Executive Order No. 7421, July 22, 1936
The President Places Postmasters under Civil Service Regulation
BY VIRTUE of and pursuant to the authority vested in my by Section 1755 of the Revised Statutes (U.S.C., Title 5, Sec. 631), by the Act of July 12, 1876 (U.S.C., Title 39, Sec 31), and as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered that whenever a vacancy occurs in the position of postmaster in any office of the first, second, or third class as the result of (1) death, (2) resignation, (3) removal, or (4) expiration of term, the following procedure shall be observed, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Service Act of January 16, 1883 (22 Stat. 403), and the rules and regulations made pursuant to the said Act, in so far as such provisions may be applicable:
SECTION 1. (a) The Postmaster General may recommend to the President the appointment of the incumbent, or the appointment by promotion of a classified employee in the postal service in the vacancy office, provided either such incumbent or such classified employee is found eligible by the Civil Service Commission by noncompetitive examination; or
(b) Upon request of the Postmaster General, the Civil Service Commission shall forthwith hold an open competitive examination to test the fitness of applicants to full such vacancy and shall certify the results thereof to the Postmaster General, who shall thereupon submit to the President for appointment to fill the vacancy the name of the highest eligible unless it is established to the satisfaction of the Civil Service Commission that the character or residence of such eligible disqualifies him for appointment. This procedure shall be followed in all examinations announced by the Civil Service Commission subsequent to the date of this order.
SECTION 2. No person may be admitted to the examinations provided for in Section 1 hereof unless he has been a bona fide patron of the office for which a postmaster is to appointed, for at least one year immediately preceding the time fixed for the close of receipt of applications.
SECTION 3. No person who has passed his sixty-seventh birthday shall be appointed acting postmaster in any office of the first, second, or third class unless he is already in the postal service, nor shall any such person, except as provided in Section 4 hereof, be admitted to any examination which may be held for any such office under provisions of Section 1.
SECTION 4. In all examinations held under the provisions of Section 1 hereof, the age limit prescribed in Section 3 shall be waived as to candidates who are entitled to military preference as a result of service in the World War, the Spanish-American War, or the Philippine Insurrection, and in rating the examination papers of such candidates the Civil Service Commission shall add five points to their earned ratings and make certification to the Postmaster General in accordance with their relative positions thus acquired. The time such candidates were in the service during such wars may be reckoned by the Commission in making up the required length of business experience.
SECTION 5. This order supersedes all prior Executive Orders affecting or relating to the appointment of postmasters to post offices of the first, second, and third classes.
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