Defense Mediation Board, National Established by EO 8716 of Mar. 19, 1941. Terminated on creation of National War Labor Board, Office for Emergency Management by EO 9017 of Jan. 12, 1942. Transferred to Labor Department by EO 9617 of Sept. 19, 1945. Board terminated by EO 9672 of Dec. 31, 1945, which established National Wage Stabilization Board in Labor Department. Terminated by EO 9809 of Dec. 12, 1946, and functions transferred to Labor Secretary and Treasury Department, effective Feb. 24, 1947.
Executive Order 8716 Establishing the National Defense Mediation Board.
March 19, 1941
Whereas it is essential in the present emergency that employers and employees engaged in production or transportation of materials necessary to national defense shall exert every possible effort to assure that all work necessary for national defense shall proceed without interruption and with all possible speed:
Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the statutes, and in order to define further certain functions and duties of the Office for Emergency Management of the Executive Office of the President with respect to the national emergency as declared by the President to exist on September 8, 1939, it is hereby ordered as follows:
parties thereto to abide by the decision arrived at upon such arbitration, and, when requested by both parties, to designate a person or persons to act as impartial arbitrator or arbitrators of such controversy or dispute; (c) To assist in establishing, when desired by the parties, methods for resolving future controversies or disputes between the parties; and to deal with matters of interest to both parties which may thereafter arise;
dispute relating to the appropriate unit or appropriate representatives to be designated for purposes of collective bargaining, to expedite as much as possible the determination of the appropriate unit or appropriate representatives of the workers.
Board, shall designate as a division of the Board such members as he deems necessary to take action with respect to such controversy or dispute, and to perform in connection therewith any of the duties enumerated in section 2; provided (a) that no less than three members shall be assigned to any such division, and (b) that each of the three groups represented on the Board shall be represented on any such division.
It is hereby declared to be the duty of employers and employees engaged in production or transportation of materials essential to national defense to exert every possible effort to settle all their disputes without any interruption in production or transportation. In the interest of national defense the parties should give to the Conciliation Service of the Department of Labor and to the Office of Production Management (a) notice in writing of any desired change in existing agreements, wages, or working conditions; (b) full information as to all developments in labor disputes; and (c) such sufficient advance notice of any threatened interruptions to continuous production as will permit exploration of all avenues of possible settlement of such controversies so as to avoid strikes, stoppages, or lockouts.
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