Supply Priorities and Allocations Board Established in Office for
Emergency Management by EO 8875 of Aug. 28, 1941. Abolished by EO 9024 of
Jan. 16, 1942, and functions transferred to War Production Board.
Executive Order 8875 Establishing the Supply Priorities and Allocations
August 28, 1941
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes of the
United States, and in order to define further the functions and duties of the
Office for Emergency Management with respect to the unlimited national emergency
as declared by the President on May 27, 1941, and for the purpose of assuring
effective coordination of the priority powers and supply allocation activities
of the Federal Government in furtherance of and in conformity with the basic
defense policies of the President, it is hereby ordered as follows:
1. The Office of Production Management, in addition to the responsibilities and duties
described in paragraph 2 of Executive Order No. 8629 of January 7, 1941, is authorized and
directed to discharge and perform the following responsibilities and duties, subject to
such policies or regulations as the Supply Priorities and Allocations Board, hereinafter
described, may from time to time determine:
Serve as the coordinating center for the execution of the powers and
activities of the several departments and agencies relating to priorities; in
this connection, review, clear, and approve for execution all requests or
proposals originating from other Federal agencies, private industry, or other
sources for Priority action with respect to the procurement, production,
transmission, or transportation of materials, articles, power, fuel, and other
commodities; issue or provide for the issuance of all priority orders, warrants,
certificates, or ratings with respect to the supply, production, transmission,
or transportation of materials, articles, power, fuel, and other commodities;
and, with reference to specific priority authorities vested by law in
established departments and agencies of the Government, certify to such
departments and agencies, when the Office of Production Management deems such
action necessary to national defense, that preferential treatment is essential
for certain materials, commodities, facilities, or services.
Perform the functions and exercise all the power, authority, and discretion
conferred upon the President by Public No. 89, 77th Congress, 1st session,
entitled "An Act to amend the Act approved June 28, 1940, entitled 'An Act to
expedite the national defense, and for other purposes,' in order to extend the
power to establish priorities and allocate material," approved May 31, 1941.
In consultation with the United States Maritime Commission, determine when,
to what extent, and in what manner priorities shall be accorded to deliveries of
material as provided in section 2(a)(3) of Public No. 46, 77th Congress, 1st
session, an Act entitled "To make emergency provision for certain activities of
the United States Maritime Commission, and for other purposes," approved May 2,
1941. Deliveries of material shall take priority as provided in said Act in
accordance with such determinations and the orders issued in pursuance thereof
by the Office of Production Management.
Continue to perform the functions and exercise all the power,
authority, and discretion conferred on the President by section 2(a) of the Act
entitled "An Act to expedite national defense and for other purposes," approved
June 28, 1940.
2. The Office of Production Management may exercise the powers, authorities, or
discretion conferred upon it by this Order through such officials and in such manner as it
may determine, subject to such policies or regulations as the Supply Priorities and
Allocations Board may from time to time determine.
3. In order to assure unity of policy and coordinated consideration of all relevant
factors involved in the supply and allocation of materials and commodities among the
various phases of the defense program and competing civilian demands, there is hereby
established within the Office for Emergency Management a Supply Priorities and Allocations
Board. The Board shall consist of the Director General and Associate Director General of
the Office of Production Management, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, the
Special Assistant to the President supervising the defense aid program, the Administrator
of the Office of Price Administration, and the Chairman of the Economic Defense Board. The
Chairman of the Supply Priorities and Allocations Board shall be designated by the
President from among the members of the Board. The President shall also appoint an
Executive Director of the Board, who will preside in the absence of the Chairman.
4. The Office of Production Management shall make available to the Supply
Priorities and Allocations Board upon request, such staff, statistical,
informational, fiscal, personnel, and other services and facilities as may from
time to time be required by the Supply Priorities and Allocations Board to
perform its duties hereunder.
5. Consistent with the basic defense policies of the President, the Supply
Priorities and Allocations Board shall:
Determine the total requirements of materials and commodities needed
respectively for defense, civilian, and all other purposes; establish policies
for the fulfillment of such requirements, and, where necessary, make
recommendations to the President relative thereto.
Determine policies and make regulations governing allocations and priorities
with respect to the procurement, production, transmission, or transportation of
materials, articles, power, fuel, and other commodities among military, economic
defense, defense aid, civilian, and other major demands of the total defense
6. The Office of Production Management through its Division of Priorities or any other
of its divisions or subdivisions shall formulate general plans and programs providing for
allocations and priorities with respect to the procurement, production, transmission, or
transportation of materials, articles, power, fuel, and other commodities among military
requirements, economic defense needs, total civilian demands, defense aid needs, and other
major elements of the total defense program. Such general plans and programs shall be
submitted to the Supply Priorities and Allocations Board for approval or
7. There shall be within the Office of Production Management a Division of
Civilian Supply to be in charge of a Director appointed by the Office of
Production Management with the approval of the President. The Division of
Civilian Supply shall represent civilian interests relating to the supply and
priority activities of the Office of Production Management. It shall formulate
plans and programs providing for the equitable distribution among competing
civilian demands of the materials, articles, power, fuel, and other commodities
made available by the Supply Priorities and Allocations Board for civilian use.
Such plans and programs shall be submitted through the Office of Production
Management to the Supply Priorities and Allocations Board for approval or
8. The title of the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply, established by
Executive Order No. 8734 of April 11, 1941, is hereby changed to
Office of Price Administration.
9. Nothing in this Order shall be construed to include the power to determine the
disposition or transfer of any defense articles to the Government of any country whose
defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States, as provided in
Public No. 11, 77th Congress, 1st session, entitled "An Act further to promote the
defense of the United States and for other purposes," approved March 11, 1941.
10. The Priorities Board of the Office of Production Management described in paragraph
5 of Executive Order No. 8629, establishing such Office, is hereby abolished.
11. Executive Orders No. 8629 of January 7, 1941, and No. 8734 of April 11,
1941, are hereby amended accordingly, and any conflicting provisions of these or
other Executive Orders are hereby rescinded.
Executive Orders
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