Defense Housing Coordination, Division of Established in Office for
Emergency Management by EO 8632 of Jan. 11, 1941. Functions transferred to
National Housing Agency by EO 9070 of Feb. 24, 1942.
Executive Order 8632 Coordinating National Defense Housing.
January 11, 1941
By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States by the
Constitution and the statutes, in order to define further the functions and
duties of the Office for Emergency Management of the Executive Office of the
President with respect to the national emergency as declared by the President to
exist on September 8, 1939, and for the purpose of providing for the effective
discharge of responsibilities imposed upon me by the statutes mentioned in
paragraph 1, and for assuring proper coordination of all defense housing
activities, it is hereby ordered as follows:
1. The term "defense housing" as used in this order shall include all housing
authorized by:
(a) United States Housing Act of 1937, approved September 1, 1937 (50
Stat. 888), as amended, so far as projects developed under the authority of this
Act relate to national defense activities.
(b) Title II of the Act of June 28, 1940, 54 Stat. 676, 681.
(c) Second Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1941, approved
September 9, 1940 (Public No. 781, 76th Cong.).
Act of June 11, 1940, 54 Stat. 265 (including housing authorized by
allocations from emergency funds available under such Act).
Act of June 13, 1940, 54 Stat. 350 (including housing authorized by
allocations from emergency funds available under such Act).
Act of October 14, 1940, Public No. 849, 76th Congress. 2. The term "Federal
housing agency" as used in this order shall include all executive departments
and independent agencies, including corporations in which the United States.
owns all or a majority of the stock, either directly or indirectly, which:
Plan, construct, or operate defense housing facilities.
(b) Grant loans or subsidies for public housing purposes.
(c) Encourage or assist the financing or construction of private housing.
(d) Conduct surveys or analyses of housing conditions and housing markets.
3. There is hereby established within the Office for Emergency Management of the
Executive Office of the President, a Division of Defense Housing Coordination at
the head of which there shall be a Coordinator of Defense Housing appointed by
the President. The Coordinator of Defense Housing, hereinafter referred to as
the Coordinator, shall perform his duties and functions under the direction and
supervision of the President and shall report to the President through the
Liaison Officer for Emergency Management. The Coordinator shall receive
compensation at such rate as the President shall approve and in addition shall
be entitled to actual and necessary transportation, subsistence, and other
expenses incidental to the performance of his duties.
4. Subject to such policies, directions, and regulations as the President may from
time to time prescribe, the Coordinator, in cooperation with all departments and agencies
which have responsibilities for defense activities, and utilizing the services and
operating facilities of Federal housing agencies to the maximum, shall perform the
following duties and responsibilities:
Establish and maintain liaison between the several departments and
establishments of the Government and such other agencies, public or private, as
the Coordinator may deem necessary or desirable, to facilitate proper
coordination of, and economy and efficiency in, the provision of housing
facilities essential to the national defense.
Anticipate the need for housing in localities in which persons are engaged,
or are to be engaged, in national defense activities; analyze reported defense
housing needs; coordinate studies and surveys of Federal housing agencies in
areas of national defense activity; and facilitate the full use of existing
housing accommodations.
Formulate and recommend to the President coordinated defense housing
programs with the objective of avoiding shortages, delays, duplication and
overlapping in defense housing; and advise each Federal housing agency of its
part in each proposed program.
Facilitate the execution of approved housing programs through private
industry or through appropriate governmental agencies and take appropriate steps
to eliminate obstacles which impede the expeditious provision of defense
Advise with private and Federal agencies in the formulation of plans, terms,
rental and management policies, and other factors involved in developing and
operating approved defense housing projects.
Keep continuously informed of the progress of the defense housing program,
and report regularly thereon to the President and to the several interested
departments and agencies.
Review proposed or existing legislation relating to or affecting defense
housing activities and recommend such additional legislation as may be necessary
or desirable to assure the effective and expeditious provision of adequate
housing facilities for persons engaged, or to be engaged, in national defense
activities.(h) Perform such other duties relating to the coordination of defense
housing as the President may from time to time delegate.
5. Within the limits of such funds as may be appropriated to the Division of
Defense Housing Coordination, or as may be allocated to it by the President
through the Bureau of the Budget, the Coordinator may employ necessary personnel
and make provision for the necessary supplies, facilities, and services.
However, the Division of Defense Housing Coordination shall use insofar as
practicable such statistical, informational, fiscal, personnel, and other
general business services and facilities as may be made available through the
Office for Emergency Management or other agencies of the Government.
Pursuant to the Executive Order of January 11, 1941, entitled, "Coordination of
National Defense Housing," the following regulations are prescribed in the
interest of effective coordination of national defense housing.
The definition and use of the terms "defense housing," "Federal housing
agency," and "Coordinator" contained in the above mentioned Executive Order of
January 11, 1941, shall also apply to these terms as used in these regulations.
All defense housing programs or projects requiring certification, approval,
allocation of funds, a finding, or other action by the President as prescribed
by any of the statutes mentioned in paragraph 1 of the Executive Order of
January 11, 1941, mentioned above, or in any statute now or hereafter enacted
relating to the provision of housing for persons engaged in national defense
activities, shall, prior to presentation to the President, be submitted by the
Federal housing agency concerned to the Coordinator for his review and
recommendation. The recommendations of the Coordinator shall cover all items to
be determined by the President under the legislation pursuant to which such
defense housing is being provided and shall further cover the relationship of
such housing to the defense housing program of the Government, method of
financing, agency to be utilized, character of the project, development
operation, and management plans, and such other considerations relating to the
coordination of the defense housing program as may be pertinent. All submittals
to the President as required by the above mentioned statutes shall be
accompanied by the recommendations of the Coordinator. Any revisions in such
defense housing projects effected subsequent to review and clearance by the
Coordinator substantially changing the scope and character of the original
project shall be reported to the Coordinator, who shall advise the agency
concerned of the effect of such changes upon the coordinated defense housing
Each Federal housing agency shall promptly furnish to the Coordinator for his
review and recommendation the standards which it has established, or which it
proposes to establish or revise, for the development, operation, and management
of defense housing projects with respect to:
Physical characteristics, including standards of design, construction, site
selection, amenities, and community facilities.
Labor standards.
Standards of occupancy, operation, and management including rent levels and
Any Federal housing agency submitting a proposed defense housing project to the
Coordinator for his review and recommendation, as set forth in paragraph 2,
shall certify that the standards established for such agency have been or will
be complied with except as the project proposal may indicate.
In order to coordinate site acquisition for defense housing purposes, all
proposed site locations under consideration for defense housing projects shall
be reported to the Coordinator by the Federal housing agency concerned. The
Coordinator shall advise such agency of the relationship of its proposed sites
to other actual or proposed defense housing sites in the same locality.
5. Each Federal housing agency shall furnish to the Coordinator copies of such
available housing surveys and reports and such other available information and data
relating to housing needs and housing markets as he may request; and shall cooperate with
the Coordinator in obtaining and developing additional information necessary to a
determination of the amount and character of defense housing needs.
6. Each Federal housing agency shall keep the Coordinator . advised reasonably in
advance of all proposed housing surveys and investigations relating to housing conditions
and the housing market in any locality where the defense program has or is expected to
have a significant effect on the need for housing. The Coordinator shall advise each
agency of the correlation of its proposed survey and investigation activities with other
surveys and analyses completed or in progress in the same locality.
7. Each Federal housing agency shall promptly furnish to the Coordinator, at his
request, such reports with respect to its activities and the progress of its program as
may be necessary in coordinating and expediting the financing, construction, and operation
of public and private housing facilities.
8. The Coordinator shall furnish to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget such
information and reports with respect to the planning, development, and progress of the
Government's defense housing program, in such form and at such times, as the Director may
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