Executive Order 9205 Establishing the President's War Relief Control Board.
July 25, 1942
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes of the
United States, as President of the United States of America and Commander in
Chief of the Army and Navy, because of emergencies affecting the national
security and defense, and for the purpose of controlling in the public interest
charities for foreign and domestic relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and
welfare arising from war-created needs, it is hereby ordered as follows:
1. The President's Committee on War Relief Agencies, appointed by me on March
13, 1941, is hereby continued and established as the President's War Relief
Control Board, hereinafter referred to as the Board. The Chairman of the Board
shall be responsible to the President.
2. The Board is hereby authorized and empowered
To control, in the interest of the furtherance of the war purpose, all
solicitations, sales of, or offers to sell merchandise or services, collections
and receipts, and distribution or disposition of funds and contributions in kind
for the direct or implied purpose of (1) charities for foreign and domestic
relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and welfare arising from war-created
needs in the United States or in foreign countries, (2) refugee relief, (3) the
relief of the civilian population of the United States affected by enemy action,
or (4) the relief and welfare of the armed forces of the United States or of
their dependents; Provided, that the powers herein conferred shall apply only to
activities concerned directly with war relief and welfare purposes and shall not
extend to local charitable activities of a normal and usual character nor in any
case to intrastate activities other than those immediately affecting the war
(1) To provide for the registration or licensing of persons or agencies
engaged in such activities and for the renewal or cancellation of such
registration or licenses; (2) to regulate and coordinate the times and amounts
of fund-raising appeals; (3) to define and promulgate ethical standards of
solicitation and collection of funds and contributions in kind; (4) to require
accounts of receipts and expenditures duly and reliably audited, and such other
records and reports as the Board may deem to be in the public interest; (5) to
eliminate or merge such agencies in the interests of efficiency and economy; and
to take such steps as may be necessary for the protection of essential local
charities; and
To prescribe such rules and regulations not inconsistent with law as the
Board may determine to be necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of
this Order.
3. The provisions of section 2 of this Order shall not apply to (a) the American
National Red Cross or (b) established religious bodies which are not
independently carrying out any of the activities specified in section 2 of this
4. Under the authority given me by Section 13 of the Joint Resolution of
Congress approved November 4, 1939 (54 Stat. 8, 11) and Title I of the First War
Powers Act, 1941, approved December 18, 1941 (Public Law No. 354, 77th
Congress), and pursuant to the suggestion of the Secretary of State, it is
ordered that the administration of any and all of the provisions of Section 8
of the said Joint Resolution relating to the solicitation and collection of
funds and contributions for relief purposes, heretofore by me vested in the
Secretary of State, be and it hereby is transferred to the said Board. All rules
and regulations and forms which have been issued by the Secretary of State
pursuant to the provisions of said Section 8 (b) and which are in effect shall
continue in effect until modified, superseded, revoked, or repealed by the
5. Any and all matters within the jurisdiction of said Board which may be affected
with a question relating to the foreign policy of the Government of the
United States in connection with the administration of the powers vested in the
Board by this Order shall be determined only after conference with the Secretary
of State, to the end that any action with respect to such matters shall be
consistent with the foreign policy of the United States.
6. For the purpose of economy in administration, the Board is authorized to utilize
the services of available and appropriate personnel of the Department of
State and other Government departments and agencies and such other services,
equipment, and facilities as may be made available by these departments and
7. For the purpose of effectively carrying out the provisions of this Order, the
Board may require that all war relief and welfare policies, plans, programs,
procedures, and methods of voluntary agencies be coordinated and integrated with
those of the several Federal departments, establishments, and agencies and the
American Red Cross; and all these organizations shall furnish from time to time
such information as the Board may consider necessary for such purposes.
8. The Board shall from time to time submit to the President such reports and
recommendations regarding war charities, relief, and welfare in foreign countries and in
the United States and the relationship of public and private organizations, resources, and
programs in these and related fields, as the public interest may require.
9. The members of the Board shall serve as such without compensation, but shall be
entitled to necessary transportation, subsistence, and other expenses incident to the
performance of their duties.
10. This Order shall remain in force during the continuance of the present war and for
six months after the termination thereof, unless revoked by Presidential order.
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