War Manpower Commission Established in Office for Emergency Management by
EO 9139 of Apr. 18, 1942. Terminated by EO 9617 of Sept. 19, 1945, and
functions, except Procurement and Assignment Service, transferred to Labor
Executive Order 9139 Establishing the War Manpower Commission.
April 18, 1942
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the statutes,
including the First War Powers Act, 1941, as President of the United States and
Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, and for the purpose of assuring the
most effective mobilization and utilization of the national manpower, it is
hereby ordered:
1. There is established within the Office for Emergency Management of the
Executive Office of the President a War Manpower Commission, hereinafter
referred to as the Commission. The Commission shall consist of the Federal
Security Administrator as Chairman, and a representative of each of the
following departments and agencies: the Department of War, the Department of the
Navy, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Labor, the War Production
Board, the Labor Production Division of the War Production Board, the Selective
Service System, and the United States Civil Service Commission.
2. The Chairman, after consultation with the members of the Commission, shall:
Formulate plans and programs and establish basic national policies to assure
the most effective mobilization and maximum utilization of the Nation's manpower
in the prosecution of the war; and issue such policy and operating directives as
may be necessary thereto.
Estimate the requirements of manpower for industry; review all other
estimates of needs for military, agricultural, and civilian manpower; and direct
the several departments and agencies of the Government as to the proper
allocation of available manpower.
Determine basic policies for, and take such other steps as are necessary to
coordinate, the collection and compilation of labor market data by Federal
departments and agencies.
Establish policies and prescribe regulations governing all Federal programs
relating to the recruitment, vocational training, and placement of workers to
meet the needs of industry and agriculture.
Prescribe basic policies governing the filling of the Federal Government's
requirements for manpower, excluding those of the military and naval forces, and
issue such operating directives as may be necessary thereto.
Formulate legislative programs designed to facilitate the most effective
mobilization and utilization of the manpower of the country; and, with the
approval of the President, recommend such legislation as may be necessary for
this purpose.
3. The following agencies shall conform to such policies, directives, regulations, and
standards as the Chairman may prescribe in the execution of the powers vested in him by
this Order, and shall be subject to such other coordination by the Chairman as may be
necessary to enable the Chairman to discharge the responsibilities placed upon him:
The Selective Service System with respect to the use and classification of
manpower needed for critical industrial, agricultural, and governmental
The Federal Security Agency with respect to employment service and defense
training functions.
The Work Projects Administration with respect to placement and training
The United States Civil Service Commission with respect to functions
relating to the filling of positions in the Government Service.
The Railroad Retirement Board with respect to employment service activities.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor.
The Labor Production Division of the War Production Board.
The Civilian Conservation Corps.
The Department of Agriculture with respect to farm labor statistics, farm
labor camp programs, and other labor market activities.
The Office of Defense Transportation with respect to labor supply and
requirement activities.
Similarly, all other Federal departments and agencies which perform functions
relating to the recruitment or utilization of manpower shall, in discharging
such functions, conform to such policies, directives, regulations, and standards
as the Chairman may prescribe in the execution of the powers vested in him by
this Order; and shall be subject to such other coordination by the Chairman as
may be necessary to enable the Chairman to discharge the responsibilities placed
upon him.
4. The following agencies and functions are transferred to the War Manpower
The labor supply functions of the Labor Division of the War Production
The National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel of the United
States Civil Service Commission and its functions.
The Office of Procurement and Assignment in the Office of Defense Health and
Welfare Services in the Office for Emergency Management and its functions.
5. The following agencies and functions are transferred to the Office of the
Administrator of the Federal Security Agency, and shall be administered under
the direction and supervision of such officer or employee as the Federal
Security Administrator shall designate:
The Apprenticeship Section of the Division of Labor Standards of the
Department of Labor and its functions.
The training functions of the Labor Division of the War Production Board.
6. The National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel transferred to the War
Manpower Commission and the Apprenticeship Section transferred to the
Federal Security Agency shall be preserved as organizational entities within the
War Manpower Commission and the Federal Security Agency respectively.
7. The functions of the head of any department or agency relating to the
administration of any agency or function transferred from his department or agency by this
Order are transferred to, and shall be exercised by, the head of the department or agency
to which such transferred agency or function is transferred by this Order.
8. All records and property (including office equipment) of the several agencies and
all records and property used primarily in the administration of any functions transferred
or consolidated by this Order, and all personnel used in the administration of such
agencies and functions (including officers whose chief duties relate to such
administration) are transferred to the respective agencies concerned, for use in the
administration of the agencies and functions transferred or consolidated by this Order;
provided, that any personnel transferred to any agency by this Order, found by the head of
such agency to be in excess of the personnel necessary for the administration of the
functions transferred to his agency, shall be retransfered under existing procedure to
other positions in the Government service or separated from the service. So much of the
unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, or other funds available for the use
of any agency in the exercise of any function transferred or consolidated by this Order or
for the use of the head of any agency in the exercise of any function so transferred or
consolidated, as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget with the approval of the
President shall determine, shall be transferred to the agency concerned, for use in
connection with the exercise of functions so transferred or consolidated. In determining
the amount to be transferred, the Director of the Bureau of the Budget may include an
amount to provide for the liquidation of obligations incurred against such appropriations,
allocations, or other funds prior to the transfer or consolidation.
9. Within the limits of such funds as may be made available for that purpose, the
Chairman may appoint such personnel and make provision for such supplies, facilities, and
services as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Order. The Chairman may
appoint an executive officer of the Commission and may exercise and perform the powers,
authorities, and duties set forth in this Order through such officials or agencies and in
such manner as he may determine.
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