Executive Orders Executive Orders form the White House

Executive Orders, Presidential Documents, White House


Ex. Ord. No. 7496, Nov. 14, 1936, 1 F.R. 1946, provided:

By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by Title II of the National Industrial Recovery Act (48 Stat. 200) (title 15, sections 701 to 712), the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 (49 Stat. 115), and the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936 (Public, No. 739, 74th Congress), (title 15, ch. 16 note) I hereby order as follows:

1. There is transferred from the Resettlement Administration to the Secretary of the Interior (a) all the real and personal property or any interest therein, together with all contracts, options, rights and interests, books, papers, memoranda, records, etc., acquired by the Resettlement Administration in connection with the recreational demonstration projects set forth in the attached schedule with funds appropriated or made available to carry out the provisions of the National Industrial Recovery Act by the Fourth Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1933 (48 Stat. 274, 275), and by the Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935 (48 Stat. 1055), and with funds appropriated by the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 (49 Stat. 115), and by the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936 (Public No. 739, 74th Congress), (title 15, ch. 16 note) and (b) all personnel, whether in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, now employed in connection with the acquisition of land for those recreational demonstration projects, together with all administration personnel records pertaining to the employees transferred, and to those employees engaged in development activities as of July 31, 1936, who were released by the Resettlement Administration on that date to permit the Department of the Interior to enter them on its rolls as of August 1.

2. There is transferred and allocated to the Secretary of the

Interior all balances of appropriations heretofore made available to or allotted for expenditure by the Resettlement Administration both for acquiring land for the recreational demonstration projects set forth in the attached schedule and for developing those projects, under the said National Industrial Recovery Act, Fourth Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1933, Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935, Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, and Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936, to be used for the purposes for which such funds were made available or allotted to the Resettlement Administration. The Secretary of the Interior shall assume all outstanding obligations, commitments, and encumbrances heretofore incurred by the Resettlement Administration in connection with the said projects.

3. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized, through the

National Park Service, to complete and administer the projects transferred to him by this Executive Order and to exercise with respect to any real or personal property or any interest therein, contracts, options, rights and interests, books, papers, memoranda, and records acquired in connection with such projects, all the powers and functions given to the Resettlement Administration in connection therewith by Executive Orders Nos. 7027 and 7028 of April 30, 1935, and April 30, 1935, respectively.

4. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the administrative functions transferred and delegated to him by this Executive Order.

Schedule of Recreational Demonstration Projects
OP No. RA No. Name
65-11-24 LD-ME-2 Camden Hills
56-143 LP-ME-2 Camden Hills
65-11-25 LD-ME-3 Acadia
56-144 LP-ME-3 Acadia
65-25-340 LD-MD-4 Catoctin
56-147 LP-MD-4 Catoctin
65-13-145 LD-NH-1 Bear Brook
56-183 LP-NH-1 Bear Brook
65-23-3466 LD-PA-6 Racoon Creek
56-232 LP-PA-6 Racoon Creek
65-23-3467 LD-PA-7 French Creek
56-233 LP-PA-7 French Creek
65-23-3468 LD-PA-8 Laurel Hill
56-234 LP-PA-8 Laurel Hill
65-23-3469 LD-PA-11 Blue Knob
56-235 LP-PA-11 Blue Knob
65-23-3470 LD-PA-12 Hickory Run
56-236 LP-PA-12 Hickory Run
65-16-365 LD-RI-2 Beach Pond
56-238 LP-RI-2 Beach Pond
65-51-3019 LD-MI-4 Waterloo
56-152 LP-MI-4 Waterloo
65-51-3020 LD-MI-6 Yankee Springs
56-153 LP-MI-6 Yankee Springs
65-71-4637 LD-MN-7 St. Croix
56-160 LP-MN-7 St. Croix
65-54-1683 LD-IL-5 Pere Marquette
56-126 LP-IL-5 Pere Marquette
65-52-2067 LD-IN-5 Versailles
56-129 LP-IN-5 Versailles
65-52-2068 LD-IN-6 Winemac
56-130 LP-IN-6 Winemac
65-55-2838 LD-MO-6 Lake of the Ozarks
56-167 LP-MO-6 Lake of the Ozarks
65-55-2839 LD-MO-7 Cuivre River
56-168 LP-MO-7 Cuivre River
65-55-2840 LD-MO-8 Montserrat
56-169 LP-MO-8 Montserrat
65-43-1491 LD-KY-4 Otter Creek
56-136 LP-KY-4 Otter Creek
65-32-1133 LD-NC-8 Crabtree Creek
56-203 LP-NC-8 Crabtree Creek
65-32-1134 LD-NC-11 Appalachian National
Parkway (Blue Ridge
56-204 LP-NC-11 Appalachian National
Parkway (Blue Ridge
65-44-1315 LD-TN-11 Montgomery Bell
56-266 LP-TN-11 Montgomery Bell
65-44-1316 LD-TN-12 Shelby Forest Park
56-267 LP-TN-12 Shelby Forest Park
65-44-1317 LD-TN-13 Falls Creek Falls
56-268 LP-TN-13 Falls Creek Falls
65-31-1155 LD-VA-5 Swift Creek
56-277 LP-VA-5 Swift Creek
65-31-1156 LD-VA-6 Chopawamsic
56-278 LP-VA-6 Chopawamsic
65-31-1158 LD-VA-7 Shenandoah National
56-279 LP-VA-7 Shenandoah National
65-31-1516 LD-VA-8 Appalachian National
56-280 LP-VA-8 Appalachian National
65-31-1157 LD-VA-9 Bull Run
56-281 LP-VA-9 Bull Run
65-31-1159 LD-VA-13 Waysides
56-282 LP-VA-13 Waysides
65-61-1184 LD-AL-11 Oak Mountain
56-96 LP-AL-11 Oak Mountain
65-34-3167 LD-GA-9 Hard Labor Creek
56-120 LP-GA-9 Hard Labor Creek
65-34-3168 LD-GA-11 Alex Stephens
56-121 LP-GA-11 Alex Stephens
65-34-3169 LD-GA-12 Pine Mountain
56-122 LP-GA-12 Pine Mountain
65-33-1838 LD-SC-7 Cheraw
56-243 LP-SC-7 Cheraw
65-33-1839 LD-SC-8 Kings Mountain
56-244 LP-SC-8 Kings Mountain
65-33-1840 LD-SC-12 Waysides
56-245 LP-SC-12 Waysides
65-73-221 LD-ND-12 Roosevelt Park
56-216 LP-ND-12 Roosevelt Park
65-74-1475 LD-SD-14 Badlands
56-259 LP-SD-14 Badlands
65-74-1476 LD-SD-15 Custer Park
56-260 LP-SD-15 Custer Park
65-65-695 LD-OK-9 Lake Murray
56-225 LP-OK-9 Lake Murray
65-03-1801 LD-CF-5 Mendocino Woodlands
56-104 LP-CF-5 Mendocino Woodlands
65-83-245 LD-WY-2 Lake Guernsey
56-297 LP-WY-2 Lake Guernsey
65-94-677 LD-OR-4 Silver Creek
56-299 LP-OR-4 Silver Creek
65-85-932 LD-NM-14 White Sands
56-197 LP-NM-14 White Sands

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