Executive Order No. 7075, June 15, 1935
N.R.A. is Reorganized after the Supreme Court Decision (Note: Text incomplete)
BY VIRTUE of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act (48 stat. 195), as amended by Senate Joint Resolution No. 113, approved June 14, 1935, it is hereby ordered as follows:
1. The National Industrial Recovery Board created by Executive Order No. 6859 of September 27, 1934, is hereby terminated, and to provide for the continuing administration of the provisions of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act there is hereby created the office of Administrator of the National Recovery Administration.
2. The Administrator of the National Recovery Administration
shall administer the provisions of Title I of the National
Industrial Recovery Act as amended by Senate Joint Resolution
No. 113, approved June 14, 1935, and may exercise all of those
powers heretofore conferred by Executive Order upon the
National Industrial Recovery Board, subject to the limitations upon
such powers contained in the said Senate Joint Resolution No.
113, and subject also to the further provisions of this Executive
Order. . . . I hereby appoint James L. O'Neill as Acting
Administrator of he National Recovery Administration.
3. For the further administration of Title I of the National
Industrial Recovery Act as amended, there is hereby established
the Division of Review. The Division of Review shall assemble,
analyze, and report upon the statistical information and records
of experience of the operations of the various trades and industries
heretofore subject to the codes of fair competition, shall study
the effects of such codes upon trade, industrial and labor conditions
in general, and other related matters, shall make available
for the protection and promotion of the public interest an adequate
review of the effects of the administration of Title I of the
National Industrial Recovery Act, and the principles and policies
put into effect thereunder, and shall otherwise aid the President
in carrying out his functions under the said Title. I hereby
appoint Leon C. Marshall Director of the Division of Review.
4. There is hereby established the Division of Business
Cooperation, the function and purpose of which shall be to aid in
the voluntary maintenance by trade and industrial groups of
standards of fair competition, in the elimination of unfair
competition in the employment of labor or in trade practices, and in
maintaining sources of information and records of experience
useful in the work of the Division of Review, and to otherwise
assist in effectuating, so far as possible, the policies of the
National Industrial Recovery Act as amended. I hereby appoint
Prentiss L. Coonley Director of the Division of Business Cooperation.
5. The Administrator . . . shall proceed forthwith to reduce
as rapidly as possible the number of persons now employed in
the administration of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery
Act to the number necessary to perform the duties of such
Administration as herein, or hereafter, prescribed. . . . I hereby
appoint George L. Berry Assistant to the Administrator of the
National Recovery Administration to represent labor. . . .
7. All orders and regulations heretofore issued concerning the
administration of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery
Act are hereby modified to the extent necessary to make this
order fully effective.
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