Scientific Research and Development, Office of Established in Office for Emergency Management by EO 8807 of June 28, 1941. Terminated by EO 9913 of Dec. 26, 1947, and property transferred to National Military Establishment for liquidation.
Executive Order 8807 Establishing the Office of Scientific Research and Development.
June 28, 1941
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the statutes of the United States, and in order to define further the functions and duties of the Office for Emergency Management with respect to the unlimited national emergency as declared by the President on May 27, 1941, for the purpose of assuring adequate provision for research on scientific and medical problems relating to the national defense, it is hereby ordered:
Office of the President the Office of Scientific Research and Development, at the head of which shall be a Director appointed by the President. The Director shall discharge and perform his responsibilities and duties under the direction and supervision of the President. The Director shall receive compensation at such rate as the President shall determine and, in addition, shall be entitled to actual and necessary transportation, subsistence, and other expenses incidental to the performance of his duties.
Office of Scientific Research and Development and may appoint such advisory committees as he finds necessary to the performance of his duties and responsibilities. The Director shall obtain the President's approval for the establishment of the principal subdivisions of the agency and the appointment of the heads thereof.
Development shall utilize the laboratories, equipment, and services of governmental agencies and institutions to the extent that such facilities are available for such purposes. Within the limits of funds appropriated or allocated for purposes encompassed by this Order, the Director may contract with and transfer funds to existing governmental agencies and institutions, and may enter into contracts and agreements with individuals, educational and scientific institutions (including the National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council), industrial organizations, and other agencies, for studies, experimental investigations, and reports.
Advisory Council consisting of the Director as Chairman, the Chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, the Chairman of the National Defense Research Committee (hereinafter described), the Chairman of the Committee on Medical Research (hereinafter described), one representative of the Army to be designated by the Secretary of War, and one representative of the Navy to be designated by the Secretary of the Navy. The Council shall advise and assist the Director with respect to the coordination of research activities carried on by private and governmental research groups and shall facilitate the interchange of information and data between such groups and agencies.
National Defense Research Committee consisting of a Chairman and three other members appointed by the President, and in addition the President of the National Academy of Sciences, the Commissioner of Patents, one officer of the Army to be designated by the Secretary of War, one officer of the Navy to be designated by the Secretary of the Navy, and such other members as the President may subsequently appoint. The National Defense Research Committee shall advise and assist the Director in the performance of his scientific research duties with special reference to the mobilization of the scientific personnel and resources of the Nation. To this end it shall be the responsibility of the Committee to recommend to the Director the need for and character of contracts to be entered into with universities, research institutes, and industrial laboratories for research and development on instrumentalities of warfare to supplement such research and development activities of the Departments of War and the Navy. Furthermore, the Committee shall from time to time make findings, and submit recommendations to the Director with respect to the adequacy, progress, and results of research on scientific problems related to national defense.
Committee on Medical Research consisting of a Chairman and three members to be appointed by the President, and three other members to be designated respectively by the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Administrator of the Federal Security Agency. The members so designated by the Secretaries of War and Navy and the Federal Security Administrator shall be selected from the respective staffs of the Surgeons General and the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service with particular reference to their qualifications in the field of medical research. The Committee on Medical Research shall advise and assist the Director in the performance of his medical research duties with special reference to the mobilization of medical and scientific personnel of the Nation. To this end it shall be the responsibility of the Committee to recommend to the Director the need for and character of contracts to be entered into with universities, hospitals, and other agencies conducting medical research activities for research and development in the field of the medical sciences. Furthermore, the Committee shall from time to time, on request by the Director, make findings and submit recommendations with respect to the adequacy, progress, and results of research on medical problems related to national defense.
Scientific Research and Development or as may be allocated to it by the President, the Director may employ necessary personnel and make provision for necessary supplies, facilities, and services. However, the Director shall use such statistical, informational, fiscal, personnel, and other general business services and facilities as may be made available to him through the Office for Emergency Management.
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