Executive Order 9276 Establishing the Petroleum Administration for War.
December 2, 1942
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes, as
President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, and
in order to coordinate and centralize the war policies and actions of the
Government relating to petroleum with a view toward providing adequate supplies
of petroleum for the successful prosecution of the war and for other essential
purposes, it is hereby ordered as follows:
1. Whenever used in this Order:
The term "petroleum" means petroleum, petroleum products, and
associated hydrocarbons, including but not limited to natural gas, except that
natural gas which has entered into gas transmission lines from field gathering
lines shall not be so included.
The term "petroleum industry" means the production, refining, treating,
storage, shipment, receipt, or distribution within the United States, its
territories and possessions, of petroleum, exclusive of: (1) the transportation
of petroleum, (2) the transmission of natural gas from the point of its entry
into gas transmission lines from field gathering lines, and (3) the distribution
of natural gas.
The term "transportation" means transportation as defined in U.S. Code, Title
49, section 1 (3) (a), and in Executive Orders No. 8989 and No. 9156.
2. There is established a Petroleum Administration for War, at the head of which shall
be a Petroleum Administrator who shall be directly responsible to the
President. The Secretary of the Interior shall serve ex officio as Petroleum
Administrator, hereinafter referred to as the Administrator.
3. The Administrator shall:(a) Subject to the provisions of this Order, establish
basic policies and formulate plans and programs to assure for the prosecution of the war
the conservation and most effective development and utilization of petroleum in the United
States and its territories and possessions, issue necessary policy and operating
directives to parties engaged in the petroleum industry, and appoint such general,
regional, local, or functional petroleum industry committees or councils as the
Administrator finds necessary: Provided, that no directive issued hereunder shall conflict
with any direction which may be issued by the Chairman of the War Production Board
pursuant to paragraph 1 of Executive Order No. 9125 of April 7, 1942.
Serve, as far as practicable, as the liaison and channel of communication
between the units of the petroleum industry and the several departments and
agencies of the Federal Government on matters directly involving the functions
and duties of the Administrator.
(1) Obtain from the Departments of War and the Navy, the Office of Lend-
Lease Administration, the Department of State and the Board of Economic Warfare,
the several divisions and branches of the War Production Board, and such other
Federal departments and agencies as may be appropriate, estimates of the amounts
of petroleum which will be required from the United States, its territories and
possessions, to meet direct and indirect military, and essential industrial and
civilian requirements; and compile and analyze such estimates and submit them to
the War Production Board with recommendations for the allocation of petroleum to
meet such requirements.
Prepare and recommend to the War Production Board estimates of the
quantities and kinds of material needed by the petroleum industry to produce,
refine, store, distribute (excluding transportation), or otherwise make
available the amount of petroleum recommended by the Administrator for
allocation by the War Production Board.
Subject to the direction of the Chairman of the War Production Board,
exercise the powers, authority, and the discretion conferred upon the Chairman
by paragraph 1 of Executive Order No. 9125 of April 7, 1942, by issuing, and
taking appropriate action to enforce, such orders or directives to the petroleum
industry as the Administrator may deem necessary, in order to:
Provide adequate supplies of petroleum for military, or other essential
uses; or
Effect the proper distribution of such amounts of materials as the
Chairman of the War Production Board may allot for the use of the petroleum
Compile data and make continuing surveys with respect to the effect of the
prices charged for petroleum upon the efficient wartime operations of the
petroleum industry and the maintenance of adequate supplies of petroleum for war
and essential industrial and civilian uses. On the basis of such surveys, the
Petroleum Administrator shall consult with and recommend to the Administrator,
Office of Price Administration, such upward or downward adjustments in the
schedule of prices charged for petroleum as will, in the judgment of the
Petroleum Administrator, assure the efficient wartime operation of the petroleum
industry and the maintenance of adequate supplies of petroleum for war, and
essential industrial and civilian uses. In order to enable the Petroleum
Administrator to make appropriate recommendations, the Price Administrator shall
advise with the Petroleum Administrator prior to the establishment or alteration
by the Price Administrator of any schedule of prices to be charged for
Be advised of all plans or proposals which deal with the civilian rationing
of petroleum and consult with rationing authorities in the development of such
plans or proposals; and, in those instances where rationing is for the purpose
of maintaining adequate supplies of petroleum for war and essential industrial
and civilian requirements, determine, after advising with the War Production
Board, the areas and the times within which such rationing should be effective
and the amount of petroleum available for such purpose.
Consult with the War Shipping Administration with respect to the assignment
of tankers and the movement of petroleum, and, subject to the requirements of
the Departments of War and the Navy, recommend allocations as between units of
the petroleum industry of available tankers under the control of the War
Shipping Administration.
Designate the quantity and kind of petroleum to be shipped and received by
those engaged in the petroleum industry, and certify such designations to the
Office of Defense Transportation for appropriate action in providing the
necessary transportation.
Review all plans or proposals for the construction, extension, enlargement
or interconnection of petroleum pipe lines; subject to the over-all
responsibilities of the Office of Defense Transportation, approve such plans or
proposals as are, in his judgment, necessary to provide adequate supplies of
petroleum for war and other essential uses and recommend to the War Production
Board programs covering the amounts and kinds of materials needed for such pipe
lines. The Administrator shall direct the physical operation of petroleum pipe
lines to the extent of prescribing the quantity and kind of petroleum to be
transported by and the direction of flow through such pipe lines: Provided, that
nothing herein shall be deemed to limit the functions and authority of the
Office of Defense Transportation under Executive Order No. 8989 of December 18,
1941, with respect to the provision of necessary additional transportation
facilities and equipment, or to coordinate and direct domestic traffic
Advise the several Federal departments and agencies concerned with the
construction, enlargement, or additional interconnection of any natural gas
transmission line as to the supply and availability of natural gas at the
proposed sources of production whenever such construction, enlargement, or
interconnection will result in substantially altering the rate of production at
such sources.
Perform the duties and responsibilities with relation to petroleum and the
facilities used in the petroleum industry imposed by Executive Order No. 9165 of
May 19, 1942, upon the Department of the Interior.
Certify to the various State regulatory bodies having jurisdiction with
respect to the production of petroleum, the amounts and kinds of petroleum which
should be produced in their respective States, and collaborate with such State
regulatory bodies in the coordination of their activities with the programs and
policies of the Administrator.
Keep the President informed with respect to the progress made in carrying
out this Order and perform such related duties as the President may from time to
time assign or delegate to him.
4. The Administrator shall collaborate with the appropriate Federal departments and
agencies authorized to determine plans and policies with respect to foreign petroleum
activities. The Administrator shall, in conformity with such plans and policies, issue
directives concerning the physical operations of their foreign petroleum facilities to
units of the American petroleum industry which directly or indirectly engage in such
operations in foreign countries. The Administrator shall be the channel of communication
on foreign petroleum matters between the Federal departments and agencies and such units
of the American petroleum industry.
5. The Administrator shall perform the functions with respect to rubber conferred upon
the Office of Petroleum Coordinator for War by Executive Order
No. 9246 of September 17,1942, subject to such directives as the Rubber Director
may issue pursuant to such Order. Nothing in this Order shall apply to or in any
way limit the functions and authority, or the manner of executing the same, of
the Chairman of the War Production Board or the Rubber Director in the exercise
of control over and administration of the Nation's rubber program pursuant to
said Executive Order No. 9246, or the functions and authority of any department,
establishment, or agency in the execution of such aspects of the rubber program
in such manner and for such period of time as the Rubber Director may direct
pursuant to said Executive Order.
6. Subject to such restrictions as may be imposed by the Departments of War and the
Navy with respect to their own requirements, the several Federal departments and agencies
shall supply such information and data as the Administrator may require in performing his
functions and shall advise with the Administrator before undertaking any action which
might affect the continuous, ready availability of petroleum for military and essential
industrial and civilian needs. In order to assist him in carrying out the purposes of this
Order, the Administrator may establish or designate committees or groups of advisers,
representing two or more departments or agencies of the Federal Government, or States. The
Administrator shall meet at regular and special intervals with representatives of the
various Federal departments and agencies having continuing functions directly related to
petroleum or the petroleum industry.
7. The Administrator may appoint, with the approval of the President, a Deputy
Administrator, who shall report directly to the Administrator, and to whom he
may delegate any and all power, authority, and discretion conferred upon him by
this Order. The Deputy Administrator shall serve as Acting Administrator in the
absence of the Administrator. The Administrator, within the limits of such funds
as may be allocated or appropriated for the purpose, may employ necessary
personnel and make provision for necessary supplies, facilities, travel, and
8. The Office of the Petroleum Coordinator for National Defense, later changed to the
Office of Petroleum Coordinator for War, established by the letter of the
President dated May 28, 1941, is abolished, and its personnel, records,
property, and funds are transferred to the Petroleum Administration for War,
effective fifteen days from the date of this Order. All orders, directives,
agreements, recommendations, and other documents issued or entered into under
the functions, duties, and authorities of the Petroleum Coordinator for War
shall remain in force as the responsibility of the Administrator until such time
as he may revoke, alter, or otherwise change such documents under provisions of
this Executive Order.
9. Nothing in this Order shall be deemed to limit in any way the authority of the
Departments of War and Navy to initiate or carry out directly, without review or approval
by the Administrator, any action relating to petroleum or the petroleum industry which
either Department deems to be a matter of military necessity or expediency and which
arises in such areas and is of such military urgency as to require special or secret
disposition; or to limit in any way the functions and authority of the Secretary of State,
under the direction of the President, in the formation of the foreign policy and the
conduct of the foreign relations of this Government; or to limit in any way the statutory
powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission with respect to rates, charges, statistics,
accounts, car service (including emergency service powers), or operating authority; or to
limit in any way the exercise of the authority of the Federal Power Commission or the
performance of its functions and authority under the Natural Gas Act (52 Stat. 821) as
amended; or to limit the functions and authority of the Board of Economic Warfare under
the Act of June 30, 1942 (56 Stat. 463); or to limit in any way the powers of the Price
Administrator under the Emergency Price Control Act (56 Stat. 23) and as amended by Public
Law 729, 77th Congress, Second Session.
10. Any provisions of pertinent Executive Orders in conflict with the provisions of
this Order are hereby superseded: Provided, that nothing herein shall be deemed in any way
to limit the functions and authority of the Chairman of the War Production Board under
Executive Orders No. 9024 of January 16, 1942, No. 9040 of January 24, 1942, No. 9125 of
April 7, 1942, and No. 9246 of September 17, 1942; or to limit in any way the functions
and authority of the Federal Power Commission under Executive Order No. 8202 of July 13,
1939; or to limit in any way the functions, duties, or authority of the War Shipping
Administration with respect to the operation, control, purchase, requisition, charter,
repair, use, or insurance of any vessel or cargo; or to limit the functions and authority
of the Board of Economic Warfare under Executive Orders No. 8839 of July 30, 1941, as
amended, No. 8900 of September 15, 1941, No. 8926 of October 28, 1941, No. 8942 of
November 19, 1941, and No. 9128 of April 13, 1942; or to limit the functions and authority
of the Office of Lend-Lease Administration under Executive Order No. 8926 of October 28,
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