, books, papers, memoranda, records, etc., acquired by the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator and the Director of Land Program, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, under allocations, allotments, or transfers of funds made to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration under appropriations for carrying out the provisions of the said National Industrial Recovery Act as made by the Fourth Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1933, approved June 16, 1933 (48 Stat. 274, approved June 19, 1934 (48 Stat. 1055), and (b) all personnel now employed under the supervision of the Director of the Land Program, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere.
2. Authorize the Administrator of the Resettlement Administration
to administer the property transferred to him by this Executive
Order and to exercise with respect to any real or personal
property or any interest therein, contracts, options, rights, and
interests, books, papers, memoranda, and records in connection
with such property, all the powers and functions given to the
Federal Emergency Relief Administrator and the Director of the
Land Program by Executive Order No. 6983 of March 6, 1935,
Executive Order No. 6747 of June 23, 1934, the letter from the
President to the Secretary of the Treasury of August 28, 1934,
allocating funds to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration,
and Executive Order No. 6910-B of December 1, 1934.
3. Transfer and allocate to the Resettlement Administration
all balances of appropriations heretofore made available to, or
allotted for expenditure by, the Federal Emergency Relief
Administration, under the said National Industrial Recovery Act and
the said Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935, to be
used for the purposes for which said moneys were originally
allocated or transferred to the Federal Emergency Relief
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