YOUR SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES ON IMPORTANT VOTES A public service of The Conservative Caucus 450 Maple Avenue East * Vienna, Va. 22180 * 703-938-9626 1998 Edition |
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Roll Call votes on other pages: Red China MFN vote-full votes, U.S.-NATO Kosovo War, House & Senate Impeachment votes. |
This is the 1998 Edition. Visit the 1999-2000 Edition or the 1997 Edition |
Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of October 31, 1998
WHERE DO YOUR SENATORS AND CONGRESSMAN STAND?"The Gingrich-Lott-Clinton budget a comprehensive
betrayal of Constitutional obligations and a rejection of the conservative policies for
which many Americans thought they were voting in supporting Republican control of Congress
in 1994 and 1996." Howard Phillips October 20, 1998
More information on the Federal Budget
"Clinton-Gingrich Republicans":
These Republican House members, on October 20, were among those who voted 333-95 to approve the Clinton-Gingrich-Lott budget (Roll Call no. 538): Aderholt (Ala.), Archer (Tex.), Armey (Tex.), Baker (La.), Barrett (Neb.), Bass (N.H.), Bateman (Va.), Bereuter (Neb.), Bilirakis (Fla.), Bliley (Va.), Blunt (Mo.), Boehlert (N.Y.), Boehner (Ohio), Bonilla (Tex.), Bono (Calif.), Bryant (Tenn.), Bunning (Ky.), Burton (Ind.), Buyer (Ind.), Callahan (Ala.), Calvert (Calif.), Camp (Mich.), Canady (Fla.), Cannon (Utah), Chambliss (Ga.), Chenoweth (Idaho), Combest (Tex.), Cook (Utah), Cooksey (La.), Cox (Calif.), Crapo (Idaho), Cubin (Wyo.), Cunningham (Calif.), Davis (Va.), DeLay (Tex.), Diaz-Balart (Fla.), Dickey (Ark.), Doolittle (Calif.), Dreier (Calif.), Dunn (Wash.), Ehrlich (Md.), Emerson (Mo.), English (Pa.), Everett (Ala.), Ewing (Ill.), Fawell (Ill.), Foley (Fla.), Forbes (N.Y), Fossella (N.Y.), Fowler (Fla.), Fox (Pa.), Franks (N.J.), Gallegly (Calif.), Ganske (Iowa), Gekas (Pa.), Gibbons (Nev.), Gilchrest (Md.), Gillmor (Ohio), Gilman (N.Y.), Gingrich (Ga.), Goodlatte (Va.), Goodling (Pa.), Goss (Fla.), Granger (Tex.), Greenwood (Pa.), Gutknecht (Minn.), Hastert (Ill.), Hastings (Wash.), Hayworth (Ariz.), Herger (Calif.), Hill (Mont.), Hilleary (Tenn.), Hobson (Ohio), Horn (Calif.), Houghton (N.Y.), Hulshof (Mo.), Hunter (Calif.), Hutchinson (Ark.), Jenkins (Tenn.), Johnson (Conn.), Kasich (Ohio), Kelly (N.Y.), Kim (Calif.), Kingston (Ga.), Knollenberg (Mich.), Kolbe (Ariz.), Latham (Iowa), LaTourette (Ohio), Lazio (N.Y.), Leach (Iowa), Lewis (Calif.), Lewis (Ky.), Linder (Ga.), Livingston (La.), LoBiondo (N.J.), Lucas (Okla.), McCollum (Fla.), McCrery (La.), McDade (Pa.), McHugh (N.Y.), McInnis (Colo.), McKeon (Calif.), Metcalf (Wash.), Moran (Kans.), Morella (Md.), Myrick (N.C.), Nethercutt (Wash.), Ney (Ohio), Northup (Ky.), Norwood (Ga.), Nussle (Iowa), Oxley (Ohio), Packard (Calif.), Parker (Miss.), Paxon (N.Y.), Pease (Ind.), Peterson (Pa.), Pickering (Miss.), Pitts (Pa.), Pombo (Calif.), Porter (Ill.), Quinn (N.Y.), Radanovich (Calif.), Ramstad (Minn.), Redmond (N.M.), Regula (Ohio), Riley (Ala.), Rogan (Calif.), Rogers (Ky.), Ros-Lehtinen (Fla.), Ryun (Kans.), Saxton (N.J.), Dan Schaefer (Colo.), Sessions (Tex.), Shadegg (Ariz.), Shaw (Fla.), Shimkus (Ill.), Shuster (Pa.), Skeen (N.M.), Smith (Ore.), Smith (Tex.), Snowbarger (Kans.), Solomon (N.Y.), Souder (Ind.), Spence (S.C.), Sununu (N.H.), Talent (Mo.), Tauzin (La.), Taylor (N.C.), Thomas (Calif.), Thornberry (Tex.), Thune (S.D.), Tiahrt (Kans.), Walsh (N.Y.), Watkins (Okla.), Watts (Okla.), Weller (Ill.), Whitfield (Ky.), Wicker (Miss.), Wilson (N.M.), Young (Fla.), and Young (Alaska). |
"Clinton-Lott Republicans":
These GOP Senators, on October 21, were among those who voted 65-29 to approve the Clinton-Gingrich-Lott budget (Roll Call no. 314): Abraham (Mich.), Bennett (Utah), Bond (Mo.), Brownback (Kans.), Burns (Mont.), Campbell (Colo.), Chafee (R.I.), Cochran (Miss.), Coverdell (Ga.), Craig (Idaho), D'Amato (N.Y.), DeWine (Ohio), Domenici (N.M.), Faircloth (N.C.), Frist (Tenn.), Gorton (Wash.), Gregg (N.H.), Hatch (Utah), Hutchinson (Ark.), Hutchison (Tex.), Jeffords (Vt.), Kempthorne (Idaho), Lott (Miss.), Mack (Fla.), McConnell (Ky.), Roberts (Kans.), Roth (Del.), Shelby (Ala.), Smith (Ore.), Stevens (Alaska), Thompson (Tenn.), Thurmond (S.C.), and Warner (Va.). |
ACTION: Let them know where you stand. Call 202-224-3121 and ask for your legislator by name or E-Mail your message.
House Opponents of Budget Deal:
These House members, on October 20, voted against the Clinton-Gingrich-Lott budget (Roll Call no. 538) 333-95: Bachus (R-Ala.), Ballenger (R-N.C.), Barr (R-Ga.), Barrett (D-Wis.), Bartlett (R-Md.), Barton (R-Tex.), Bilbray (R-Calif.), Blumenauer (D-Ore.), Boyd (D-Fla.), Brady (R-Tex.), Burr (R-N.C.), Campbell (R-Calif.), Cardin (D-Md.), Castle (R-Del.), Chabot (R-Ohio), Christensen (R-Neb.), Coble (R-N.C.), Coburn (R-Okla.), Collins (R-Ga.), Condit (D-Calif.), Costello (D-Ill.), Crane (R-Ill.), Deal (R-Ga.), DeFazio (D-Ore.), DeGette (D-Colo.), Doggett (D-Tex.), Duncan (R-Tenn.), Ehlers (R-Mich.), Ensign (R-Nev.), Filner (D-Calif.), Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.), Goode (D-Va.), Graham (R-S.C.), Hefley (R-Colo.), Hoekstra (R-Mich.), Holden (D-Pa.), Hostettler (R-Ind.), Hyde (R-Ill.), Inglis (R-S.C.), Istook (R-Okla.), Jay Johnson (D-Wis.), Sam Johnson (R-Tex.), Jones (R-N.C.), Kanjorski (D-Pa.), Kaptur (D-Ohio), Kind (D-Wis.), King (R-N.Y.), Kleczka (D-Wis.), Klink (D-Pa.), Klug (R-Wisc.), LaHood (R-Ill.), Largent (R-Okla.), Lee (D-Tex.), Luther (D-Minn.), Manzullo (R-Ill.), McDermott (D-Wash.), McIntosh (R-Ind.), Mica (R-Fla.), Miller (D-Calif.), Miller (R-Fla.), Minge (D-Minn.), Neumann (R-Wisc.), Pappas (R-N.J.), Paul (R-Tex.), Peterson (D-Minn.), Petri (R-Wisc.), Portman (R-Ohio), Riggs (R-Calif.), Rivers (D-Mich.), Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), Roukema (R-N.J.), Royce (R-Calif.), Salmon (R-Ariz.), Sanford (R-S.C.), Scarborough (R-Fla.), Bob Schaffer (R-Colo.), Sensenbrenner (R-Wisc.), Shays (R-Conn.), Skaggs (D-Colo.), Adam Smith (D-Wash.), Nick Smith (R-Mich.), Christopher Smith (R-N.J.), Linda Smith (R-Wash.), Stearns (R-Fla.), Stump (R-Ariz.), Stupak (D-Mich.), Taylor (D-Miss.), Thurman (D-Fla.), Upton (R-Mich.), Wamp (R-Tenn.), Weldon (R-Pa.), Weldon (R-Fla.), White (R-Wash.), Wolf (R-Va.), and Yates (D-Ill.). |
Senate Opponents of Budget Deal:
These Senators, on October 21, voted against the Clinton-Gingrich-Lott budget (Roll Call no. 314) 65-29: Allard (R-Colo.), Ashcroft (R-Mo.), Baucus (D-Mt.), Byrd (D-W.Va.), Coats (R-Ind.), Collins (R-Me.), Enzi (R-Wyo.), Feingold (D-Wis.), Gramm (R-Tex.), Grams (R-Minn.), Grassley (R-Iowa), Hagel (R-Neb.), Inhofe (R-Okla.), Kerrey (D-Neb.), Kohl (D-Wis.), Kyl (R-Ariz.), Levin (D-Mich.), Lugar (R-Ind.), McCain (R-Ariz.), Moynihan (D-N.Y.), Nickles (R-Okla.), Reid (D-Nev.), Santorum (R-Pa.), Sessions (R-Ala.), Smith (R-N.H.), Snowe (R-Me.), Specter (R-Pa.), Thomas (R-Wyo.), and Wellstone (D-Minn.). |
Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of October 15, 1998
KNOW YOUR ENEMY?These 90 members of the United States Senate have voted against the Constitution of the United States, as well as the liberty and independence of our nation, in voting affirmatively (Roll Call No. 259, 90-3, September 2, 1998) for the Foreign Operations Export Financing and Related Agencies Appropriation Act of 1999 providing $17.9 billion in additional financing for the IMF:
90 U.S. SENATORS VOTE TO SUPPORT $17.9 BILLION IMF BAILOUT OF GLOBALIST PLUTOCRATS:Abraham (R-Mich.), Akaka (D-Hawaii), Allard (R-Colo.), Ashcroft (R-Mo.), Baucus (D-Mt.), Bennett (R-Utah), Biden (D-Del.), Bond (R-Mo.), Boxer (D-Calif.), Breaux (D-La.), Brownback (R-Kans.), Bryan (D-Nev.), Bumpers (D-Ark.), Burns (R-Mont.), Campbell (R-Colo.), Chafee (R-R.I.), Cleland (D-Ga.), Coats (R-Ind.), Cochran (R-Miss.), Collins (R-Me.), Conrad (D-N.D.), Craig (R-Idaho), D'Amato (R-N.Y.), Daschle (D-S.D.), DeWine (R-Ohio), Dodd (D-Ct.), Dorgan (D-N.D.), Durbin (D-Ill.), Enzi (R-Wyo.), Feingold (D-Wis.), Feinstein (D-Calif.), Ford (D-Ky.), Frist (R-Tenn.), Gorton (R-Wash.), Graham (D-Fla.), Gramm (R-Tex.), Grams (R-Minn.), Grassley (R-Iowa), Gregg (R-N.H.), Hagel (R-Neb.), Harkin (D-Iowa), Hatch (R-Utah), Hollings (D-S.C.), Hutchinson (R-Ark.), Hutchison (R-Tex.), Inhofe (R-Okla.), Jeffords (R-Vt.), Johnson (D-S.D.), Kempthorne (R-Idaho), Kennedy (D-Mass.), Kerrey (D-Neb.), Kerry (D-Mass.), Kohl (D-Wis.), Kyl (R-Ariz.), Landrieu (D-La.), Lautenberg (D-N.J.), Leahy (D-Vt.), Levin (D-Mich.), Lieberman (D-Ct.), Lott (R-Miss.), Lugar (R-Ind.), Mack (R-Fla.), McCain (R-Ariz.), McConnell (R-Ky.), Mikulski (D-Md.), Moseley-Braun (D-Ill.), Moynihan (D-N.Y.), Murray (D-Wash.), Nickles (R-Okla.), Reed (D-R.I.), Reid (D-Nev.), Robb (D-Va.), Roberts (R-Kans.), Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), Roth (R-Del.), Santorum (R-Pa.), Sarbanes (D-Md.), Sessions (R-Ala.), Shelby (R-Ala.), Smith (R-Ore.), Snowe (R-Me.), Specter (R-Pa.), Stevens (R-Alaska), Thomas (R-Wyo.), Thompson (R-Tenn.), Thurmond (R-S.C.), Torricelli (D-N.J.), Warner (R-Va.), Wellstone (D-Minn.), and Wyden (D-Ore.). |
Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.), Lauch Faircloth (R-N.C.), and Bob Smith (R-N.H.) voted against the bill. Each deserves special thanks for courage. |
Seven Senators Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), Paul Coverdell (R-Ga.), Pete Domenici (R-N.M.), John Glenn (D-Ohio), Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), and Frank Murkowski (R-Alaska) did not vote.
Jesse Helms indicated that, had he been present and voting, he would have joined Smith, Byrd, and Faircloth in opposition.
Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of September 30, 1998
CLINTON-GINGRICH ALLIANCE IN OPPOSITION TO CONSTITUTIONAL TRADE POLICY LOSES IN HOUSENo thanks to the Republican leadership, Bill Clinton's unconstitutional "fast track" proposal was defeated in Congress on September 25, 243 to 180.
151 REPUBLICANS VOTE WITH CLINTON ON TRADEAccording to The Washington Post (9/26/98, p. A10), only "29 Democrats voted for the legislation, while 171 voted no and three others voted present. On the Republican side, 151 members voted for it and 71 voted against it, while one independent also opposed it."
SEVENTY-ONE HOUSE REPUBLICANS REJECT GLOBALIST PRESSURE TO SURRENDER TO CLINTON THE CONSTITUTIONAL OBLIGATION OF CONGRESS TO REGULATE COMMERCE WITH FOREIGN NATIONSThe 71 Republicans who wisely voted (Roll Call no. 466, 9/25/98) against the unconstitutional scheme which contradicts the stipulation that "Congress shall regulate commerce with foreign nations" are listed below:
Robert Aderholt (Ala.), Bob Barr (Ga.), Roscoe Bartlett (Md.), Michael Bilirakis (Fla.), Sherwood Boehlert (N.Y.), Steve Buyer (Ind.), Charles Canady (Fla.), Helen Chenoweth (Idaho), Howard Coble (N.C.), Tom Coburn (Okla.), Merrill Cook (Utah), Michael Crapo (Idaho), Nathan Deal (Ga.), Lincoln Diaz-Balart (Fla.), John Doolittle (Calif.), John Duncan (Tenn.), Philip English (Pa.), John Ensign (Nev.), Terry Everett (Ala.), Michael Forbes (N.Y), Jon Fox (Pa.), Elton Gallegly (Calif.), James Gibbons (Nev.), Benjamin Gilman (N.Y.), William Goodling (Pa.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Rick Hill (Mont.), Van Hilleary (Tenn.), Peter Hoekstra (Mich.), John Hostettler (Ind.), Duncan Hunter (Calif.), Bob Inglis (S.C.), William Jenkins (Tenn.), Walter Jones (N.C.), Sue Kelly (N.Y.), Steven LaTourette (Ohio), Frank LoBiondo (N.J.), Joseph McDade (Pa.), John McHugh (N.Y.), Jack Metcalf (Wash.), John Mica (Fla.), Mark Neumann (Wisc.), Bob Ney (Ohio), Charles Norwood (Ga.), Michael Pappas (N.J.), Ron Paul (Tex.), Richard Pombo (Calif.), Jack Quinn (N.Y.), Ralph Regula (Ohio), Bob Riley (Ala.), Harold Rogers (Ky.), Dana Rohrabacher (Calif.), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Fla.), Edward Royce (Calif.), Joe Scarborough (Fla.), Bud Shuster (Pa.), Nick Smith (Mich.), Christopher Smith (N.J.), Linda Smith (Wash.), Gerald Solomon (N.Y.), Mark Souder (Ind.), Floyd Spence (S.C.), Cliff Stearns (Fla.), Charles Taylor (N.C.), James Walsh (N.Y.), Zach Wamp (Tenn.), Curt Weldon (Pa.), Jerry Weller (Ill.), Edward Whitfield (Ky.), Frank Wolf (Va.), and Don Young (Alaska). |
If your Congressman is not listed above, ask him why he wants to unconstitutionally assign Bill Clinton the power to negotiate unamendable trade agreements.
Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of August 15, 1998
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The GOP House has voted (7/22/98) to support "President Clinton's extension of normal trading relations formerly known as most-favored-nation status to China....The House voted 264-166 against a measure that would have cut off favorable tariffs and trade conditions for China, as Mr. Clinton signed a bill changing the designation of those provisions from MFN to normal trading status....
"Supporters of free trade with China were all but certain they would prevail. In fact, they picked up nine more votes than last year, when 173 members of the House opposed MFN, citing China's violation of trade pacts, weapons proliferation, poor human rights record and anti-democratic policies regarding Taiwan, Hong Kong and Tibet...."
FREE TRADE FANTASY PREFERRED TO NATIONAL SECURITY REALITIES"China has produced intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads aimed at every American city, purchased by Chinese communist dictators with American dollars taken from American workers, said Rep. James A. Traficant Jr., Ohio Democrat....
"Rep. Frank R. Wolf, Virginia Republican, pleaded with his colleagues to use the vote to send a message to China in the face of human rights abuses.
"They send us 30 to 40 percent of their goods. We send them 2 percent of our goods, Mr. Wolf said. There are more slave labor camps in China today than when Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote "The Gulag Archipelago"...."
"Several factors made the climate slightly better for the pro-business free-traders this time around:
" GOP leadership has begun using free trade as the answer to farmers who are suffering under record low prices for wheat and other crops, ratcheting up pressure on members from farm states.
" The Christian Coalition, which had opposed MFN, claimed neutrality this time...."
" Pro-business Republicans backed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and businesses in their districts opted not to entangle the debate with the investigation over U.S. technology transfers to China and reports that the Chinese military actively sought to infiltrate American politics." Source: The Washington Times, 7/23/98, p. 1
The 149 Republicans who joined (H.J. Res. 121, Roll Call no. 317, 264-166, 7/22/98) with President Clinton to give Beijing a $60 billion annual boost in income to finance its military buildup were:
Archer and Armey (Tex.), Bachus (Ala.), Baker (La.), Ballenger (N.C.), Barrett (Neb.), Bass (N.H.), Bateman (Va.), Bereuter (N.Y.), Bilbray (Calif.), Bilirakis (Fla.), Bliley (Va.), Boehlert (N.Y.), Boehner (Ohio), Bonilla (Tex.), Bono (Calif.) Brady (Tex.), Bryant (Tenn.), Buyer (Ind.), Callahan (Ala.), Calvert (Calif.), Camp (Mich.), Campbell (Calif.), Canady (Fla.), Cannon (Utah), Castle (Del.), Chabot (Ohio), Coble (N.C.), Combest (Tex.), Cooksey (La.), Crane (Ill.), Crapo (Ida.), Cubin (Wyo.), Cunningham (Calif.), Davis (Va.), DeLay (Tex.), Dreier (Calif.), Dunn (Wash.), Ehlers (Mich.), Emerson (Mo.), English (Pa.), Ewing and Fawell (Ill.), Foley (Fla.), Fossella (N.Y.), Fox (Pa.), Franks and Frelinghuysen (N.J.), Gekas (Pa.), Gilchrest (Md.), Gillmor (Ohio), Gingrich (Ga.), Goodlatte (Va.), Goss (Fla.), Granger (Tex.), Greenwood (Pa.), Gutknecht (Minn.), Hansen (Utah), Hastert (Ill.), Hastings (Wash.), Hayworth (Ariz.), Herger (Calif.), Hill (Mt.), Hoekstra (Mich.), Houghton (N.Y.), Hulshof (Mo.), Hutchinson (Ark.), Istook (Okla.), Johnson (Conn.), Sam Johnson (Tex.), Kelly (N.Y.), Kim (Calif.), Knollenberg (Mich.), Kolbe (Ariz.), LaHood (Ill.), Largent (Okla.), Latham (Iowa), LaTourette (Ohio), Lazio (N.Y.), Leach (Iowa), Lewis (Calif.), Lewis (Ky.), Linder (Ga.), Livingston (La.), Lucas (Okla.), Manzullo (Ill.), McCollum (Fla.), McCrery (La.), McHugh (N.Y.), McInnis (Colo.), McIntosh (Ind.), McKeon (Calif.), Metcalf (Wash.), Mica and Miller (Fla.), Moran (Kans.), Morella (Md.), Nethercutt (Wash.), Northup (Ky.), Nussle (Iowa), Oxley (Ohio), Packard (Calif.), Parker (Miss.), Paul (Tex.), Paxon (N.Y.), Pease (Ind.), Peterson (Penn.), Petri (Wis.), Pitts (Pa.), Porter (Ill.), Portman and Pryce (Ohio), Quinn (N.Y.), Radanovich (Calif.), Ramstad (Minn.), Redmond (N.M.), Regula (Ohio), Riggs and Rogan (Calif.), Roukema (N.J.), Ryun (Kans.), Salmon (Ariz.), Sessions (Tex.), Shadegg (Ariz.), Shaw (Fla.), Shays (Conn.), Shimkus (Ill.), Shuster (Pa.), Skeen (N.M.), Smith (Mich.), Smith (Ore.), Smith (Tex.), Snowbarger (Kans.), Stump (Ariz.), Talent (Mo.), Tauzin (La.), Thomas (Calif.), Thornberry (Tex.), Thune (S.D.), Upton (Mich.), Walsh (N.Y.), Watkins and Watts (Okla.), Weldon (Penn.), Weller (Ill.), White (Wash.), Whitfield (Ky.), Wicker (Miss.), and Wilson (N.M.). |
Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (R-Md.) was disappointed over the August 5 vote on his amendment to the Commerce/Justice/State appropriations bill to delete the $475 million in so-called "back dues" to the United Nations put in by the Republican appropriators.
He received only 151 votes, incredibly 14 votes fewer than in last year's vote on the Bartlett Amendment deleting $100 million. This year, he lost 30 Republicans who voted for his amendment last year."
The pro-U.N. Republicans (Roll Call no. 392, 151 to 279, 8/5/98) were: Archer (Tex.), Ballenger (N.C.), Bass (N.H.), Bateman (Va.), Bereuter (Neb.), Bilbray (Calif.), Boehlert (N.Y.), Boehner (Ohio), Brady (Tex.), Callahan (Ala.), Calvert and Campbell (Calif.), Castle (Del.), Davis (Va.), Dreier (Calif.), Dunn (Wash.), Ehlers (Mich.), English (Pa.), Ewing and Fawell (Ill.), Fowler (Fla.), Fox (Pa.), Franks and Frelinghuysen (N.J.), Gallegly (Calif.), Ganske (Iowa), Gilchrest (Md.), Gillmor (Ohio), Gilman (N.Y.), Goss (Fla.), Granger (Tex.), Greenwood (Pa.), Hobson (Ohio), Horn (Calif.), Houghton (N.Y.), Hyde (Ill.), Johnson (Conn.), Kasich (Ohio), Kelly (N.Y.), Kim (Calif.), King (N.Y.), Klug (Wisc.), Knollenberg (Mich.), Kolbe (Ariz.), LaHood (Ill.), Latham (Iowa), LaTourette (Ohio), Lazio (N.Y.), Leach (Iowa), Lewis (Calif.), Livingston (La.), McHugh (N.Y.), Miller (Fla.), Morella (Md.), Northup (Ky.), Oxley (Ohio), Parker (Miss.), Porter (Ill.), Portman and Pryce (Ohio), Quinn (N.Y.), Ramstad (Minn.), Regula (Ohio), Riggs (Calif.), Rogers (Ky.), Roukema and Saxton (N.J.), Shaw (Fla.), Shays (Conn.), Smith (N.J.), Smith (Ore.), Smith (Tex.), Sununu (N.H.), Taylor (N.C.), Thomas (Calif.), Upton (Mich.), Walsh (N.Y.), Weldon (Pa.), White (Wash.), Wicker (Miss.), Wilson (N.M.), Wolf (Va.), and Young (Fla.). Those who switched their votes from last year are in bold. |
As the Associated Press reports (The Washington Post, 8/5/98, p. A7), "The House voted yesterday to provide $250 million next year for the Legal Services Corp....By a 255-170 roll call, Democrats and moderate Republicans united to add $109 million to the $141 million a spending bill had contained for the agency's budget....The Legal Services Corp. is an annual target of conservatives, who believe it pursues an activist, ideological agenda." (Editor's note: In 1995, Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey pledged repeatedly that, in the context of their "gradualist, incremental" strategy, they would see to it that the LSC would be completely zeroed out by Sept. 30, 1998.)
Those 57 Republicans who voted (Roll Call no. 381, 255-170, 8/4/98) to continue funding for the LSC's nationwide network of Left-wing legal activists, propagandists, lobbyists, and organizers were: Bilbray (Calif.), Boehlert (N.Y.), Camp (Mich.), Canady (Fla.), Castle (Del.), Chambliss (Ga.), Davis (Va.), Diaz-Balart (Fla.), Ehlers (Mich.), Ehrlich (Md.), Fawell (Ill.), Forbes (N.Y.), Fowler (Fla.), Fox (Pa.), Franks and Frelinghuysen (N.J.), Ganske (Iowa), Gekas (Pa.), Gilchrest (Md.), Gilman (N.Y.), Goodling and Greenwood (Pa.), Horn (Calif.), Houghton (N.Y.), Hulshof (Mo.), Johnson (Conn.), Kim (Calif.), Klug (Wisc.), LaHood (Ill.), Largent (Okla.), LaTourette (Ohio), Lazio (N.Y.), Leach (Iowa), Lewis (Calif.), McCollum (Fla.), McCrery (La.), McDade (Pa.), McHugh (N.Y.), Morella (Md.), Nethercutt (Wash.), Ney (Ohio), Porter (Ill.), Pryce (Ohio), Quinn (N.Y.), Ramstad (Minn.), Regula (Ohio), Ros-Lehtinen (Fla.), Shays (Conn.), Smith (N.J.), Tauzin (La.), Upton (Mich.), Walsh (N.Y.), Watts (Okla.), Weldon (Pa.), White (Wash.), Wilson (N.M.), and Young (Alaska). |
"A great victory, said Rep. Vic Fazio, California Democrat....Frankly, I find it a close call, said Appropriations Committee Chair Robert L. Livingston, Louisiana Republican. He added that although LSC has done better, it still does not deserve full funding." (The Washington Times, 8/5/98, p, A4)
The Wall Street Journal (8/5/98, p. A4) reports that "the margin of victory represents a high-water point for the corporation under GOP rule....
BIG BUSINESS BACKS LSC, "CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS" SIT ON SIDELINES "Despite their insistence on the cuts, conservatives failed to show up for the House floor debate to defend them. And Legal Services has found new support among the GOP's business allies...."From Ford Motor Co. to Tenneco Inc., prominent corporate counsels had endorsed yesterday's amendment in printed ads, and the fight has been a cause celebre for Rep. Jon Fox, an embattled Republican moderate running for re-election in suburban Philadelphia."
By a margin of 163 to 260, the Republican House of Representatives rejected a motion to overturn Bill Clinton's decision to provide U.S. government credits and investment guarantees to Communist Vietnam.
The 93 Republicans who supported Clinton (Roll Call no. 356, 7/30/98) in providing U.S. taxpayer subsidies to the Marxist-Leninist regime were: Archer and Armey (Tex.), Ballenger (N.C.), Barrett (Neb.), Bass (N.H.), Bateman (Va.), Bereuter (Neb.), Bilbray (Calif.), Bliley (Va.), Boehlert (N.Y.), Boehner (Ohio), Brady (Tex.), Callahan (Ala.), Calvert (Calif.), Camp (Mich.), Campbell (Calif.), Cannon (Utah), Castle (Del.), Chambliss (Ga.), Combest (Tex.), Crane (Ill.), Dreier (Calif.), Dunn (Wash.), Ehlers (Mich.), Ewing and Fawell (Ill.), Foley and Fowler (Fla.), Ganske (Iowa), Gilchrest (Md.), Gillmor (Ohio), Goodlatte (Va.), Goss (Fla.), Granger (Tex.), Greenwood (Pa.), Hastings (Wash.), Herger (Calif.), Houghton (N.Y.), Hulshof (Mo.), Johnson (Conn.), Kasich (Ohio), Kim (Calif.), Knollenberg (Mich.), Kolbe (Ariz.), Largent (Okla.), Latham (Iowa), LaTourette (Ohio), Leach (Iowa), Lewis (Calif.), Livingston (La.), Lucas (Okla.), Manzullo (Ill.), McCrery (La.), McHugh (N.Y.), McInnis (Colo.), McIntosh (Ind.), McKeon (Calif.), Mica (Fla.), Moran (Kans.), Morella (Md.), Nethercutt (Wash.), Nussle (Okla.), Oxley (Ohio), Parker (Miss.), Paxon (N.Y.), Pease (Ind.), Petri (Wisc.), Pickering (Miss.), Portman and Pryce (Ohio), Ramstad (Minn.), Redmond (N.M.), Rogan (Calif.), Roukema (N.J.), Salmon (Ariz.), Sanford (S.C.), Sensenbrenner (Wisc.), Shaw (Fla.), Shays (Conn.), Shimkus (Ill.), Skeen (N.M.), Smith (Ore.), Sununu (N.H.), Taylor (N.C.), Thomas (Calif.), Walsh (N.Y.), Watkins (Okla.), Weldon (Pa.), Weller (Ill.), White (Wash.), Wicker (Miss.), Wilson (N.M.), and Young (Alaska). |
Jim Traficant (D-Ohio) added "we are rewarding Communists that screwed our soldiers and screwed their own people who tried to help our men...."
CONCERN FOR POWs AND MIAs TAKES SECOND PLACE TO GREED And Congressman Sam Johnson (R-Tex.) observed that "this resolution is not about Vietnam. It is about honoring and respecting the over 58,000 American soldiers who gave their lives battling communism so we could remain free. It is about our soldiers who still remain missing in action. It is about keeping the hope alive for the families who still wake up every morning asking the same question: What happened to my child, my husband, my brother, my father?"I have seen how this Communist government conducts business. I have personally experienced their threats, their lies, and their so-called promises....I listened to their propaganda that America had betrayed us, left us to die. I knew they were wrong.
"As a member of the U.S.-Russia Joint Commission on POW/MIAs, we have been negotiating for the last 5 years to get a full accounting of our missing. I can tell my colleagues that the Government of Vietnam continually refuses to cooperate." (Source: Congressional Record, 7/30/98, p. H6767-6772)
Should Federal executive branch officials have authority to preclude employment at taxpayer expense of persons who engage in corrupt homosexual conduct? Or should they be forced to hire and promote employees whose claim to fame is that they are practicing sodomites? The overwhelming majority of the House of Representatives agrees with Bill Clinton that homosexuals should be guaranteed a newly discovered "right to work" on the Federal payroll.
As reported in The New York Times (8/6/98, p. A18), the "House today soundly rejected a measure that would have blocked President Clinton's directive banning job discrimination against Federal workers who are gay....
"[T]he House, by a vote of 252 to 176, rejected arguments that Mr. Clinton's directive would lead to affirmative action for homosexuals and defeated the opposing measure, which was attached as an amendment to a spending bill....
"The amendment, sponsored by Representative Joel Hefley, Republican of Colorado, would have undone Mr. Clinton's May 28 executive order adding homosexuals to groups that may not be discriminated against in Federal employment. The executive order sought to make uniform a Federal employment policy that is already in effect at many agencies."
"Mr. Hefley said he sought to rein in Mr. Clinton. He said he believed that the President had abused his power in issuing a blizzard of executive orders during his two terms....
"Mr. Hefley also said that this particular executive order banning discrimination would lead to affirmative action, quotas and special privileges for homosexuals, a contention that a number of conservative Republicans rejected."
"Only a handful of Republicans tonight chose to speak out in support of the amendment. Instead, several Republicans took the floor to criticize the measure....Homosexuals are taxpayers, too, and deserve an equal break in terms of fairness in employment, said Representative Dana Rohrabacher, a conservative California Republican, amused that he stood in the unfamiliar company of Democrats. There is no reason for the Federal Government to discriminate for or against an individual."
The Wall Street Journal (8/10/98, p. A16) points out that no "fight was more divisive than the failed attempt to overturn Mr. Clinton's executive order on discrimination. The debate matched Rep. Joel Hefley, a flinty Colorado conservative, with Rep. Barney Frank, a gay, liberal Massachusetts Democrat. But Mr. Frank turned the tables by yielding time to a succession of Republicans who spoke against the amendment. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California, a former Reagan speechwriter, opened for Mr. Frank, followed by Virginia Rep. Tom Bliley, chairman of the House Commerce Committee...."
"It's a vicious cycle from both sides, complained Mr. Rohrabacher, looking back. Republicans are caught, he said, between conservative allies who paint homosexuals as perverts and a gay-rights lobby that attacks the religious right as bigots. Rejecting Mr. Clinton's directive would have been unjust and unkind, said the Orange County conservative...."
The 63 Republicans who voted (Roll Call no. 398, 8/5/98) for President Clinton's Executive Order authority in support of "gay rights" were: Bateman (Va.), Bilbray (Calif.), Bliley (Va.), Boehlert (N.Y.), Bono and Campbell (Calif.), Castle (Del.), Cooksey (La.), Cox (Calif.), Davis (Va.), Diaz-Balart (Fla.), Dreier (Calif.), Ehlers (Mich.), Ehrlich (Md.), English (Pa.), Foley (Fla.), Forbes (N.Y.), Fowler (Fla.), Fox (Pa.), Franks and Frelinghuysen (N.J.), Gallegly (Calif.), Ganske (Iowa), Gilchrest (Md.), Gilman (N.Y.), Goss (Fla.), Granger (Tex.), Greenwood (Pa.), Hobson (Ohio), Horn (Calif.), Houghton (N.Y.), Johnson (Conn.), Kelly (N.Y.), Kim (Calif.), Klug (Wisc.), Knollenberg (Mich.), Kolbe (Ariz.), LaTourette (Ohio), Lazio (N.Y.), Leach (Iowa), Lewis (Calif.), LoBiondo (N.J.), McCollum (Fla.), McCrery (La.), McDade (Pa.), Miller (Fla.), Morella (Md.), Oxley (Ohio), Porter (Ill.), Pryce and Regula (Ohio), Rohrabacher (Calif.), Ros-Lehtinen (Fla.), Roukema and Saxton (N.J.), Shaw (Fla.), Shays (Conn.), Shimkus (Ill.), Smith (Mich.), Thomas (Calif.), Upton (Mich.), Weller (Ill.), and Wilson (N.M.). |
"This President has issued 254 orders since he has been President of the United States....I think it is time Congress questioned his use of the executive order process. Tonight we are going after the misuse of two executive orders, but we will be back to go after others.
"The first executive order, issued on May 14, virtually ignores the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This executive order, titled Federalism, establishes broad and ambiguous circumstances in which the Federal Government could intervene in matters that have traditionally been left to State and local governments. This executive order, which reverses a 1987 executive order by President Ronald Reagan, is nothing more than a power grab from the States....The President says that he will suspend that executive order and rewrite it, but suspend is very different from revoke.
"The President issued another executive order in May that would amend the Nation's civil rights laws as they pertain to Federal civilian employees. This executive order would require all Federal agencies to apply affirmative action policies on the basis of sexual orientation.
"This action amends President Richard Nixon's 1969 executive order by adding sexual orientation to the race, color, religion, sex, disability, age, and national origin as classes of Federal employees which are entitled to affirmative action programs...."
A VOTE AGAINST HEFLEY WAS A VOTE FOR PRO-HOMO AFFIRMATIVE ACTION "President Nixon's executive order set forth the policy of promote the full realization of equal employment opportunity through...a continuing affirmative program in each executive department and agency. The Nixon order further provides that the head of each executive department and agency shall establish and maintain an affirmative program...."History shows us that this means quotas and set-asides to measure whether they have an affirmative program." (Congressional Record, 8/5/98, p. H7256)
The Republican Congressmen who voted to use your funds to subsidize sexual intercourse with "birth control" were: Bass (N.H.), Bereuter (Neb.), Bilbray (Calif.), Boehlert (N.Y.), Bono, Calvert, and Campbell (Calif.), Castle (Del.), Cook (Utah), Davis (Va.), Dunn (Wash.), Ehrlich (Md.), Ensign (Nev.), Fawell (Ill.), Foley and Fowler (Fla.), Fox (Pa.), Franks and Frelinghuysen (N.J.), Gallegly (Calif.), Ganske (Iowa), Gibbons (Nev.), Gilchrest (Md.), Gilman (N.Y.), Granger (Tex.), Greenwood (Pa.), Hobson (Ohio), Horn (Calif.), Houghton (N.Y.), Johnson (Conn.), Kelly (N.Y.), Klug (Wis.), Kolbe (Ariz.), Lazio (N.Y.), Leach (Iowa), Morella (Md.), Nethercutt (Wash.), Oxley (Ohio), Porter (Ill.), Pryce (Ohio), Ramstad (Minn.), Riggs (Calif.), Roukema (N.J.), Shaw (Fla.), Shays (Conn.), Thomas (Calif.), Upton (Mich.), and Wilson (N.M.). |
Congratulations to retiring California GOP Congressman Frank Riggs, whose amendment denying the city of San Francisco $265 million in Federal housing money was approved on a 214 to 212 vote (Roll Call no. 349, 7/29/98). The basis for the denial is the policy of the San Francisco city government using Federal tax dollars to subsidize housing for "live-in homosexual partners".
According to The New York Times (7/30/98, p. A14), Riggs said "the policy wrongly elevated unmarried homosexuals to the same status as married hetero-sexuals."
Republicans who voted against Riggs (and in favor of using your money to subsidize sodomite "lovenests") were: Bass (N.H.), Bilbray (Calif.), Boehlert (N.Y.), Campbell (Calif.), Castle (Del.), Cubin (Wyo.), Davis (Va.), English (Pa.), Ensign (Nev.), Foley (Fla.), Forbes (N.Y.), Fowler (Fla.), Franks and Frelinghuysen (N.J.), Gilchrest (Md.), Gilman (N.Y.), Goss (Fla.), Horn (Calif.), Houghton (N.Y.), Johnson (Conn.), Kelly (N.Y.), Kolbe (Ariz.), Lazio (N.Y.), Leach (Iowa), Lewis (Calif.), McCrery (La.), Miller (Fla.), Morella (Md.), Sanford (S.C.), Saxton (N.J.), Shaw (Fla.), Shays (Conn.), and White (Wash.). |
Democrats who voted with Riggs and against Federally funded homosexual housing included: Baesler (Ky.), Berry (Ark.), Bishop (Ga.), Costello (Ill.), Cramer (Ala.), Danner (Mo.), Goode (Va.), Hall (Ohio), Hall (Tex.), Hamilton (Ind.), Holden (Pa.), John (La.), Lipinski (Ill.), McIntyre (N.C.), Ortiz (Tex.), Peter-son (Minn.), Pickett (Va.), Roemer (Ind.), Sandlin (Tex.), Skelton (Mo.), Sten-holm (Tex.), Tanner (Tenn.), Taylor (Miss.), Traficant (Ohio), and Turner (Tex.). |
Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of June 30, 1998
The Washington Post reports (6/18/98, p. A4) "The House voted 219 to 209 yesterday to abolish the current tax code by Dec. 31, 2002, in a largely symbolic act that one of its chief sponsors said would force politicians to make tax reform the centerpiece of the next presidential election."The bill, authored by Republican Reps. Steve Largent (Okla.) and Bill Paxon (N.Y.), directs Congress to enact a new tax system by July 4, 2002. Largent acknowledged that the current Congress cannot force a future Congress to act, but said the bill would spur tax reform in the 2000 election year....
"House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), who held a news conference on the West Front to highlight his support for the Tax Code Termination Act, argued that the code had to be eliminated because it had become a monstrosity."
BUT SOME REPUBLICANS EVEN FAVOR KEEPING THE IRS IN PERPETUITYUnfortunately, there are some members of Congress who even oppose terminating the tax code four years down the road. The 20 Republicans who voted (H.R. 3097, Roll Call no. 239, 6/17/98) to keep the IRS and the present tax code were:
Nancy Johnson and Christopher Shays (Conn.); Michael Castle (Del.); Clay Shaw (Fla.); Harris Fawell, Ray LaHood, and John Edward Porter (Ill.); Greg Ganske and Jim Leach (Iowa); Connie Morella (Md.); Fred Upton (Mich.); Doug Bereuter (Neb.); Rodney Frelinghuysen and Marge Roukema (N.J.); Sherwood Boehlert, Amo Houghton, and James Walsh (N.Y.); and Herbert Bateman, Tom Davis, and Frank Wolf (Va.). |
Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of June 15, 1998
HOUSE GOP LEADERSHIP KILLS RESOLUTION TO WITHDRAW FROM BOSNIAAccording to The Washington Post (3/19/98, p. A4), the "House, in a 225 to 193 vote, rejected a vigorously contested resolution yesterday that would have forced President Clinton to withdraw U.S. troops from Bosnia within 60 days or obtain authorization from Congress to leave them there."
BOSNIAN INTERVENTION IS UNWISE AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL"Rep. Tom Campbell (R-Calif.), who sponsored the bill, said it was time for Congress to assert its constitutional responsibility over a military operation that began more than two years ago and recently was extended indefinitely. While his resolution was intended essentially to test the constitutionality of the 1973 War Powers Resolution, it drew support from members wishing to protest the open-ended nature and growing cost of U.S. involvement in Bosnia."
DEMOPUBS COMBINE TO BACK CLINTON, NATO, AND THE U.N."Leaders in both parties opposed the measure, suggesting it would send signals of uncertainty and confusion to the rest of the world and undermine the morale of U.S. troops. In testimony earlier in the day before a House panel, Defense Secretary William S. Cohen and Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright insisted the administration had a legal right to keep thousands of American soldiers on peacekeeping duty in Bosnia indefinitely and argued that the War Powers Act should not be tested on a peacekeeping operation."
$7 BILLION DIVERTED FROM DEFENSE BUDGET"During the hearing, members of the House National Security Committee complained that the $7 billion spent on the Bosnia operation so far had curbed spending on new military equipment and contributed to an erosion of U.S. military readiness."
BATEMAN, BOEHNER, COX, DUNN, GILMAN, LARGENT, SOLOMON LINE UP WITH GINGRICHThe 42 Republicans who voted (Roll Call no. 58, 3/18/98) to continue the unconstitutional U.S. military presence in Bosnia were: Bateman (Va.), Bliley (Va.), Boehlert (N.Y.), Boehner (Ohio), Buyer (Ind.), Callahan (Ala.), Castle (Del.), Chambliss (Ga.), Cox (Calif.), Davis (Va.), Diaz-Balart (Fla.), Dunn (Wash.), Fawell (Ill.), Fox (Pa.), Gilchrest (Md.), Gillmor (Ohio), Gilman (N.Y.), Goss (Fla.), Hastings (Wash.), Hostettler (Ind.), Houghton (N.Y.), Hunter (Calif.), King (N.Y.), Knollenberg (Mich.), Kolbe (Ariz.), Largent (Okla.), LaTourette (Ohio), Lazio (N.Y.), Leach (Iowa), Lewis (Calif.), Morella (Md.), Northup (Ky.), Oxley (Ohio), Portman (Ohio), Quinn (N.Y.), Solomon (N.Y.), Thornberry (Tex.), Tiahrt (Kans.), Wicker (Miss.), Wolf (Va.), Young (Alaska), and Young (Fla.). |
Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of May 15, 1998
J.C. WATTS LEADS GOP IN CRITICIZING AFFIRMATIVE ACTION WHILE VOTING TO KEEP ITAccording to The Washington Post (5/12/98, p. A17), "After more than three years of decrying affirmative action mandated preferences for minorities and women in jobs, education and other programs while simultaneously refusing to abolish it, Watts has come to occupy a pivotal role in the House debate on the controversial issue. Even as Republican leaders have repeatedly given their blessing to measures aimed at rolling back such programs, the lone black Republican in the House has served as a bulwark against any dramatic change."
55 GOP CONGRESSMEN BACK WATTS BY VOTING TO KEEP RACIAL QUOTAS"This phenomenon was on full display last week, when 55 Republicans voted along with almost the entire Democratic caucus to defeat California Republican Frank Riggs's amendment denying federal funds to public colleges and universities that rely on the policy in their admissions. The day before, Watts had joined liberal Democratic Rep. John Lewis (Ga.), also an African American, in circulating a Dear Colleague letter urging members to vote against the measure...."
GOP MINORITY CONTROLS THE POLICY OF THE GOP MAJORTIY"The true test on affirmative action came in early November, when the House Judiciary Committee met to mark up a bill sponsored by Rep. Charles T. Canady (R-Fla.) prohibiting the federal government from considering race or gender as a factor in federal hiring and contracting. House Republicans held an impassioned debate on the bill in a closed meeting, in which both Watts and Rep. Henry Bonilla (R-Tx.) objected strongly to the measure. Four Republicans then joined the panel's Democrats in tabling the bill.
"It was his objection last fall that really convinced us to hold off on this and talk about it more, said Rep. John Linder (Ga.), chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee....
"Here in Washington, however, the sentiments of lawmakers like Watts and Bonilla still hold sway. In addition to affecting the leadership's decisions, Watts exerts influence over rank-and-file members as well."
"Watts's close friend Steve Largent (R-Okla.), for example, voted against the Riggs amendment, and fellow Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn was deeply conflicted about the issue shortly before voting in favor of the provision. According to Coburn, members of the Oklahoma delegation have held lengthy discussions about how to reach a common understanding on the subject."
"The affirmative-action ban would have prevented public colleges and universities that accept federal money from using race, sex or national origin in deciding which students to admit. It was proposed by Rep. Frank Riggs, California Republican, as an amendment to a $101 billion higher-education bill...." (Source: The Washington Times, 5/7/98, p. 1)
MYRICK, REDMOND, ENGLISH, ENSIGN, NUSSLE, PRYCE, SOUDER, AND WHITE VOTE PRO-QUOTAThose 55 Republicans against the affirmative action ban (House Roll Call no. 133 (249-171), 5/6/98) were: Barrett (Neb.), Boehlert (N.Y.), Bonilla (Tex.), Burr (N.C.), Buyer (Ind.), Castle (Del.), Davis (Va.), Diaz-Balart (Fla.), Dickey (Ark.), Ehlers (Mich.), English (Pa.), Ensign (Nev.), Forbes (N.Y.), Fox (Pa.), Gibbons (Nev.), Gilchrest (Md.), Gilman (N.Y.), Hobson (Ohio), Houghton (N.Y.), Johnson (Conn.), Kelly (N.Y.), King (N.Y.), Klug (Wisc.), LaHood (Ill.), Largent (Okla.), LaTourette (Ohio), Lazio (N.Y.), Leach (Iowa), Lewis (Calif.), McDade (Pa.), Moran (Kan.), Morella (Md.), Myrick (N.C.), Ney (Ohio), Nussle (Iowa), Pryce (Ohio), Quinn (N.Y.), Redmond (N.M.), Regula (Ohio), Ros-Lehtinen (Fla.), Sanford (S.C.), Saxton (N.J.), Shays (Conn.), Skeen (N.M.), Smith (Mich.), Snowbarger (Kan.), Souder (Ind.), Upton (Mich.), Walsh (N.Y.), Watkins (Okla.), Watts (Okla.), Weldon (Pa.), White (Wash.), Wolf (Va.), and Young (Alaska). |
According to The New York Times (5/7/98, p. A17) "The House tonight overwhelmingly passed an education bill that would make loans cheaper for millions of students but would soften the blow for banks through a new Federal subsidy. In a late night vote of 414 to 4, Democrats joined Republicans to approve the higher education reauthorization bill...."
UNCLE SAM HAS NO AUTHORITY TO LOAN OUT OUR MONEY"Unlike interest rates on mortgages and car loans, which are set competitively by banks, the rate on college loans is fixed by Congress and is scheduled to be readjusted July 1. The current rate is 8.23 percent.
"In a bipartisan compromise that seeks to strike a balance between the concerns of students and banks, the House bill would create two separate interest rates for the loans, one for the students, 7.43 percent, and a slightly higher one for banks. 7.93 percent. The Federal government would make up the difference."
CAMPBELL, CRANE, PAUL, AND SCHAFFER STAND ALONEThe four members of Congress who voted in opposition were: Tom Campbell (R-Calif.), Phil Crane (R-Ill.), Ron Paul (R-Tex.), an Bob Schaffer (R-Colo.). I don't know their reasons, but their vote was the correct one. |
First of all, there is no enumerated power giving Congress authority to appropriate funds for education.
Second, such appropriations are in violation of the First Amendment prohibition on Congress funding an establishment of religion.
Third, from a pragmatic standpoint, any conservative who votes to prop up what passes for "higher education" is funding an ongoing attack on the fundamental values on which America was founded.
Fourth, there is no authority for the Federal government with respect to the student loan program to serve as a banker, guaranteeing loans, either as a first resort or a last resort.
"HIGHER EDUCATION" SHOULD BE ACCOUNTABLE TO THE FREE MARKETWe paid a high price for the Savings and Loan scandal, but the price we pay for underwriting Marxists, sodomites, feminists, and anti-private property environmentalists who have tenure at all too many colleges and universities is a far higher price indeed.
Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of April 30, 1998
On April 28, the U.S. Senate approved sweeping legislation to pay $819 million in claimed back dues to the United Nations.
As reported by The New York Times (4/29/98, p. A10), the "vote, 51 to 49, was largely along party lines, with 49 Republicans joining 2 Democrats in support of the legislation, and 6 Republicans and 43 Democrats opposed. The House approved the same bill last month by a voice vote....
"At issue in the conference report is...[t]he provision, proposed by Reprsentative Chris Smith, Republican of New Jersey, [which] would prohibit Federal financing for international organizations that lobby foreign governments to change their abortion policies. Republicans say they have already compromised to the extent that the measure has just symbolic value."
HELMS ADMITS THAT SO-CALLED "PRO-LIFE" LANGUAGE WILL HAVE LITTLE PRACTICAL IMPACTAs described by The Washington Times (4/23/98, p. A17), "Republicans have once more softened anti-abortion language in the bill to pay almost $1 billion in U.N. arrears...."
Senator Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), who favors sending the money to the U.N. in return for the Clinton Administration accepting some of his ideas about State Department reorganization, acknowledges the irrelevance of the supposedly pro-life provisions in the bill saying, "What did Ronald Reagan's Mexico City policy do? It forbade any expenditure of U.S. taxpayer money going to any organizations that performed abortions abroad....The provision in this conference report does not do what the Mexico City policy did. As much as I wish it were otherwise, section 1816 will not cut off funding to organizations that perform abortions as required under President Reagan's original Mexico City policy. All section 1816 does is simply prohibit population control groups from using American taxpayers' money which they will receive under current law anyhow to lobby foreign countries to overturn their laws pertaining to abortion." (Source: Conference Report on H.R. 1757, 4/28/98)
Supposedly this was a pro-life vote, but, in fact, the correct pro-life vote would have been to deny all funds to the pro-abortion United Nations and to the population control advocacy and activist organizations which collaborate with it.
Once again, the Republican Party has abandoned principle to score meaningless political points against Bill Clinton, foolishly asserting that rhetorical limits on subsidies to pro-abortion groups somehow override the stupidity of giving those groups (including the U.N. itself) any money at all.
The 49 Republicans who voted (Roll Call No. 105, 4/28/98) to pay the phony debt to the U.N. and give another $25 million to the U.N. Population Fund were: Abraham (Mich.), Allard (Colo.), Ashcroft (Mo.), Bennett (Utah), Bond (Mo.), Brownback (Kans.), Burns (Mont.), Campbell (Colo.), Coats (Ind.), Cochran (Miss.), Coverdell (Ga.), Craig (Ida.), D'Amato (N.Y.), DeWine (Ohio), Domenici (N.M.), Enzi (Wyo.), Faircloth (N.C.), Frist (Tenn.), Gorton (Wash.), Gramm (Tex.), Grams (Minn.), Grassley (Iowa), Gregg (N.H.), Hagel (Neb.), Hatch (Utah), Helms (N.C.), Hutchinson (Ark.), Hutchison (Tex.), Inhofe (Okla.), Kempthorne (Ida.), Kyl (Ariz.), Lott (Miss.), Lugar (Ind.), Mack (Fla.), McCain (Ariz.), McConnell (Ky.), Murkowski (Alaska), Nickles (Okla.), Roberts (Kans.), Santorum (Pa.), Sessions (Ala.), Shelby (Ala.), Smith (N.H.), Smith (Ore.), Stevens (Alaska), Thomas (Wyo.), Thompson (Tenn.), Thurmond (S.C.), and Warner (Va.). |
"The Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 passed the House on March 26 on a voice vote after anti-abortion language the administration found objectionable was softened to allow U.S. aid to go to family planning groups that participate in, but do not sponsor, pro-abortion lobbying efforts...."
AND U.N. WILL GET $819 MILLION-PLUS"As agreed upon in [an] historic bipartisan compromise last summer between Sens. Jesse Helms, North Carolina Republican, and Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Delaware Democrat, the bill would provide for $819 million to be paid in U.N. arrears....
"In November, in an effort to make the provision palatable to both sides of the abortion question, Rep. Christopher H. Smith, New Jersey Republican, offered a softer version of the Mexico City restrictions." (Source: Washington Times, 4/23/98, p. A17)
PRO-LIFE PRINCIPLES SOLD FOR A MESS OF POTTAGEJudie Brown, Chairman of the American Life League, observes in her April 17 Communiqué (p. 2) that the reconstructed "Mexico City policy" is a sham. "New language passed by the U.S. House of Representatives includes a waiver that would affect only those organizations that violate the abortion laws of a foreign country, or lobby to legalize abortion. It would not affect groups that are involved in performing abortions."
More information about the U.N.
According to The Washington Blade (4/10/98, p. 18), the "United States Senate on April 2 gave voice vote consent to confirm attorney Elaine D. Kaplan, an open Lesbian, as head of the Office of Special Counsel, an independent federal agency that investigates reports of discriminatory actions against federal employees....She is a resident of D.C. and a member of Gay and Lesbian Attorneys of Washington...."
HOMOSEXUAL FAMILY GETS OFFICIAL RECOGNITION"During the [Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs March 30] hearing, Kaplan followed what has become a tradition for nominees before a Senate confirmation committee by introducing her partner and their two children, ages 7 and 4, to committee members.
"The committee voted 9-0 to approve Kaplan's and [U.S. Postal Rate Commission nominee Ruth] Goldway's nominations on April 2, several hours before the full Senate approved the two nominations by unanimous consent, or voice vote....
"Kaplan's position gives her jurisdiction over complaints filed by government employees alleging anti-Gay discrimination related to personnel matters."
BROWNBACK, NICKLES, AND SMITH ACQUIESCEThe members of the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs are Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.), Susan Collins (R-Me.), Sam Brownback (R-Kans.), Pete Domenici (R-N.M.), Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), Don Nickles (R-Okla.), Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), Robert Smith (R-N.H.), Robert Bennett (R-Utah), John Glenn (D-Ohio), Carl Levin (D-Mich.), Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.), Daniel Akaka (D-Hi.), Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), Robert Torricelli (D-N.J.), and Max Cleland (D-Ga.). |
Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of April 15, 1998
REPUBLICAN SENATE MAJORITY DELIVERS (VIA IMF) ANOTHER $18 BILLION OF YOUR MONEY TO NEW WORLD ORDER PLUTOCRATSThe Wall Street Journal reports (3/27/98, p. A2) that the "Senate overwhelmingly approved the Clinton administration's $18 billion request for the International Monetary Fund....
"The lopsided 84-16 vote gives the Treasury a badly needed boost....Senate Republicans backed the IMF by an almost 3-1 margin....
"The Treasury and IMF argue that they need the additional funding to cover future crises in developing nations. The IMF has committed tens of billions of dollars to shore up Indonesia, Thailand and South Korea...."
"Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R., Miss.), after winning concessions for shipbuilders at home, joined in support of the IMF....
"Sen. Lauch Faircloth (R., N.C.) lambasted the final package as incredibly weak and mocked the IMF as a set of silk-suited dilettantes given to a diet of champagne and caviar at the expense of the American taxpayer."
More information about the IMF
The Senate voted 84-16 (Roll Call no. 44, 3/26/98) to provide $18 billion in supplemental appropriations for the IMF, with the following 41 Republicans voting "aye": Bennett (Utah), Bond (Mo.), Brownback (Kans.), Burns (Mont.), Chafee (R.I.), Coats (Ind.), Cochran (Miss.), Collins (Me.), Craig (Ida.), D'Amato (N.Y.), DeWine (Ohio), Domenici (N.M.), Enzi (Wyo.), Frist (Tenn.), Gorton (Wash.), Gramm (Tex.), Grams (Minn.), Grassley (Iowa), Gregg (N.H.), Hagel (Neb.), Hatch (Utah), Hutchinson (Ark.), Hutchison (Tex.), Jeffords (Vt.), Kempthorne (Ida.), Lott (Miss.), Lugar (Ind.), McCain (Ariz.), McConnell (Ky.), Murkowski (Alaska), Roberts (Kans.), Roth (Del.), Santorum (Pa.), Shelby (Ala.), Smith (Ore.), Snowe (Me.), Specter (Pa.), Stevens (Alaska), Thomas (Wyo.), Thurmond (S.C.), and Warner (Va.). |
Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of March 31, 1998
Bill Clinton has always demonstrated skill at changing the subject, and he usually does a pretty good job of suckering mainstream Republicans into supporting his left-wing policy agenda. But now they must really be chortling at the White House, in view of the large number of "conservative Republicans" who have signed on to H.R. 1432, the African Growth and Opportunity Act, passed on March 11 with the support of 141 GOP members of Congress.
A good part of the problem is that most members of Congress are so busy that they don't have time to read the bills---and even when they do find the time to read the text, they don't understand the "code words" which the liberals have been using for decades to advance their counter-cultural, revolutionary agenda.
IT IS NOW U.S. POLICY TO CHALLENGE TRADITIONAL AFRICAN CULTUREH.R. 1432 includes among its objectives "strengthening and expanding the private sector in sub-Saharan Africa, especially women-owned businesses." In its statement of policy it asserts that "the Congress supports economic self-reliance for sub-Saharan African countries, particularly those committed to...the importance of women to economic growth and development." Later on we are told that this involves "improved economic opportunities for women as entrepreneurs and employees".
The bill fails to note that there are significant elements of African culture which in some cases support notions of male headship, consistent with the Biblical training received over centuries from Christian missionaries.ONLY "GROSS" HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS ARE A PROBLEM
Separately, according to the U.N., abortion and buggery are "human rights". Is it appropriate for the U.S. government to use its influence to undermine deeply held religious beliefs and cultural traditions in support of a humanist-religious or globalist-economic agenda which limits participation only to those who are not guilty of engaging in "a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights"?
But what are internationally recognized human rights? Are abortion on demand, support for homosexual conduct, socialized medicine, and radical environmentalism essential elements of the international human rights agenda? We need to ask, because the legislation emphasizes "strengthening health care systems...strengthening family planning service delivery systems...ensuring sustainable economic growth through environmental protection". These goals are nowhere precisely defined.
I can recall the time when conservatives respected the Constitution, and recognized that there is no constitutional basis for taxpayer-subsidized foreign aid, which is really targeted aid, to benefit particular politicians and business favorites. Yet House Republicans voted blindly for the assertion that the Development Fund for Africa established under Chapter 10 of Part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 "has been an effective tool in providing development assistance to sub-Saharan Africa since 1988." That's pure unadulterated hogwash!
The program has been a boondoggle which has served to promote the consolidation in office of Marxist-Leninist politicians in countries all over sub-Saharan Africa, including Namibia, Mozambique, Angola, South Africa, and the Congo.
H.R. 1432 promises that "assistance provided through the Development Fund for Africa will continue to support programs and activities", inter alia, related to "strengthening health care systems, strengthening family planning service delivery systems, and ensuring sustainable economic growth through environmental protection."
Using language straight out of the Economic Opportunity Act conceived by Lyndon Johnson, Sargent Shriver, Robert Kennedy, Michael Harrington, Saul Alinsky, and others, the GOP-sponsored bill says that "The African Development Foundation has a unique congressional mandate to empower the poor to participate fully in development and to increase opportunities for gainful employment, poverty alleviation, and more equitable income distribution in sub-Saharan Africa." Neither Karl Marx nor Hillary Clinton could have said it better.
IN THE NAME OF FREE TRADE, GOP CONSERVATIVES MAKE AMERICAN TAXPAYERS SUBSIDIZE "DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE" BY AFRICAN REGIMES WHICH BESTOW BENEFITS ON THEIR FRIENDSThis bill posits that the role of government is to redistribute the wealth with insufficient regard for private property rights and individual liberties. It also carries forward the concept of government by non-profit corporation, where left-wing activist groups become beneficiaries of U.S. foreign aid to advance their socialist, feminist, humanist, environmentalist, abortionist, and homosexual objectives.
THE "UGLY AMERICAN" HAS NOT LEARNED ANYTHING FROM LBJ'S DESTRUCTIVE "WAR ON POVERTY"It would be outrageous to impose this regime on free Americans. What folly it is, then, for so-called conservatives to impose it on African societies with which they are scarcely familiar.
DOES FEDERAL FASCISM FOSTER COMMERCIAL PROFITS IN THE NAME OF FREE TRADE?Blinded by the idea that so-called "free trade" is more important even than their oaths to the Constitution, let alone their common sense, it is asserted in this legislation that "It is the sense of Congress that sustained economic growth...depends in large measure upon the development of receptive environment for trade and investment, and that to achieve this objective, the United States Agency for International Development should continue to support programs which help to create this environment."
Such a blanket endorsement of AID's activities in recent decades merely reflects the failure of these members of Congress to do their homework. I would be surprised if many of these Republicans could, with a straight face, defend these programs to their constituents if their details were known to voters back home.
SUPPORT FOR WTO IS PUSHED AS A PRECONDITION FOR U.S. AIDThe bill also pressures African countries to join the World Trade Organization and the IMF, and to submit to their requirements.
Another factor in determining eligibility is "the extent to which such country has a recognizable commitment to reducing poverty". That's a familiar term to followers of the Great Society, and it's a code word for "distributive justice", which is a fancy term for redistributing the wealth.
U.S. TAXPAYERS PLACED AT RISK BY $650 MILLION OPIC EXPANSIONThe bill would direct OPIC (the Overseas Private Investment Corporation) to create a $150 million equity fund and a $500 million infrastructure fund for Africa beginning in 1998. Guess who foots the bill?
The bill obliges OPIC to initiate two or more equity funds, one of which would have assets of $150 million; the other of which would be funded at the $500 million level. It is stipulated that OPIC "shall ensure that the funds are used to provide support in particular to women entrepreneurs, and to innovative investments that expand opportunities for women and maximize opportunities for poor individuals."
GUESS WHO BENEFITS FROM "DEBT RELIEF"? GUESS WHO PAYS FOR IT?The bill also provides for so-called "debt relief"---not for American taxpayers, but for African politicians who get to write off the repayment of bad loans which Congress had required you and me to guarantee.
"Debt. It is the sense of Congress that the executive branch should extinguish concessional debt owed to the United States by the poorest countries in Africa pursuing growth policies."
The legislation also requires support for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) despite that agency's record of corruption and pro-abortion activity. The legislation also commits taxpayer funds for the U.S. Export-Import Bank.
The regimes which may benefit from the legislation include those in Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Cape Verde, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Congo-Kinshasa, Djibouti, Eritrea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Sao Tomé and Principe, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Swaziland, Togo, Zimbabwe, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Comoros, Ivory Coast, Equitorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.
Even the pro-trade liberalization Wall Street Journal editorializes critically (3/18/98, p. A22) that "rather than outline a way in which aid can be reduced in favor of more open trade arrangements, the bill goes to great lengths to keep development assistance at current levels. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright doled out a new $30 million aid package on a recent trip to Africa, and if any conditions for market reforms were made then, they were kept secret.
"We also wonder about the $650 million Overseas Private Investment Corporation fund authorized by the bill with the vague directive to invest in African businesses that benefit women entrepreneurs. Such funds have existed in the past without noticeable benefits, and it remains unclear what good it will do women entrepreneurs or anyone else to invest in countries that lack basic legal protections for business enterprises."
IN THE NAME OF "FREE TRADE" GOP VOTES TO CREATE AN AFRICAN NAFTA:Republicans who supported the bill (233-186, Roll Call no. 47, 3/11/98) included: Hayworth, Kolbe, Salmon, and Shadegg (Ariz.); Hutchinson (Ark.); Bilbray, Calvert, Campbell, Cox, Doolittle, Dreier, Gallegly, Herger, Horn, Kim, Lewis, McKeon, Packard, Pombo, Radanovich, Riggs, Rogan, Royce, and Thomas (Calif.); McInnis (Colo.); Johnson and Shays (Conn.); Castle (Del.); Foley, Goss, McCollum, Miller, Ros-Lehtinen, Scarborough, Shaw, Weldon, and Young (Fla.); Gingrich and Linder (Ga.); Crane, Ewing, Fawell, Hastert, Hyde, LaHood, Manzullo, Porter, Shimkus, and Weller (Ill.); McIntosh and Pease (Ind.); Ganske, Latham, Leach, and Nussle (Iowa); Ryun, Snowbarger, and Tiahrt (Kans.); Northup (Ky.); Baker, Livingston, McCrery, and Tauzin (La.); Ehrlich, Gilchrest, and Morella (Md.); Camp, Ehlers, Hoekstra, Knollenberg, Smith, and Upton (Mich.); Gutknecht and Ramstad (Minn.); Parker (Miss.); Hulshof (Mo.); Hill (Mont.); Barrett, Bereuter, and Christensen (Neb.); Bass and Sununu (N.H.); Franks and Frelinghuysen (N.J.); Skeen (N.M.); Boehlert, Fossella, Gilman, Houghton, Kelly, King, Lazio, and Paxon (N.Y.); Boehner, Chabot, Gillmor, Hobson, Kasich, LaTourette, Oxley, Portman, Pryce, and Regula (Ohio); Istook, Largent, Watkins, and Watts (Okla.); English, Fox, Gekas, McDade, Peterson, Pitts, and Shuster (Pa.); Thune (S.D.); Archer, Armey, Barton, Brady, DeLay, Granger, Sam Johnson, Sessions, and Smith (Tex.); Cannon, Cook, and Hansen (Utah); Bateman, Bliley, Davis, Goodlatte, and Wolf (Va.); Dunn, Hastings, Nethercutt, Linda Smith, and White (Wash.); Klug and Petri (Wisc.); and Cubin (Wyo.). |
Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of March 15, 1998
15 REPUBLICANS RESCUE FEDERAL CONSTRUCTION QUOTAS BY RACE AND GENDER James Glassman asks in The Washington Post (3/10/98, p. A17), "[w]hat's wrong with the Republicans? They're now entering their fourth year in control of Congress the first time that's happened since 1930. The economy is booming, the deficit has vanished and the president may be indicted or impeached. You would think this state of affairs would give them a little self-confidence, but GOP voices are confused, whimpering or downright inaudible. Bill Clinton, despite all his troubles, is setting the agenda." "PLAY IT SAFE" POLITICS IS RISKY"That's fine with the Invisible Congress. Republicans think that if no one notices them, they'll sneak across the finish line on Nov. 3 with their majority intact or even enlarged. After all, since 1938, the opposition party has gained an average of five Senate and 32 House seats in midterm elections.
"This strategy, however, is not merely cowardly, it's risky. George Bush tried it in 1992, remember? Anyway, what is the point of being in Congress if you can't try, occasionally, to do the right thing? As the most famous Republican, Abraham Lincoln, said in his last public address: Important principles may and must be inflexible."
"But that's not the plan. The Republicans have decided to go AWOL. Their ostensible leader, Speaker Newt Gingrich, has been keeping out of sight since his near-death experience last year. Gingrich, writes Jacob Weisberg in Slate, now fears controversy the way a convalescent fears a draft. To that end, he has scheduled only 89 congressional workdays, one-third fewer than average...."
"So what are the invisible Republicans up to? Last week House members, in a pathetic effort to endear themselves to Hispanic voters, brought up legislation to advance Puerto Rican statehood hardly one of the great issues of our time. Meanwhile, senators passed a bill setting blood alcohol levels for drunk driving at 0.08 percent. Just a reminder: Back when the Constitution meant something, states were responsible for such matters."
"On Friday the Senate, with 15 Republicans concurring, voted to keep an affirmative-action program that steers billions of dollars in transit construction to companies owned by women and minorities. Rejecting these set-asides, which are discriminatory and costly, may be the right thing to do, but it would raise a ruckus and we can't have that in an election year."
GOP SENATORS BOND, CAMPBELL, D'AMATO, MURKOWSKI, AND SPECTER VOTE TO KEEP QUOTASAs reported by The Washington Post (3/7/98, p. 1), despite "arguments by many conservatives that public opinion is turning against such programs championed by advocates of affirmative action, 15 Republicans joined nearly all Democrats in a 58 to 37 vote against an amendment by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to drop the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program from a bill reauthorizing transportation projects for the next six years.
"McConnell had argued that the program was unfair, unconstitutional and just plain un-American. Its defenders said it was both constitutional and necessary to help overcome a long history of discrimination in the construction industry, as Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) put it.
"It was the first vote of the year on affirmative action and appeared to dim prospects for legislation planned in both chambers for a governmentwide ban on use of race- and gender-based criteria for hiring, promotion and contracting."
According to The Washington Times (3/7/98, p. A14), "Mr. McConnell would have amended the $173 billion highway funding bill now being debated by the Senate to replace a 10 percent funding set-aside for disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE) which women- and minority-owned businesses are presumed to be with an effort to educate economically disadvantaged businesses about federal highway contracts and how to bid for them."
The 15 GOP quota voters were Bond (Mo.), Campbell (Colo.), Chafee (R.I.), Collins (Maine), D'Amato (N.Y.), Domenici (N.M.), Jeffords (Vt.), Kempthorne (Idaho), McCain (Ariz.), Murkowski (Alaska), Roth (Del.), Snowe (Maine), Specter (Pa.), Stevens (Alaska), and Warner (Va.). Five Senators did not vote: Glenn (D-Ohio), Coats (R-Ind.), Helms (R-N.C.), Hutchison (R-Tex.), and Bennett (R-Utah). |
"Broader proposals that ban preferences in all government contracting have been rattling around the Capitol for years. In 1995, Rep. Charles T. Canady, Florida Republican and chairman of the Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on the Constitution, and Bob Dole, then the Senate majority leader, drafted broad bills that would have abolished all federal race programs and forbidden the government to require private entities to discriminate. Those bills went nowhere."
"House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Georgia Republican, blocked Mr. Canady's bill from coming to the floor, and Mr. Dole failed to bring his own bill to the floor. The same year, Rep. Gary Franks, Connecticut Republican and then one of two black Republicans in the House, tried to bar race and sex preferences in Defense Department contracting.
"Mr. Gingrich also blocked that bill, prompting Mr. Franks to call him a liar. Mr. Franks said Mr. Gingrich promised to allow his measure to come to the floor, and then reneged."
Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of February 28, 1998
HOLD THE PRESSES: REPUBLICAN "SNEAK ATTACK" FOR PUERTO RICAN STATEHOODAs reported in The Washington Times (3/5/98, p. 1), "The House last night adopted the Puerto Rico statehood bill by a single vote in a raucous session after first killing an amendment that would have made English the official language of the United States...."
GOP LEADERS WOO LATINO VOTES, REJECTING ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS"[S]tatehood proponents celebrated their victory last night. This is one small step to bring justice to America and to the Puerto Rican people, said Rep. Don Young, Alaska Republican and sponsor of the legislation that would allow Puerto Ricans to decide whether the commonwealth becomes a state."
GINGRICH AND CLINTON TEAM UP AGAIN"The bill, backed by President Clinton and House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Georgia Republican, would require Puerto Ricans to vote by Dec. 31 on whether to join the United States."
GOP HOUSE REJECTS COMMON LANGUAGE 238-182"The most hotly debated issue was an amendment by Rep. Gerald B.H. Solomon, New York Republican, that would make English the nation's official language and applying to Puerto Rico if it achieved statehood....
"Mr. Solomon's effort failed as members voted instead 238 to 182 for a bipartisan amendment that would simply promote the teaching of English...."
Among the Republicans who voted (H.R. 856, Roll Call 37, 3/4/98) to put Puerto Rican statehood on a "fast track" were: Boehlert (N.Y.), Bonilla (Tex.), Burton (Ind.), Buyer (Ind.), Calvert (Calif.), Cannon (Utah), Cooksey (La.), Davis (Va.), DeLay (Tex.), Diaz-Balart (Fla.), Ehlers (Mich.), English (Pa.), Foley (Fla.), Forbes (N.Y.), Franks (N.J.), Frelinghuysen (N.J.), Gallegly (Calif.), Gekas (Penn.), Gilchrest (Md.), Gilman (N.Y.), Granger (Tex.), Kelly (N.Y.), Kim (Calif.), King (N.Y.), Kolbe (Ariz.), Lazio (N.Y.), Leach (Iowa), McCollum (Fla.), McKeon (Calif.), Mica (Fla.), Morella (Md.), Parker (Miss.), Peterson (Pa.), Pombo (Calif.), Quinn (N.Y.), Redmond (N.M.), Ros-Lehtinen (Fla.), Saxton (N.J.), Skeen (N.M.), Smith (N.J.), Tauzin (La.), Walsh (N.Y.), and Young (Alaska). |
Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of February 15, 1998
GOP SENATORS GIVE CLINTON THE VOTES TO FURTHER LIBERALIZE THE JUDICIARYThe Judicial Selection Monitoring Project of the Free Congress Foundation reports that, on January 28, the U.S. Senate confirmed Oregon judge Ann Aiken to the U.S. District Court by a vote of 67-30 despite the fact that, in 1993, Aiken sentenced a man who raped a five-year-old girl to just 90 days in jail.
Judge Aiken reportedly felt that state prison, where a longer sentence would have landed him, did not offer sufficient treatment programs for rapists. Execution would have been a more appropriate form of restitution for the malefactor's heinous act.
Republicans who implicitly accepted Judge Aiken's soft-on-crime attitude were Bennett (Utah), Campbell (Colo.), Chafee (R.I.), Coats (Ind.), Cochran (Miss.), Collins (Me.), DeWine (Ohio), Domenici (N.M.), Gorton (Wash.), Hatch (Utah), Jeffords (Vt.), Kempthorne (Ida.), Lugar (Ind.), Mack (Fla.) Roth (Del.), Santorum (Penn.), Sessions (Ala.), Shelby (Ala.), Gordon Smith (Ore.), Specter (Penn.), Stevens (Alaska), Thomas (Wyo.), Thompson (Tenn.), and Thurmond (S.C.). |
Some of these gentlemen profess to be pro-life conservatives.
On February 12, the House of Representatives voted 378-33 (H.Res. 355, Roll Call 16) against Congressman Bob Dornan and in favor of dismissing evidence that the election of Loretta Sanchez was fraudulently secured.
The 33 legislators who stood up against Newt Gingrich and the House GOP leadership and in favor of honest elections, regardless of race, creed, color, or ethnic heritage were: Ballenger (N.C.), Barr (Ga.), Bartlett (Md.), Burton (Ind.), Calvert (Calif.), Chabot (Ohio), Chenoweth (Idaho), Crane (Ill.), Cubin (Wyo.), Doolittle (Calif.), Gekas (Pa.), Gutknecht (Minn.), Herger (Calif.), Hostettler (Ind.), Hunter (Calif.), Jones (N.C.), Kingston (Ga.), Lewis (Ky.), McIntosh (Ind.), Mica (Fla.), Norwood (Ga.), Paul (Tex.), Pombo (Calif.), Rogan (Calif.), Rohrabacher (Calif.), Royce (Calif.), Bob Schaffer (Colo.), Sensenbrenner (Wisc.), Spence (S.C.), Stearns (Fla.), Stump (Ariz.), Taylor (N.C.), and Tiahrt (Kans.). |
If your congressman's name is not listed, he was hiding in the tall grass.
There's an old story that elephants never forget. I wish it were true. The tragedy is that conservative Republicans never remember. They never remember that Republicans have sold them out on NAFTA, the Fed, the World Trade Organization, bailouts of the U.N., Planned Parenthood subsidies, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Legal Services Corporation, Bosnia, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, homosexual subsidies, Federal control of education, quotas, immigration, taxes, spending, and almost everything else that really matters.
Call it what you will: amnesia, Alzheimer's, or asininity to be a conservative Republican, you must consistently forget the past, and be consistently condemned to repeat it.
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