China Rewarded with PNTR Vote 450 Maple Avenue East * Vienna, Va. 22180 * 703-938-9626 |
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On September 19, 2000, the U.S. Senate passed "Permanent Normal Trade Relations" status (PNTR) (Formerly called MFN) for Communist China in spite of increased Chinese spying, nuclear threats, human rights atrocities and continued very high Chinese taxes on many American goods.
Action Needed: Check the roll call votes of your Senators and Congressman below, and call (202-224-3121), write (Senator ________, U.S. Senate, Washington D.C. 20510) (Congressman _______, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20515), or e-mail to protest votes for Red China, or thank them for voting Pro-U.S. jobs & national security. Please call radio talk shows or write a letter to the editor and let others know about this vote as well.
Related Pages: | Chinese Technology Spying | Trade with Red China | Rep. Cox's web site | Read the Cox Committee Report | |
Senate Vote Results: |
Vote Summary | YEAS Pro-China |
Not Voting |
Republicans | 46 | 8 | |
Democrats | 37 | 7 | 2 |
TOTALS | 83 | 15 | 2 |
YEAs 83 -- Pro-China Please call, write, or e-mail and protest their vote Use these e-mail links |
NAYs 15 -- Pro-US Please call, write, or e-mail and thank these Senators Use these e-mail links |
House Vote Results: |
Vote Summary | AYES | NOES | Not Voting |
Republicans | 164 | 57 | 1 |
Democrats | 73 | 138 | |
Independents | 2 | ||
TOTALS | 237 | 197 | 1 |
237 -- Pro-China |
Ackerman | Gekas | Northup |
Allen | Gilchrest | Nussle |
Archer | Gillmor | Ortiz |
Armey | Gonzalez | Ose |
Bachus | Goodlatte | Oxley |
Baird | Goss | Packard |
Baker | Granger | Pease |
Ballenger | Green (WI) | Peterson (PA) |
Barrett (NE) | Greenwood | Petri |
Bass | Gutknecht | Pickering |
Bateman | Hall (TX) | Pickett |
Becerra | Hansen | Pitts |
Bentsen | Hastert | Pomeroy |
Bereuter | Hastings (WA) | Porter |
Berry | Herger | Portman |
Biggert | Hill (IN) | Price (NC) |
Bilbray | Hill (MT) | Pryce (OH) |
Bishop | Hilleary | Radanovich |
Bliley | Hinojosa | Ramstad |
Blumenauer | Hobson | Rangel |
Blunt | Hooley | Regula |
Boehlert | Houghton | Reyes |
Boehner | Hoyer | Reynolds |
Bonilla | Hulshof | Roemer |
Bono | Hutchinson | Rogan |
Boswell | Hyde | Roukema |
Boyd | Inslee | Royce |
Brady (TX) | Isakson | Ryan (WI) |
Bryant | Istook | Ryun (KS) |
Callahan | Jackson-Lee (TX) | Salmon |
Calvert | Jefferson | Sandlin |
Camp | Jenkins | Sawyer |
Campbell | John | Schaffer |
Canady | Johnson (CT) | Serrano |
Cannon | Johnson, E. B. | Sessions |
Capps | Johnson, Sam | Shadegg |
Cardin | Kasich | Shaw |
Carson | Kelly | Shays |
Castle | Kind (WI) | Sherwood |
Chabot | Knollenberg | Shimkus |
Chambliss | Kolbe | Shuster |
Combest | Kuykendall | Simpson |
Cooksey | LaFalce | Skeen |
Cox | LaHood | Skelton |
Cramer | Largent | Smith (MI) |
Crane | Latham | Smith (TX) |
Cubin | Lazio | Smith (WA) |
Cunningham | Leach | Snyder |
Davis (FL) | Levin | Stenholm |
Davis (VA) | Lewis (CA) | Stump |
DeGette | Lewis (KY) | Sununu |
DeLay | Linder | Sweeney |
DeMint | Lofgren | Talent |
Dickey | Lowey | Tanner |
Dicks | Lucas (KY) | Tauscher |
Dixon | Lucas (OK) | Tauzin |
Doggett | Maloney (NY) | Terry |
Dooley | Manzullo | Thomas |
Doolittle | Martinez | Thompson (CA) |
Dreier | Matsui | Thornberry |
Dunn | McCollum | Thune |
Edwards | McCrery | Thurman |
Ehlers | McDermott | Tiahrt |
Emerson | McHugh | Toomey |
English | McInnis | Turner |
Eshoo | McIntosh | Upton |
Etheridge | McKeon | Vitter |
Everett | Meehan | Walden |
Ewing | Meeks (NY) | Walsh |
Fletcher | Miller (FL) | Watkins |
Foley | Miller, Gary | Watts (OK) |
Ford | Minge | Waxman |
Fossella | Moore | Weiner |
Fowler | Moran (KS) | Weldon (PA) |
Franks (NJ) | Moran (VA) | Weller |
Frelinghuysen | Morella | Whitfield |
Frost | Myrick | Wicker |
Gallegly | Neal | Wilson |
Ganske | Nethercutt | Young (FL) |
197 -- Pro-American |
Abercrombie | Graham | Pallone |
Aderholt | Green (TX) | Pascrell |
Andrews | Gutierrez | Pastor |
Baca | Hall (OH) | Paul |
Baldacci | Hastings (FL) | Payne |
Baldwin | Hayes | Pelosi |
Barcia | Hayworth | Peterson (MN) |
Barr | Hefley | Phelps |
Barrett (WI) | Hilliard | Pombo |
Bartlett | Hinchey | Quinn |
Barton | Hoeffel | Rahall |
Berkley | Hoekstra | Riley |
Berman | Holden | Rivers |
Bilirakis | Holt | Rodriguez |
Blagojevich | Horn | Rogers |
Bonior | Hostettler | Rohrabacher |
Borski | Hunter | Ros-Lehtinen |
Boucher | Jackson (IL) | Rothman |
Brady (PA) | Jones (NC) | Roybal-Allard |
Brown (FL) | Jones (OH) | Rush |
Brown (OH) | Kanjorski | Sabo |
Burr | Kaptur | Sanchez |
Burton | Kennedy | Sanders |
Buyer | Kildee | Sanford |
Capuano | Kilpatrick | Saxton |
Chenoweth-Hage | King (NY) | Schakowsky |
Clay | Kingston | Scott |
Clayton | Kleczka | Sensenbrenner |
Clement | Klink | Sherman |
Clyburn | Kucinich | Shows |
Coble | Lampson | Sisisky |
Coburn | Lantos | Slaughter |
Collins | Larson | Smith (NJ) |
Condit | LaTourette | Souder |
Conyers | Lee | Spence |
Cook | Lewis (GA) | Spratt |
Costello | Lipinski | Stabenow |
Coyne | LoBiondo | Stark |
Crowley | Luther | Stearns |
Cummings | Maloney (CT) | Strickland |
Danner | Markey | Stupak |
Davis (IL) | Mascara | Tancredo |
Deal | McCarthy (MO) | Taylor (MS) |
DeFazio | McCarthy (NY) | Taylor (NC) |
Delahunt | McGovern | Thompson (MS) |
DeLauro | McIntyre | Tierney |
Deutsch | McKinney | Towns |
Diaz-Balart | McNulty | Traficant |
Dingell | Meek (FL) | Udall (CO) |
Doyle | Menendez | Udall (NM) |
Duncan | Metcalf | Velazquez |
Ehrlich | Mica | Vento |
Engel | Millender-McDonald | Visclosky |
Evans | Miller, George | Wamp |
Farr | Mink | Waters |
Fattah | Moakley | Watt (NC) |
Filner | Mollohan | Weldon (FL) |
Forbes | Murtha | Wexler |
Frank (MA) | Nadler | Weygand |
Gejdenson | Napolitano | Wise |
Gephardt | Ney | Wolf |
Gibbons | Norwood | Woolsey |
Gilman | Oberstar | Wu |
Goode | Obey | Wynn |
Goodling | Olver | Young (AK) |
Gordon | Owens |
Not Voting 1 |
Scarborough |
The Conservative Caucus
450 Maple Avenue East * Vienna, Va. 22180 * 703-938-9626
Copyright 2010 - 2000, The Conservative Caucus. All rights reserved.