Defense, Office of Civilian Established in Office for Emergency Management
by EO 8757 of May 20, 1941. Terminated by EO 9562 of June 4, 1945.
Executive Order 8757 Establishing the Office of Civilian Defense.
May 20, 1941
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes, and in
order to define further the functions and duties of the Office for Emergency
Management of the Executive Office of the President in respect to the national
emergency as declared by the President on September 8, 1939, to assure effective
coordination of Federal relations with State and local governments engaged in
defense activities, to provide for necessary cooperation with States and local
governments in respect to measures for adequate protection of the civilian
population in emergency periods, to facilitate constructive civilian
participation in the defense program, and to sustain national morale, it is
hereby ordered as follows:
1. There is established within the Office for Emergency Management of the
Executive Office of the President the Office of Civilian Defense, at the head of
which shall be a Director appointed by the President. The Director shall
discharge and perform his responsibilities and duties under the direction and
supervision of the President. The Director shall receive no salary or other
remuneration for his services, but shall be entitled to actual and necessary
transportation, subsistence, and other expenses incidental to the performance of
his duties.
2. Subject to such policies, directions, and regulations as the President may from
time to time prescribe, and with such advice and assistance as may be necessary from the
other departments and agencies of the Federal Government, and utilizing the operating
services and facilities of such departments and agencies as far as possible, the Director
shall perform and discharge the following described duties and responsibilities:
Serve as the center for the coordination of Federal civilian defense
activities which involve relationships between the Federal Government and State
and local governments, territories, insular possessions, and the District of
Columbia (as hereinafter used in this Order the term "State and local" shall
include territories, insular possessions, and the District of Columbia);
establish and maintain contact with State and local governments and their
defense agencies; and facilitate relationships between such units of government
and the agencies of the Federal Government in respect to defense problems.
Keep informed of problems which arise from the impact of the industrial and
military defense effort upon local communities, and take necessary steps to
secure the cooperation of appropriate Federal departments and agencies in
dealing with such problems and in meeting the emergency needs of such
Assist State and local governments in the establishment of State and local
defense councils or other agencies designed to coordinate civilian defense
With the assistance of the Board for Civilian Protection, described in
paragraph 4 of this Order, study and plan measures designed to afford adequate
protection of life and property in the event of emergency; and sponsor and carry
out such civil defense programs, including the recruitment and training of
civilian auxiliaries, and disseminate to appropriate officials of the Federal
Government and State and local governments such information concerning civil
defense measures as may be necessary to meet emergency needs.
With the assistance of the Volunteer Participation Committee, described in
paragraph 5 of this Order, consider proposals, suggest plans, and promote
activities designed to sustain the national morale and to provide opportunities
for constructive civilian participation in the defense program; review and
approve all civilian defense programs of Federal departments and agencies
involving the use of volunteer services in order to assure unity and balance in
the application of such programs; and assist State and local defense councils or
other agencies in the organization of volunteer service units and in the
development of their activities.
Maintain a clearing house of information on State and local defense
activities in cooperation with appropriate Federal departments and agencies.
Review existing or proposed measures relating to or affecting State and local
defense activities, and recommend such additional measures as may be necessary
or desirable to assure adequate civilian defense.
Perform such other duties relating to participation in the defense program by
State and local agencies as the President may from time to time prescribe.
3. The Director may provide for the internal organization and management of the
Office of Civilian Defense. He shall obtain the President's approval for the
establishment of the principal subdivisions of the Office and the appointment of
the heads thereof.
4. There shall be in the Office of Civilian Defense a Board for Civilian
Protection (hereinafter referred to as the Board) to be composed of the Director
as Chairman and a representative of each of the following departments and
agencies of the Federal Government to be designated by the heads thereof:
Department of War, Department of the Navy, Department of Justice, Federal
Security Agency, and such others as the President may from time to time
determine. In addition, each of the following organizations shall be invited to
designate a representative to serve as a member of the Board:
The Council of State Governments
b. The American Municipal Association
c. The United States Conference of Mayors
The Board shall advise and assist in the formulation of civil defense programs
and measures, appropriate to the varying needs of each part of the Nation,
designed to afford adequate protection of life and property in the event of
emergency. The members of this Board shall serve as such without compensation,
but shall be entitled to actual and necessary transportation, subsistence, and
other expenses incidental to the performance of their duties.
5. There shall be in the Office of Civilian Defense a Volunteer Participation
Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) consisting of the Director
as Chairman and not more than twenty members, representative of the various
regions and interests of the Nation, to be appointed by the President. The
Committee shall serve as an advisory and planning body in considering proposals
and developing programs designed to sustain national morale and to provide
opportunities for constructive civilian participation in the defense effort. The
members of the Committee shall serve as such without compensation, but shall be
entitled to actual and necessary transportation, subsistence, and other expenses
incidental to the performance of their duties.
6. The Director is authorized, with the approval of the President, to appoint such
additional advisory committees and subcommittees, with respect to State and local
cooperation, national morale, civil defense planning, civilian participation, and related
defense activities, as he may find necessary or desirable to assist him in the performance
of his duties. Such advisory committees may include representatives from Federal
departments and agencies, State and local governments, private organizations, and the
public at large. The members of advisory committees shall serve as such without
compensation, but shall be entitled to actual and necessary transportation, subsistence,
and other expenses incidental to the performance of their duties.
7. Within the limitation of such funds as may be appropriated to the Office of
Civilian Defense, or as may be allocated to it by the President through the
Bureau of the Budget, the Director may employ necessary personnel and make
provision for the necessary supplies, facilities, and services. However, the
Office of Civilian Defense shall use such statistical, informational, fiscal,
personnel, and other general business services and facilities as may be made
available to it through the Office for Emergency Management or other agencies of
the Government.
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