Federal Departments and Agencies N-Z
Cabinet Secretaries, Appointees & Key Staff |
Administration Cabinet Secretaries & Appointed Officials, Nominees
and Directors of Agencies
"P e r s o n n e l i s P o l i c y" |
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- Acting Administrator: Astronaut Frederick D. Gregory,
the former Deputy Administrator. He serves as the CEO for
the Agency and reports directly to the Administrator. He is responsible for directing and
managing many of the programs as well as the day-to-day operations and activities at NASA.
Previously he served as the Associate Administrator for Space Flight from
2001-2002. From 1992-2001, he was Associate Administrator, Office of Safety and
Mission Assurance, at NASA Headquarters, where he was responsible for assuring the safety,
reliability, quality, and mission assurance of all NASA programs. Mr. Gregory has
extensive experience as an astronaut, test pilot, and manager of flight safety programs
and launch support operations. As a NASA astronaut, he logged 455 hours in space: as pilot
for the Orbiter Challenger (STS-51B) in 1985, as spacecraft commander aboard Discovery
(STS-33) in 1989, and as spacecraft commander aboard Atlantis (STS-44) in 1991. He served
in several key positions as an astronaut, including Astronaut Office Representative at the
Kennedy Space Center, for the first Space Shuttle flights; lead Capsule Communicator;
Chief, Operational Safety; and Chief, Astronaut Training. He also served on the Orbiter
Configuration Control Board and Space Shuttle Program Control Board. Mr. Gregory
retired as a Colonel in the Air Force in 1993 after logging 7,000 hours in more than 50
types of aircraft, including 550 combat missions in Vietnam. His 30-year Air Force career
included serving as a helicopter and a fighter pilot. He graduated from the U.S. Naval
Test Pilot School and served as an engineering test pilot for the Air Force and for NASA.
Graduate, U.S. Air Force Academy, Master's in Information Systems from GWU. He has
been highly decorated by NASA, the Air Force and DOD.
- Inspector General: Robert W. Cobb, previously Associate Counsel to
President Bush. Previously he worked for almost nine years at the U.S. Office of
Government Ethics. Prior to Government service, he worked for five years as an associate
attorney at Ober, Kaler, Grimes & Shriver. Graduate, GWU, National Law Center,
- Columbia Accident Investigation Board This board will operate
independently of NASA and will supervise the investigation. The panel includes
experts from the Air Force, Navy, Transportation Department and FAA.
- Chairman: Harold German Jr., a retired admiral who investigated the
2000 terrorist bombing of the USS Cole.
- Co-Chairman, retired Army Gen. William Crouch
- Member: Roger E. Tetrault, former president of General Dynamics
Electric Boat in Groton, CT, manufacturer of nuclear submarines; and former chairman of
McDermott International, Inc.
- Member: Steve Wallace, Director of the Federal Aviation
Administration's accident investigation branch.
- Member: Maj. Gen. John L. Barry, Director, Plans and Programs,
Headquarters USAF Materiel Command, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio
- Member: Brig. Gen Duane W. Deal, Commander 21st Space Wing, Peterson
AFB, Colo.
- Member: James Hallock, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Draper
- Member: Maj. Gen. Kenneth W. Hess, USAF Chief of Safety, Washington,
and Commander, Air Force Safety Center, Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M.
- Member: Scott Hubbard, Director NASA Ames Research Center, Calif.
- Member: Rear Adm. Stephen A. Turcotte, Commander, Naval Safety Center,
Norfolk, Va.
- NASA Advisory Committee - Chairman: Dr. Charles F. Kennel, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography.
- Members: Dr. Kenneth M. Baldwin, U. of California, Irvine; Mr. David
Berteau, Syracuse U.; James Cameron, Chairman and CEO, Lightstorm Entertainment; Dr.
Andrew B. Christensen, NOAA; Dr. Edward F. Crawley, MIT; Mr. Richard Danzig, National
Semiconductor; Dr. Freeman Dyson; Institute for Advanced Study; Dr. Richard E. Ewing,
Texas A&M; General Ronald Fogleman (Ret), Durango Aerospace; Dr. Donald C. Fraser,
Boston U.; The Honorable John Glenn, Ohio State U.--the first American in orbit and a U.S.
Senator; Dr. Daniel E. Hastings; MIT; Fred Israel, Attorney, Israel & Raley, (Ret.);
Dr. John Logsdon, GWU; Mark McDaniel, McDaniel & McDaniel Attorneys; Rev. John P.
Minogue, C.M.; Depaul U., Dr. Harold Mortazavian U. of California; Dr. Norine E. Noonan,
College of Charleston; Dr. Larry Smarr, U. of California San Diego; Dr. David O. Swain,
Boeing; Roger Tetrault, McDermott Int'l.(Ret.); Charles Trimble, Trimble Navigation
(Ret.), Knox Tull, Jackson & Tull; Byron Wood, Boeing; A. Thomas Young, Lockheed
Martin (Ret.); Dr. Laurie Zoloth, San Francisco State U.; Ex Officio Members:
Dr. John H. McElroy, Chairman, NRC Space Studies Board; Gen. William W. Hoover, USAF
(Ret.), Chairman, Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board, NRC; Frederick D. Gregory,
Deputy Administrator, NASA; Exec. Secretary: Dr. J. Donald Miller, Office
of External Relations NASA; Administrative Officer: Kathy Dakon, Office
of External Relations, NASA; NAC.
- Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel, a senior advisory committee that
reports to NASA and Congress. Chairman: Shirley C. McCarty,
Aerospace Consultant, former General Manager, Software Engineering, The Aerospace
Corporation. Vice Chairman: Lt. Gen. Mr. Forrest S. McCartney, USAF
(Ret.) former Vice President for Launch Operations, Lockheed Martin.
- Members: Hon. Robert T. Francis, Aerospace Consultant, Former Vice
Chairman, National Transportation Safety Board; Otto K. Goetz, former Chief Engineer of
the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) Project; Sidney M. Gutierrez, Manager, Physical
Sciences Department, Sandia National Laboratories; ADM. J. Paul Reason, USN (Ret.),
Aerospace Consultant, Former Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet; Roger D. Schaufele,
Professor, Aircraft Design, California State U.; Robert B. Sieck, Aerospace Consultant,
Former Director of Shuttle Processing, Kennedy Space Center; Ex-Officio Member: Bryan
O'Connor, Associate Administrator for Safety and Mission Assurance, NASA Headquarters; Consultants:
Dr. Wanda M. Austin, Senior Vice President, The Aerospace Corporation; Richard
Bruckman, former Director of the FA-18 Weapon System Support Activity, China Lake; RADM
Walter H. Cantrell, USN (Ret), former Commander, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command;
Dr. H Clayton Faushee, Vice Principal, Unisys; Dr. Ulf G. Goranson, former Boeing Chief
Engineer in Commercial Airplane Structures; Dr. Bernard A. Harris Jr., former astronaut,
currently Director of the Harris Foundation; Dr. Nancy G. Leveson Ph.D., Professor,
Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT; Arthur I. Zygielbaum, former engineer and manager, JPL,
currently an administrator at U. of Nebraska -- Lincoln.
- National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) - Chairman: Dana Gioia,
of California. Mr. Gioia is a poet, critic, educator and a former executive with
General Foods. He has authored several books and is a recipient of the "American Book
Award," and was a finalist for the 1992 National Book Critics Award in Criticism.
Bachelor's and MBA from Stanford, master's at Harvard. Gioia once proclaimed
rap to be "spoken poetry". Conservatives have rallied to abolish the NEA, due
to their persistent funding of obscene and incredibly offensive "artwork"
Even if NEA never funded anything obscene, the government has no
right selecting those artists it deems "worthy" of
taxpayers to subsidize, and rejecting those it deems
"unworthy" of taxpayer subsidies. Let the people
patronize the artists and entertainment they want, with their own voluntarily
spent money. It's time for the GOP
majority and President to act and to finally abolish this waste of our money.
- National Council on the Arts
- Dana Gioia (Chairman), Donald V. Cogman, Mary Costa, Gordon Davidson,
Katharine Cramer DeWitt, Makoto Fujimura, David H. Gelernter, Teresa Lozano Long,
James McBride, Maribeth Walton McGinley, Jerry Pinkney, Cleo Parker Robinson,
Deedie Potter Rose, Dr. Karen Lias Wolff. Ex-Officio: Cass Ballenger (R-NC),
Robert Bennett (R-UT), Mike DeWine (R-OH), Betty McCollum (D-MN),
Howard "Buck" McKeon (R-CA), Harry Reid (D-NV).
- National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH) - Chairman: Bruce Cole,
to serve a term of four years. He was a professor of Fine Arts and Comparative Literature
at the Hope School of Fine Arts at Indiana U. He was appointed in 1992 to the National
Council on the Humanities and served until 1999. Graduate, Western Reserve U. &
Oberlin College, Ph.D. Bryn Mawr.
Like the National Endowment for the Arts, taxpayers should not be
forced to subsidize ideas which they may find abhorrent or
disagree with. Let citizens vote with their pocketbook
- Deputy Chairman Lynne Munson, who previously was a
research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute for
Public Policy Research (AEI). She is the author of Exhibitionism:
Art in an Era of Intolerance (Ivan R. Dee, Inc., 2000).
Her articles on the arts, culture, and education have appeared
in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago
Tribune, and Public Interest. Mrs. Munson was
special assistant to National Endowment for the Humanities
chairman Lynne Cheney from 1990 to 1993.
- National Council on the Humanities
- Linda L. Aaker, Austin, TX; Edward L. Ayers, Charlottesville, VA
(Ayers has received a number of grants and fellowships); Jewel Spears Brooker,
St. Petersburg, FL (Brooker has received grants from NEH, a
seeming conflict?); Pedro G. Castillo, Santa Cruz, CA
(He lectures widely on "Chicano history and
politics"); Celeste Colgan, Denver, CO (She is a
senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA),
a free-market think tank based in Dallas, TX. She specializes
in domestic public policies, focusing on issues of education,
healthcare, and retirement.); Evelyn Edson, Charlottesville, VA
(Edson was project director of a three-year grant from NEH,
another who benefited from NEH grants now overseeing such
grants); Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Atlanta, GA (founding
director of the Institute for Women's Studies); Dario Fernández-Morera,
Chicago, IL (author, American Academia and the Survival of
Marxist Ideas); Nathan O. Hatch, Notre Dame, IN; David M. Hertz,
Bloomington, IN (He has received grants from the Mellon and
Graham foundations); Amy A. Kass, Chicago, IL; Andrew Ladis;
Athens, GA; Wright L. Lassiter, Jr., Dallas, TX; Thomas Mallon,
Westport, CT (he received a Rockefeller fellowship); Wilfred M. McClay,
Chattanooga, TN; Stephen A. McKnight, Gainesville, FL
(he has received fellowships from the Rockefeller Foundation
and NEH); Naomi Shihab Nye, San Antonio, TX (She has
been featured on NPR and PBS); Lawrence Okamura, Columbia, MO;
Michael Pack, Chevy Chase, MD (His documentaries,
including Rediscovering George Washington, The Fall
of Newt Gingrich, Inside the Republican Revolution
and America's Political Parties, have aired nationally
on PBS); James R. Stoner, Jr., Gretna, LA (Author of Common-Law
Liberty: Rethinking American Constitutionalism. Stoner has
received fellowships from NEH, the Earhart Foundation, the
John M. Olin Foundation, and the Lynde and Harry Bradley
Foundation); Theodore W. Striggles, New York, NY; Marguerite H. Sullivan,
Washington, D.C. (She is a former chief of staff to Marilyn
Quayle and head of the federal liaison office of former New
Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman).; Stephan A. Thernstrom,
Lexington, MA (He has received fellowships from the Guggenheim
Foundation, John M. Olin Foundation, and several research
grants, including one from NEH); Jeffrey D. Wallin, Washington, D.C.
- Office of Administration - Director: Timothy Alan Campen, who served as
the Chief Information Officer for the Office of Administration since August 2001. From
1997-2001, he was the Associate Administrator for House Information Resources of the
United States House of Representatives.
- Office of the Director of National
Intelligence (ODNI) This independent agency controls
non-defense intelligence agencies
John Negroponte - Director
- Principal Deputy Director: Ronald L. Burgess, Jr., LTG,
U.S. Army (acting)
- Office of Homeland Defense: See Homeland Security Department
or Homeland Defense under White House Staff.
- Office of Management and Budget (OMB) - Director:
Rob Portman, formerly Bush's U.S. trade
representative and a 6-term Congressman from Ohio.
- Deputy Director of OMB: Nancy Dorn, the
former registered foreign lobbyist for Huchison Whampoa, the Chinese shipping company
which has close ties to the
Red Chinese
military and controls ports on both the Atlantic and Pacific sides of the
Panama Canal. Dorn actively lobbyied to stop Rep. Dana Rohrabacher's
resolution to return U.S. troops to Panama. After working for the Chinese shipping
company, Dorn held sensitive positions for Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (National
Security Advisor) and Vice President Cheney (Assistant to the V.P. for Congressional
Relations) before being selected for this top level job.
According to The Wall Street Journal (p.1, 11/30/01) "Cheney hand Nancy
Dorn is expected to get the No. 2 job at the White House Office of Management and Budget.
With budget director Daniels at odds with Congresss GOP leaders, Dorn offers good
Capitol ties: The Cheney staffer once worked for House Speaker Hastert. Former budget
deputy Sean OKeefe also was a Cheney ally." As reported in HPISB #664,
February 28, 2001, "Mrs. Dorn, whose husband was on the staff of Bob Dole, was
previously hired to be national security adviser to GOP House Speaker Dennis Hastert,
despite the fact that she had served as a registered foreign agent for the
Chinese-controlled company, Hutchison Whampoa."
More Dorn Info
- Associate Director for Information Technology: Mark Forman
- Chief Technology Officer: Norman Lorentz, who had that title with the
U.S. Postal Service before leaving government to join EarthWeb, now known as Dice Inc., an
information industry portal. Lorentz reports to Mark Forman, the OMB Associate Director
for Information Technology.
- Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs: John D.
Graham, formerly a Professor of Policy and Decision Sciences at the Harvard
School of Public Health and founding director of the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis.
- Administrator of Federal Procurement Policy at OMB: Angela Styles,
former Special Assistant to the Associate Administrator for Government Wide Policy at GSA
and was previously Counsel to the Government Contracts Group at Miller and Chevalier
Chartered in Washington, D.C. She served as an Associate with the Government
Contracts Group at Baker & Botts 1994-1996, and was the Programs Manager for the
Central Office of Funds Management at the Texas Office of State Federal Relations from
1990 to 1991.
- Chief Counsel: Jay Lefkowitz, former law partner of Kenneth W. Starr.
- Office of Personnel Management (OPM) - Director: Kay Coles James,
former dean of the Robertson School of Government at Pat Robertson's Regent University.
- Deputy Director for Management: Clay Johnson III, of Texas, who has
been Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel and Deputy to the Chief of
Staff. A trusted advisor, he has served with President Bush since his days as Governor of
Texas, where he was the Appointments Director in the Office of the Governor and then
Executive Assistant to the Governor. In 2001 he was Exec. Dir. of the Bush-Cheney
Presidential Transition Team. Previously, he worked in management for Horchow Mail Order
Company, Citicorp and Frito Lay. Yale, master's at Sloan School of Management at
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)-President: Peter S.
Watson, formerly Counsel to Pillsbury Winthrop in Washington, D.C. and was
Counsel at Armitage Associates (Richard Armitage). He served as a Commissioner
on the U.S. International Trade Commission from 1991-1996, and was named Chairman of the
Commission in 1994. He is a member
of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
- Members of the Board: Grant D. Aldonas, Under Secretary of Commerce for
International Trade; Donald Cameron Findlay, Deputy Secretary of Labor; John
B. Taylor, Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs; Ned
L. Siegel, of Florida.
- Members of the Board: John L. Morrison, serving the remainder of a
three-year term expiring 2004. Morrison is currently the Chairman and Co-Founder of
Highland Capital, as well as Managing Director and Co-Founder of Goldner Hawn Johnson and
Morrison, both of which are private investment companies in Minneapolis. From 1975-1989,
he was with Pillsbury in several positions including President of Pillsbury International
Group and Executive VP and Chairman of the U.S. Consumer Foods Group. Yale, Harvard
Business School.
- Executive Vice President: Ross J. Connelly, a business consultant with
Viking Trade and Development Co. He served as President of NorthGas Ltd. In Moscow/Novi
Urengoi, Russia from 1993-1995. Connelly joined Bechtel in 1977 as an Investment and
Financial Representative and in 1982 became a Senior Principal and then Managing Principal
for Bechtel Investments. He was President of Bechtel Energy Resources, 1991-1993.
Duke, Master's from Georgetown School of Foreign Service.
- Peace Corps - Director: Gaddi H. Vasquez, Division VP of
Public Affairs of the Southern California Edison. From 1987-1995, he was County Supervisor
of Orange County, CA, and from 1985-1987, he served in the California Governor's Office,
first as the Hispanic Liaison and then as Chief Deputy Appointments Secretary. Vasquez was
appointed to the Commission on White House Fellowships and the United States
Quincentennary Commission by former President Bush, and he has received multiple
appointments in the State of California by Governors Davis, Wilson and Deukmejian. He was
a police officer in Riverside, CA as well. University of Redlands, Stanford and Harvard.
- Securities Exchange Commission-Chairman: William H. Donaldson,
of New York. He has been nominated to serve until 2007. He is currently the
Chairman of Donaldson Enterprises, an investment firm he founded in 1981; and is Chairman
of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He was
Chairman, President and CEO at Aetna Inc. He was Chairman and CEO of the New York Stock
Exchange from 1990-1995. He was a founder of Yale's Graduate School of Management,
where he served as a dean and a professor of Management from 1975-1980. From
1973-1975, he served as Undersecretary of State under Henry
Kissinger, and then went on to be counsel to Vice President Nelson
Rockefeller. Mr. Donaldson co-founded the international investment banking
firm of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette in 1959 and served as CEO until 1973. Mr.
Donaldson served in the Marine Corps from 1953-1955. Yale, Harvard Business
School. Donaldson is a member
of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) where he is a "Harold Pratt Associate"
(top donor) and serves on the CFR Nominating Committee. Donaldson replaces Harvey
Pitt who was forced to resign 11/5/02. Pitt's nomination outraged pro-family Americans
because of his legal work for New Frontier Media, reportedly a pornography company.
- Commissioner: Paul S. Atkins, of Virgina, to serve the remainder
of a term expiring 2003. Atkins is currently a partner with
PricewaterhouseCoopers in Washington, DC, and was a partner with Coopers & Lybrand in
Washington from 1994 to 1998. From 1990 to 1994, he served as Attorney-fellow,
Counsel, Chief of Staff, and Counselor at the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Atkins was an associate with Davis Polk & Wardwell from 1990-1994 in New York
and Paris. Wofford College, Vanderbilt School of Law.
- Commissioner: Cynthia A. Glassman, of Virginia, to serve until
2006. She has been a Principal at Ernst & Young, where she worked since
1997. From 1997-1998, she was Managing Director and Director of Research at
Furash & Co. From 1977-1986, she served with the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve in several positions. Glassman was an Economics Supervisor at Cambridge in
England from 1974-1977, and worked for the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia from
1971-1974. Wellesley, MA & Ph.D. in Economics at U. of Penn.
- Commissioner: Harvey Jerome Goldschmid, to serve the remainder of a
term expiring in 2004. He is currently a professor of law at Columbia since 1970. In
1998-1999, he was General Counsel to the S.E.C. Graduate and law degrees from
- Commissioner: Roel C. Campos, to serve the remainder of a term expiring
in 2005. Mr. Campos was Senior V.P. and General Counsel of El Dorado Communications in
Houston. From 1989-1995, he practiced law with Richman, Lawrence, Mann, Greene, Arbiter,
as well as Rudin, Appel and Rosenfeld in California. From 1985-1989, Campos served as an
Assistant U.S. Attorney in the District of California, and from 1979-1985, he practiced
corporate, securities and banking law in L.A. U.S. Air Force Academy, UCLA School of
Management and Harvard Law.
- Selective Service - Director: Alfred Rascon, who served
as Inspector General of the Selective Service and has also served as a Special Agent with
the INS. He served with DEA as an Intelligence Operations Specialist, and from
1976-1984 was a U.S. Army military liaison officer in Panama. Rascon was
awarded the Medal of Honor by President Clinton for military service during the Vietnam
War. Selective Service exists only to re-instate the military Draft which should
never be necessary in a free country.
- Secretary of State: Condoleezza
Rice, previously President Bush's National Security
Advisor. Rice was a Stanford University scholar, is a member
of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and member of the Aspen
Institute’s Strategy
Group (Aspen is an internationalist organization which owns
the Wye Plantation estate in Maryland where Elian Gonzales was held
prisoner after being seized). Rice also served
from 1991 to 2001 on the board of Chevron, which does business
with Communist Angola, and one of Chevron's tanker ships which
brought oil from Communist Angola to the U.S. was named
after her. She describes herself as "reluctantly
pro-choice". In 1986, while an international
affairs fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations, she served as
Special Assistant to the Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In
1997, she served on the Federal Advisory Committee on Gender --
Integrated Training in the Military. In addition to serving
on the board of directors of Chevron, she was on the board of
various other companies, including KQED, public broadcasting (PBS)
for San Francisco.
about Condoleezza Rice's foreign policy conflicts of interest
regarding Communist Angola, the UNITA freedom fighters, Chevron
and more. More on Angola
& the UNITA freedom fighters
- Deputy Secretary of State: Robert Zoellick,
formerly U.S. Trade Representative. State and
Treasury officials during the Reagan and Bush administrations, a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR), serves on the CFR board of directors and is chairman of their
National Programs Committee. He also was the Director of the Aspen Institutes Strategy Group,
and was a member of the Executive Committee
of the Trilateral Commission until assuming office. More Info
Zoellick says "It's unfair to make China the
- Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy: Karen
Hughes, who will be tasked with "spreading the
universal principle of human liberty" in particular to
the middle east. Hughes was an advisor to the President
in 2001 and 2002.
- Under Secretary for Global Affairs: Paula J. Dobriansky, who
was most recently Vice President and Director of the Washington office of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR) and was listed as Senior Research Staff with the CFR. She was Foreign Policy
Coordinator for Bob Dole's 1996 Presidential campaign, and served as the Associate
Director of the Bureau of Policy and Programs at the U.S. Information Agency 1990-1993;
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs 1987-1990;
and in the office of European and Soviet Affairs at the National Security Council
1980-1987. She is also a "Former Member In Public
Service" of the Trilateral Commission.
- Deputy Secretary of State: Curt Struple
- Assistant Secretary for Political Military Affairs: Lincoln P. Bloomfield,
Partner at Armitage Associates (Richard Armitage), Deputy Assistant Secretary of
State for Near Eastern Affairs 1992-1993, and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of
Defense for International Security Affairs 1988-1989. He is a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR).
- (Former) Undersecretary for Arms Control and International Security Affairs: John Robert
Bolton (Now under Senate confirmation battle nominated for UN Ambassador), who was Senior V.P. for Public Policy Research at the American Enterprise
Institute (AEI), associated with the Heritage Foundation, and is a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR). Bolton was recently pushed
out of the State Department post for advocating stronger policies with our
- Arms Control Advisor: Mark Groombridge, a member of the
homosexual "Log Cabin Republicans"
- Legal Adviser of the Department of State: William Howard Taft, IV, of
Virginia, a partner with the law firm of Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson in
Washington, D.C. Taft served as U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO 1989-1992
and Deputy Secretary of Defense and General Counsel during the Reagan administration.
He is a member of
the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
- Director, Policy Planning Staff, with the rank of Ambassador: Richard Nathan
Haass, V.P. and Director of Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings
Institute. Previously he served as Director of National Security Programs and Senior
Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), as well as Special Assistant to former
President Bush. He is both a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the
Trilateral Commission.
- Assistant Secretary for European Affairs: A. Elizabeth Jones, a
career member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Career Minister. She is currently
Special Advisor for Caspian Basin Energy Diplomacy and was Principal Deputy Assistant
Secretary at State's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs 1998-2000. She served as
the Ambassador to Kazakhstan 1995-1998. Swarthmore, Master's from Boston U.
- Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs:
Christopher R. Hill, of Rhode Island, who replace
James Andrew Kelly.
- Assistant Secretary for South Asian Affairs: Christina B. Rocca,
previously Senator Sam Brownback's foreign policy advisor. Rocca served as a
Staff Operations Officer for the CIA Directorate of Operations 1982-1997. Graduate
of King's College at University of London.
- Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs: Colonel Paul V. Kelly,
most recently president of the Physical Evaluation Board for the Navy and served as the
Director of the Marine Corps War College 1994-1997. Kelly was Legislative
Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1990-1993 and was the Liaison to
the Defense Appropriations Committees for Marine Corps Matters 1988-1990. A 20 year
veteran of the Marines, he has received numerous awards including the Purple Heart.
- Director General of the Foreign Service and Chairman of the Board of the Foreign
Service: Ruth A. Davis, formerly the Director of the Foreign Service Institute at
the Department of State.
- Under Secretary for Political Affairs: Marc Isaiah Grossman, formerly
the Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources at the
Department of State. He was Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs
1997-2000 and as Ambassador to Turkey 1994-1997.
- Under Secretary for Management: Grant S. Green, previously Chairman and
President of GMD Solutions, a global marketing and consulting company. He was
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Management and Personnel and Special Assistant to
President Reagan for National Security Affairs, and Executive Secretary of the National
Security Council. He is a 22 year veteran of the U.S. Army.
- Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy: Charlotte L. Beers, Chairman of
J. Walter Thompson, a New York advertising agency and served in several positions
including CEO at Ogilvy & Mather, 1992-1999. From 1979-1990 she was with
Tatham-Laird and Kudner and spent ten years with J. Walter Thompson in Chicago 1969-1979.
- Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor: Lorne W. Craner,
former president of the International Republican Institute. His office is
responsible for preparing the highly respected annual State Department reports on
human rights around the world (read the 2000 & 2001 Reports).
He was Director of Asian Affairs at the National Security Council 1992-1993 and was Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs at State 1989-1992. Before joining
State, he served as foreign policy advisor to Senator John McCain (R-AZ). He is a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR).
- Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Research: Carl W. Ford,
President of Ford and Associates, a consulting firm specializing in Asia and the Middle
East. He served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for
International Security Affairs and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Near East and
Asian Affairs concurrently from 1991-1993 and served concurrently as Principal Deputy
Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs and Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense for East Asia and Pacific Affairs from 1989-1991. He was a
staff member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 1979-1985 and was formerly
with the CIA.
- Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs: Roger Francisco Noriega,
currently the Permanent Representative of the U.S. to the Organization of American States
(OAS), a post he held since August of 2001. Prior to his appointment as a member of the
OAS, Ambassador Noriega served as a senior staff member for both the Committee on Foreign
Relations of the U.S. Senate, and the Committee on International Relations of the U.S.
House of Representatives. In addition, he served at USAID and the Bureaus for
Inter-American Affairs and Public Affairs at the State Department. In 2001 the government
of Peru decorated Noriega as "Gran Master of the Order of the Sun" for his
support for the democratic transition and promotion of human rights in Peru. Noriega
replaces the conservative Otto Reich.
- Special Envoy for Western Hemisphere Initiatives: Otto J. Reich.
Ambassador Reich has a distinguished record of service to the United States both
outside and in government. Most recently, Ambassador Reich has served as the Assistant
Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. Formerly
President of RMA International. He was Ambassador to Venezuela 1986-1989; and
was Special Advisor to the Secretary of State from 1983-1986, during which time he
established and managed the interagency Office of Public Diplomacy for Latin America and
the Caribbean; and was Assistant Administrator of the Agency for International Development
1981-1983. Ambassador Reich was also president of the U.S.-Cuba Business Council,
which prepares "for Trade and Investment in a Democratic, Free-Market
Cuba". His nomination was opposed by pro-Castro activists and the Democrat
Senate leadership for his assistance to the anti-Communist Nicaraguan freedom fighters,
the Contras in the 1980's; and on 1/10/02 Bush appointed him as a "recess
appointee" for one year. Reich was Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere
Affiairs in 2002. Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque recently blasted Reich
on Radio Havana, demonstrating both the weakness of the Castro regime and Reich's
reputation as an effective opponent of Communism.
As Special Envoy, Ambassador Reich will report to the Assistant to the
President for National Security Affairs and will coordinate long-term policy initiatives
such as: The U.S./Mexico Partnership, The Andean Regional Initiative, The Caribbean Third
Border Initiative, and The New Cuba Initiative. Within the context of these Initiatives,
Ambassador Reich will have the responsibility to advance the United States' goals in the
hemisphere: to foster and strengthen democratic institutions, to promote and defend human
rights, to advance free trade, and to promote economic development and poverty
- Assistant Secretary for the Near East: William F. Burns, a career
Foreign Service Officer who has been Ambassador to Jordan since 1998, served as Special
Assistant to the President and Senior Director for the Near East and South Asian Affairs
from 1986-1989 and is a member
of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
- Assistant Secretary for African Affairs: Walter Kansteiner, a
partner at The Scowcroft Group. He was Deputy White House Press Secretary for
Foreign Affairs and Director of African Affairs at the National Security Council under
former President Bush, and he was the Director for Africa on the Secretary of State's
Policy Planning Staff at the State Department 1989-1991. He is a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR).
- Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs: Patricia deStacy
Harrison, a founding partner of E. Bruce Harrison and President of AEF Harrison
International. She is a former member of the President's Export Council and was appointed
by President Bush to the U.S. Trade Representative's Policy Advisory Council. American
- Assistant Secretary for Verification and Compliance: Paula A. DeSutter,
a Professional Staff Member for the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence,
1998-2002. From 1995-1997, she was a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the National
Defense Univ., following a year as Special Assistant for Verification and Compliance at
the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 1994-1995. She was the Chief of the
Compliance and Implementation Division, and Chair of VCAWG, at the US Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency from 1984-1993. DeSutter has an MS degree in National Security Strategy
from the National War College, an MA in International Relations from the U. of Southern
California, & a BA in Political Science and an MA in Economics from the U. of Nevada.
- Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security and Director of the Office of
Foreign Missions: Francis X. Taylor, who has served as Coordinator for
Counterterrorism with the rank of Ambassador at Large since July 2002. Previously, the
Commander of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations and he served as the Director
of Special Investigations in the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force Inspector
General. He began his service in the Air Force in 1970. Master's, Notre Dame.
- Office to Monitor and Combat Traffic in Persons -- Director: Rep. John R. Miller,
former GOP Congressman from Washington who served until 1992. A human rights champion when
in Congress, Miller leads the office which opposes slavery, forced servitude and sex
trade. Miller served on the House Committee on International Relations, was active
with the Congressional Human Rights Caucus and supported democracy in Eastern Europe when
the Soviet empire crumbled.
- Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources: Grant S. Green.
Green has been serving at the State Department as Under Secretary for Management since his
confirmation by the Senate in March 2001. Before the State Department, Green
was Chairman and President of GMD Solutions, a global marketing and development
company. He was Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Management and
Personnel as well as a member of the National Security Sector. Green served in
the U.S. Army for 22 years.
- Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID): Andrew
Natsios, previously Chairman of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority. He
also served as Secretary of Administration and Finance for Massachusetts and was Director
of the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance at U.S.A.I.D., 1989-1991.
- Representative of the U.S.A. to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD): Jeanne L. Phillips, with the rank of
Ambassador. She was Executive Director of Bush's Presidential Inaugural
Committee. Phillips was President of Jeanne Johnson & Company in Dallas,
1981-1994 and was Managing Director of the Dallas office of Public Strategies, 1995-1998.
- Chief of Protocol: Donald Burnham Ensenat, affiliated with the law firm
of Locke Liddell & Sapp in New Orleans, LA. He served as the Director of
the Overseas Private Investment Corporation 1989-1992 and held the post of U.S. Ambassador
to Brunei 1992-1993.
- Coordinator for Counterterrorism at the Department of State: J. Cofer Black,
with the Rank and Status of Ambassador at Large. Black has served with the CIA since 1974.
His assignments have included service as Director of the Counterterrorist Center since
1999, and Deputy Chief of the Latin America Division. Master's degree from the U. of
Southern California.
- Special Representative of the Secretary of State for HIV/AIDS: Jack C. Chow,
of Pennsylvania, with rank of Ambassador during his tenure of service.
- Global AIDS Coordinator: Randall Tobias who is a former head of Eli Lilly and
Company, maker of Prozac, and previously Vice Chairman of
AT&T International and Chairman of ATT International.
- Inspector General: Clark Kent Ervin, a Deputy Attorney General and
General Counsel in the Texas Attorney General's Office and was Assistant Secretary of
State for Texas 1995-1999. Ervin served in the Office of National Service
1989-1991. Harvard, Rhodes Scholar, Harvard Law. -- just nominated to Dept. of
Homeland Security.
- U.S. Ambassadors:
- Charge d'affaires to Afghanistan: Ryan C. Crocker, who was Principal
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs in 2001; Ambassador to Kuwait
from 1994-1997 and Ambassador to Lebanon from 1990-1993. He also served in Egypt,
Iran, Iraq and Qatar.
- Ambassador to Albania: James Franklin Jeffrey, the Deputy Chief of
Mission in Ankara, 1999-2002. He was previously Deputy Chief of Mission in Kuwait. Mr.
Jeffrey's domestic assignments include service at State's Bureau of European Affairs,
Office of Regional Political-Military Affairs, the Near Eastern Bureau's Office of Peace
Process and Regional Affairs. He has served in Tunisia; Bulgaria; Turkey; and Germany.
Former member of the U.S. Army.
- Ambassador to Communist Angola: Christopher William Dell, of New
Jersey, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service.
- Ambassador to Argentina: Lino Gutierrez, of Florida, a Career Member of
the Senior Foreign Service. He has served as Senior Advisor for International Affairs at
the National War College at National Defense Univ. Previously, he served as Principal
Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. Past foreign
assignments include: U.S. Ambassador to Nicaragua, Deputy Chief of Mission in Nassau,
Chief of the Embassy's Internal Political Unit in Paris, and Chief of the Political
Section in Port-au-Prince.
- Ambassador to Azerbaijan: Reno L. Harnish, of California, a career
member of the Senior Foreign Service. Mr. Harnish currently serves as Chief of Mission at
the U.S. Office in Kosovo. From 1999-2002, he was the Deputy Chief of Mission in Cairo,
where he had an active role in working with the Egyptian government to foster a negotiated
resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He served from 1996-1999 as Deputy Chief
of Mission in Stockholm, Sweden. From 1992-1996, Mr. Harnish was an active player in steps
to resolve the civil war in Tajikistan.
- Ambassador to the Bahamas: J. Richard Blankenship, the former Hospital
Director of the Mandarin Veterinary Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, and was previously a
partner and director of the Capital South Group in Jacksonville. He was President
and CFO at St. John's Capital 1982-1985 and was with Raymond James & Assoc. in St.
Petersburg 1981-1982.
- Ambassador to Belize: Russell F. Freeman, an attorney with Niles,
Hansen and Davies in Fargo, ND, and works extensively with the Fargo Cass County Economic
Development Corp. He is the former President of the Fargo School Board as well
as a Director of the Children's Village Family Services Foundation. He served
as a judge advocate in the U.S. Army.
- Ambassador to Bolivia: David Greenlee, a career member of the Senior
Foreign Service, who served as Chief of Mission in Paraguay since June 2000. From
1997-1999, he was Special Coordinator for Haiti in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere
Affairs. Greenlee's past assignments include service as Political Advisor to the Army
Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief of Mission in Madrid, Santiago and La Paz and Political
Officer in Tel Aviv, La Paz and Lima. Yale.
- Ambassador to Brazil: Donna Jean Hrinak, of Virginia, a career member
of the Senior Foreign Service.
- Ambassador to Britain & Northern Ireland: William S. Farish III, a
Texas investment banker who raises racehorses at his farm in Kentucky and is also a friend
of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II. He is the President of W.S. Farish & Company in
Houston, Texas. Mr. Farish, whose family made a fortune in the Texas oil business,
has been a friend of the current President Bush's father for nearly 50 years. He managed
the former president's blind trust during his White House years and has donated tens of
thousands of dollars to the Republican Party.
- Ambassador to Cambodia: Charles Aaron Ray: A career member of the
Senior Foreign Service, Ray was a student in the Senior Seminar at the National Foreign
Affairs Training Center. His most recent assignment was as the first U.S. Consul General
in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. His other past assignments include service in Consular
Officer in Guangzhou, China, Special Assistant to the Director of the Office of Defense
Trade Controls in the Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, and Deputy Chief of Mission in
Freetown, Sierra Leone. Before joining the Foreign Service, Ray served in the U.S. Army
from 1962 to 1982, with tours of duty in Europe, East Asia and Southeast Asia. He received
a bachelor's degree from Benedictine College and Master's degrees from the University of
Southern California, the National War College and the National Defense University.
- Ambassador to Canada: Massachusetts Governor Paul Cellucci, who's nomination was opposed by conservatives and pro-family groups for
his promotion of homosexuality. Info
- Ambassador to the People's Republic of China (Red China): Clark T. Randt,
Jr., More Info a Partner Resident and head of
the China Practice Group for Shearman & Sterling. He has been involved in U.S.
and Red-Chinese relations both from the government and private sector perspectives for
over 25 years. He served in Taipei, Taiwan, with the Air Force Security Service
1968-1972. During law school he participated in an East Asia Legal Studies
Travelling Fellowship to Red China where he sat on the
National Council for United States-China Trade as the Red China
Representative. From 1975-1982, Randt was an Associate in New York and then
Tokyo with the law firm of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy. The following
two years he served as the First Secretary and Commercial Attache at the U.S. Embassy in
Beijing where he was the lead negotiator on compliance issues under the U.S.-China Bilateral Trade Agreement. Mr. Randt served as a
Partner Resident in the Hong Kong office with Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe
1985-1987 and then became the Partner resident in Hong Kong and Head of the Red China Practice Group for Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher until
- Ambassador to the Czech Republic: Craig Stapleton, who served as
President of Marsh & McLennan Real Estate Advisors since 1982. He served on
the Board of Directors of the U.S. Peace Corps under President George H. W.
Bush. Graduate, Harvard College and Harvard University Business School.
- Ambassador to the Congo: Robin Renee Sanders, a career member of the
Senior Foreign Service, who served as Director of Public Diplomacy for the Africa Bureau.
Sanders served at the National Security Council on two separate occasions, from 1989-1990,
and from 1997-1999. She has also served in Washington as Special Assistant to two
Assistant Secretaries of State for African Affairs. She has also served as Special
Assistant for Africa, Western Hemisphere and International Crime and Narcotics for former
Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Ambassador Thomas Pickering. Her past overseas
assignments include service as the Chief of Political Sections in Dakar and Windhoek,
political officer in Khartoum, and head of the Consular Section in Oporto.
- Cuba - Chief of U.S. Interests Section: James Cason, Career Foreign
Service for 32 years; Deputy Chief of Mission in Jamaica 1997-2000; political advisor to
NATO & U.S. Atlantic Command 1995-1997; Deputy Chief of Mission in Honduras,
1991-1995. Dartmouth, Johns Hopkins, Fulbright Scholar. Mr. Cason opposes lifting
the embargo on Cuba and is concerned that Cuba is being used as a training base for
- Ambassador to Denmark: Stuart Bernstein, Chairman of the Bernstein
Companies in Washington, D.C. He was appointed by former President Bush to serve as
Trustee of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in 1992. From 1991-1992 he
was a Commissioner for the International Cultural and Trade Center Commission. Bernstein
is a past member and Vice Chairman of the American University Board of Trustees and has
been an active leader of the Weizmann Institute of Science since 1977. He was
most recently a board member of the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'rith.
- Ambassador to Egypt: C. David Welch, a career member of the Senior
Foreign Service, Welch was Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of International
Organization Affairs since 1998. From 1995-1998, he served as Deputy Assistant
Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs and served as Deputy Chief of Mission in
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 1992-1995. He held a variety of other posts both abroad
and in Washington, D.C. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
- Ambassador to the State of Eritrea: Donald J. McConnell, a career
member of the Senior Foreign Service. He has been Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Plans and Policy in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs at the Department of State
since 2000. He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Political
Affairs and Director of the Political Directorate at NATO Headquarters in Brussels
1996-2000, and was Chief of Mission to Burkina Faso 1993-1996. Stanford,
- Ambassador to Finland: Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, founder and president of
Pace Communications. She is a member of the international Board of Directors
for Habitat for Humanity, a member of the Board of International Women Build for Habitat
for Humanity, and a member of the Board of Habitat for Humanity First Ladies Build. She is
a board member and National Leadership Council member of the United Way of America.
- Ambassador to France: Howard H. Leach, president of Foley Timber and
Land Co. in Perry, FL, and Leach Capital Corp. & Leach McMicking in San Francisco.
- Ambassador to Germany: Daniel R. Coats, former Special Counsel at
Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson and Hand in Washington, D.C. He served in
the U. S. House of Representatives 1981-1989 and represented Indiana in the U.S. Senate
- Ambassador to Ghana: Mary Carlin Yates, of Oregon, she was the
Ambassador to the Republic of Burundi 1999-2002. From 1995-1999, she was Press Attaché
and Senior Cultural Affairs Officer in Paris. Prior to Paris, she was the Political
Affairs Officer and then Public Affairs Officer in Kinshasa.
- Ambassador to India: Robert D. Blackwill, an international security
lecturer at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government, Faculty Chairman of Executive
Programs for Members of the Russian State Duma, Russian General Officers, and Faculty
Chairman of the China Initiative, Kennedy School of Government. He was Political
Counselor in the Embassy in Tel Aviv; Director of West European Affairs on the National
Security Council staff; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for
Political-Military Affairs; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European
Affairs; Ambassador and Chief Negotiator at the negotiations with the Warsaw Pact on
conventional forces in Europe; and Special Assistant for National Security Affairs to
former President Bush, 1989-90. He was a staff member and is a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR).
- Ambassador to Iraq: John D. Negroponte, formerly
U.N. Ambassador, and previously. Executive V.P.
for Global Markets of McGraw-Hill. He has served in a wide variety of
Foreign Service posts including Ambassador to Honduras 1981-1985, Ambassador to Mexico
1989-1993, Ambassador to the Philippines 1993-1996, and was Deputy Assistant to the
President for National Security Affairs 1987-1989. He is a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR). More info.
- Ambassador to Ireland: Richard J. Egan, a major fund-raiser for
President Bush's 2000 campaign, and the founder and director of EMC Corporation in
Hopkinton, MA and established the Hopkinton Technology for Education Foundation.
- Ambassador to Jamaica: Sue Cobb, of Cobb Partners, Ltd., a private
investment firm located in Coral Gables, FL, and she was previously the founding director
of the Public Finance Department of the Greenberg Traurig Law Firm. She is a
graduate of Stanford University and the University of Miami School of Law.
- Ambassador to Japan: Senator Howard Baker, Jr, who
as a Republican Senator from Tennessee angered conservatives by helping lead the fight to
give away the Panama Canal in 1977-78. He was most recently with the
law firm of Baker, Donelson, Bearman and Caldwell in Washington, D.C. He is a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR).
- Ambassador to Kuwait: Richard Henry Jones, a career member of the
Senior Foreign Service, he was Ambassador to Kazakhstan 2000-2001, Ambassador to Lebanon
1996-1998 and served as the Director of the Office of Egyptian Affairs
1993-1996. He has held a variety of posts both at the Department of State and
- Ambassador to Lebanon: Vincent Martin Battle, a career member of
the Senior Foreign Service, Battle has been the Director of the Office of Career
Development and Assignments in the Bureau of Human Resources at the Department of State
since 1999. From 1994-1996 he was Chief of the Senior Level Division in the Bureau of
Human Resources and served as Deputy Chief of Mission in Beirut 1991-1994. He is a
graduate of Georgetown U., received a Diploma in Education from Makerere University in
Uganda, and earned a Master's degree and Ph.D. from Columbia U.
- Ambassador to Malta: Anthony H. Gioia, of Gioia Management Co., a
management and investment holding company located in Buffalo, NY. He served in
the Gioia family pasta business until RHM, Inc. purchased Gioia Macaroni. He
then became the President and CEO of RHM Pasta, Inc. He is the former Chairman
of the National Pasta Assoc. and was appointed by Gov. George Pataki to be a Board Member
of the NY State Urban Development Corp.
- Ambassador to Mauritania: Joseph LeBaron, a career member of the
Foreign Service who has served as Deputy Assistant Secretary with the Bureau of
Intelligence and Research (INR) at State. Previously, he was Director of the INRs
Office of Intelligence Operation. He has also served as Director of the Office of Iran and
Iraq Affairs in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S.
Embassy in Manama and Consul General in Dubai. Ph.D. from Princeton.
- Ambassador to Mexico: Antonio "Tony" O. Garza, who served as
a Commissioner on the Texas Railroad Commission since 1998. He served as the Vice Chairman
of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission. In 1994, then Governor George W.
Bush appointed him as Texas Secretary of State and Senior Advisor. During his three-year
tenure, Garza was the State's Chief Election Officer as well as the lead liaison on border
and Mexican affairs. Before his appointment, Garza served as Cameron County Judge
after being elected in 1988. Graduate, U. of Texas and Southern Methodist U. School of
- Ambassador to Morocco: Margaret Tutwiler, Assistant Secretary of State
and spokesman 1989-1992, Assistant to the President for Communications 1992-1993, and
she served for eight years in the Reagan administration, including serving as Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs and Deputy Assistant to the President for
Political Affairs.
- Ambassador to New Zealand: Charles J. Swindells, an executive with the
U.S. Trust Co. in Portland, OR. He was previously the Chairman and CEO of
Capital Trust Management Corporation and Managing Director and Founder of Capital Trust
Company. He served as one of five members on the Oregon Investment Council,
overseeing the Public Employee Retirement Fund Investment Portfolio. He is
currently the Chairman of the Board of Lewis & Clark College and on the boards of
Portland State University's College of Urban and Public Affairs Advisory Council, School
of Engineering and Applied Science and Center for Writing Excellence. Swindells was
a trustee and past Chairman of the Board of Oregon Public Broadcasting
and a trustee for the Portland Art Museum.
- Ambassador to the Philippines: Francis Joseph Ricciardone, Jr., of New
Hampshire, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, who serves concurrently as Ambassador
to the Republic of Palau.
- Ambassador to Portugal: John N. Palmer, Chairman of GulfSouth Capital
in Jackson, MS and served as the Chairman of SkyTel 1989-1999. He was appointed by
President Bush to sit on the President's Export Council as a Private Sector Advisor to the
Secretary of Commerce and by President Reagan as the Private Sector Trade Advisor to the
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
- Ambassador to Romania: David Guest. David
Smith, a Human Rights Campaign spokesman (a "national lesbian
and gay group") stated: "Since Evertz, the administration has appointed at least
five other openly gay people, including Ambassador to Romania David Guest. At Guests
swearing-in, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, an administration moderate, acknowledged
Guests partner, who was to accompany him to Bucharest."
- Ambassador to the Russian Federation: Alexander R. Vershbow, a
career member of the Senior Foreign Service, he was U.S. Ambassador to NATO
1997-2001. He was Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for
European Affairs on the National Security Council 1994-1997. Previously,
Vershbow was Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian
Affairs 1993-1994 and was Deputy U.S. Permanent Representative to the Council of NATO and
Deputy Chief of Mission to NATO 1991-1993. From 1988-1991, Vershbow served as
Director of the Office of Soviet Affairs. He has held various other posts at
the Department of State and overseas including Advisor to the U.S. Delegation to the
Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (SALT). Vershbow earned his undergraduate degree from
Yale University and a Master's degree in International Affairs in Russian Studies and a
Certificate of the Russian Institute from Columbia.
- Ambassador to Spain and Andorra: George L. Argyros, appointed by
President Reagan to a seat on the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations
where he served until 1990, then named to the Board of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corp. by former President Bush. He was the Chairman and CEO of Arnel and
Affiliates in Costa Mesa, CA until appointed ambassador. He was Chairman of the
Board of Trustees of Chapman University and served on the Board of Trustees at California
Institute of Technology. He was the Director of the Orange County Council of
the Boy Scouts of America and served as the Chairman of the Orange County
Business Committee for the Arts 1993-1997. He was the Chairman of the Nixon
Library, Founding Chairman of The Nixon Center in Washington, D.C., and a Councilor for
the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). He received numerous awards for
his civic and philanthropic activity and was twice inducted into Horatio Alger Association
of Distinguished Americans. Graduate, Chapman U.
- Ambassador to Sri Lanka: Jeffrey Lunstead, of the District of Columbia,
a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service. He will also serve concurrently and
without additional compensation as Ambassador to the Republic of Maldives.
Dr. Lunstead currently serves as the Director of the Office of Environmental Policy
at State. Prior to this, he served as the Afghanistan Coordinator in the Bureau of South
Asian Affairs and as the Director of the Office of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh
Affairs. Notre Dame, Ph.D. from U. of Pennsylvania.
- Ambassador to Sweden: Charles A. Heimbold, Jr., presently Deputy
Chairman of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Chairman and CEO of drug
maker Bristol-Myers Squibb. He serves as Chairman of the Board of Overseers of
U. of Pennsylvania School of Law and is a past trustee of Sarah Lawrence
College. He is a member
of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
of the American Institute in Taiwan" (Ambassador to Taiwan, Free China): Douglas Paal,
"the pro-China director of a one-man think tank funded by overseas Chinese
friends" (Wash Times, 4/27/01). Paal is a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR). Read the alarming details at the New Republic
- Ambassador to Venezuela: Charles S. Shapiro, A career member of
the Senior Foreign Service, Mr. Shapiro has been the Director of the Office of Cuban
Affairs since 1999. His previous overseas assignments include service as Deputy
chief of Mission in Santiago from 1995-1998, Deputy Chief of Mission in Port of Spain from
1991-1994, and Political Officer in San Salvador from 1985-1988. He has held
numerous posts in Washington, D.C. including Executive Assistant in the Bureau of Western
Hemisphere Affairs, International Relations Officer in the Office of Latin American
Programs in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, and Deputy
Director of the Office of Andean Affairs.
- Ambassador to Communist Vietnam: Raymond Burghardt, a career member of
the Senior Foreign Service, who served as the Director of the American Institute of Taiwan
at Taipei since 1999. He was Principal Officer in Shanghai from 1997-1999, Deputy
Chief of Mission in Manila from 1993-1996 and Deputy Chief of Mission in Seoul from
1990-1993. He has held numerous other positions overseas including Political Officer
in Beijing, Tegucigalpa, Hong Kong, Guatemala and Saigon. Burghardt's Washington
assignments include service in a variety of capacities in the Bureau of East Asian and
Pacific Affairs. Columbia U.
- Ambassador to Yemen: Edmund James Hull, a career member of the Senior
Foreign Service, he has been serving as the Principal Deputy Coordinator for
Counter-Terrorism since 1999 and has been a full participant in the interagency
Counter-Terrorism Security Group. He was the Director for UN Peacekeeping
Operations in the Bureau of International Organization Affairs 1996-1999. From
1993-1996, was Deputy Chief of Mission in Cairo. Princeton.
- Ambassador to Zimbabwe: Joseph Gerard Sullivan, a career member of the
Senior Foreign Service, who served since 1998 as Chief of Mission in
Angola. From 1997-1998, he served as Chairman of the Israel-Lebanon Monitoring
Group, served as the Special Coordinator for Haiti from 1996-1997, and served as the
Principal Officer in Havana from 1993-1996. He has held a variety of other
posts overseas and in Washington, D.C. including Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for
Inter American Affairs and the Director of the Office of Central American Affairs.
- U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious
Freedom: John Hanford
- Permanent Representative to the Organization of America States (OAS): Roger
Francisco Noriega, with the rank of Ambassador. He was a staff member on the
Committee on Foreign Relations for the U.S. Senate, and from 1994-1997 he was a staff
member of the House Committee on Foreign Relations. He served at the OAS as the Public and
Congressional Affairs Officer 1993-1994, and at the Dept. of State as Senior Policy
Advisor and Alternate U.S. Permanent Representative to the OAS. Graduate of Washburn U.
- Deputy Permanent Representative to the Permanent Mission to the OAS and to the
Inter-American Council for Integral Development: Peter DeShazo, to be accorded
the rank of Ambassador during his service.
- Small Business Administration - Administrator: Hector V. Barretto,
President of Barreto Insurance and Financial Services in Los Angeles, California, and
served as the Vice Chairman of the Board of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
- Transportation Secretary: Norman Y. Mineta, Clinton's
Commerce Secretary and a former Democrat Congressman from California for
21 years. 6/23/06: Mineta resigns.
- Under Secretary for Security/head of Transportation Security Administration:
Retired Adm. James M. Loy, of Virginia and former commandant of the Coast Guard
and the No. 2 official at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in 2002, was
named to replace ousted anti-pilot-defense John Magaw. TSA directs
airport security. Loy is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
Formerly: John Magaw, VICTORY!!! Anti-pilot-defense
Magaw ousted 7/18/01. Magaw refused to
let pilots carry guns. He is the former Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms (BATF) under Bill Clinton and Janet Reno (Waco) and former Director of the
U.S. Secret Service. Read more from
Rep. Ron Paul Magaw had also fallen behind on improving airport
- Deputy Secretary: Michael P. Jackson, of Virginia.
- Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs and Chief Financial
Officer: Donna R. McLean, the Chief Financial Officer at FAA. She worked for
the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Aviation
1993-1999 and served in a variety of positions within DOT and OMB during the Reagan and
Bush Administrations.
- Assistant Secretary for Government Affairs: Sean B. O'Hollaren,
Director of Washington Affairs for Tax and Environment for Union Pacific Corporation. He
served former Senator Mark Hatfield 1984-1990 before becoming the Minority Clerk for the
Senate Appropriations Committee 1990-1991.
- Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy: Emil H. Frankel, given a
recess appointment in March 2002. Frankel served as Commissioner of the Connecticut
Dept. of Transportation 1991-1995 during which time he was the Chairman of the Standing
Committee on the Environment of the American Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation
Officials and V. Chairman of the I-95 Corridor Coalition. After leaving public service in
1995, he joined Day, Berry and Howard LLP, where he has consulted on transportation
issues. Wesleyan and Harvard Law, Fulbright Scholar at Manchester U. in England.
- Under Secretary for Policy: Jeffrey Shane, who had been the Associate
Deputy Secretary of Transoportation during 2002. Shane has practiced law since
1993 at Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering and then as a Partner at Hogan and Hartson where he
now serves. From 1979-1985, Shane served at the Dept. of Transportation as Assistant
General Counsel for International Law, then as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and
International Affairs. Shane served at the Dept. of State as Deputy Assistant Secretary
for Transportation Affairs, 1985-1989. In 1989, he returned to Transportation as Assistant
Secretary for Policy and International Affairs until 1993. Princeton and Columbia U.
School of Law.
- Federal Transit Administrator: Jenna Dorn, the president of the
National Health Museum and was Senior V.P. of the American Red Cross
1991-1998. She served as Assistant Secretary of Labor 1989-1991 and held
several positions at Transportation from 1983-1987 including Associate Deputy Secretary
and Director of the Office of Commercial Space Transportation.
- Associate Deputy Secretary: Jeffrey Shane, who has practiced law
since 1993, first as Counsel and Partner at Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering and then as a
Partner at Hogan and Hartson where he now serves. From 1979 to 1985, Shane
served at the Department of Transportation as Assistant General Counsel for International
Law, then as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs.
- Administrator of the Research and Special Programs Administration: Ellen G.
Engleman, President and CEO of Electricore, Inc., a non-profit research and
development consortium that develops advanced transportation and energy technologies
through federal public/private partnerships. From 1993-1994 she was the Director of
Corporate and Government Affairs for Direct Relief International and was a Public Affairs
Executive with GTE 1987-1992.
- General Counsel: Kirk Van Tine, a partner with the law firm of Baker
and Botts in Washington, D.C., where he was in charge of the firm's litigation process. A
former member U.S. Navy, graduate of the Naval Academy and U. of Virginia Law School.
- National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) - Vice Chairman: John Arthur
Hammerschmidt, of Arkansas, appointed to serve until 2005.
- National Transportation Safety Board - Member: General Mark V. Rosenker,
of Maryland, appointed until 2005. Gen. Rosenker served as Deputy Assistant to President
Bush and Director of the White House Military Office. A Brigadier General in the Air Force
Reserve, Gen. Rosenker began his service in the Air Force in 1969. He is the recipient of
the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal and previously served on the American Battle
Monuments Commission.
- Treasury Secretary: Henry
(Hank) Paulson (nominated). Read Howard
Phillips on Paulson. former chief executive of
international investment company Goldman
Sachs, has replaced John Snow. Mr. Paulson's close links with
Communist China and the liberal environmental organization Nature
Conservancy should leave conservatives troubled. It is
speculated in the media that due to his Chinese ties he will not
confront China at all on critical issues such as China's predatory
currency exchange value and the ever-exploding trade deficit;
allowing China to further steal American jobs and national
wealth. Paulson: "I have witnessed and participated in
the globalization of finance.." ("globalization" has usually been to the
disadvantage of the interests of a strong America). Paulson was chairman of the Nature Conservancy's
national Board of Governors since 2004, and also served as a
member of the Board and as co-chair of the Conservancy's Asia
Pacific Council, which included work with China's dictator Jiang
Zemin. He made a $500 donation to the pro-abortion PAC
EMILY's List in 1998, and a number of Democrats throughout
the years, in addition to many donations to mostly liberal
- Treasurer of the United States: Rosario Marin, previously on the City
Council of Huntington Park, CA, and was a Public Relations Manager for AT&T.
Marin served Gov. Pete Wilson in several positions including Deputy Director of the
Governor's Office of Community Relations and Assistant Deputy Director of the California
State Dept. of Social Services.
- Deputy Secretary: Kenneth Dam, a Professor of American and Foreign
Law at the University of Chicago Law School, a member of the Board of
Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and at the CFR, he has served as
Chairman of the following Committees: Foreign Affairs, Correspondence, and Chicago Group
on Meetings & Programs; he also has served on the CFR's Executive, Nominating and
Studies Committees, and is also a CFR "Harold Pratt Associate" (top
donor). He was Co-Chair of the Aspen Institutes Strategy Group
until assuming office. Dam served on the Board of Alcoa (under former Treasury
secretary Paul O'Neil), 1987-2001, previously served as Corporate V.P. for Law and
External Affairs at IBM and was Deputy Secretary of State 1982-1985.
- Deputy Secretary: Mark Weinberger, head of Ernest & Young, a tax
law firm.
- General Counsel: David Aufhauser, a partner with the law firm of
Williams & Connolly in Washington, D.C.
- Deputy Under Secretary: John M. Duncan, of the District of Columbia.
- Deputy Under Secretary: Randal Quarles, of Utah.
- Under Secretary for Domestic Finance: Peter R. Fisher, Executive V.P.
of the Federal Reserve Bank of NY where he is manager of the System Open Market Account
for the Federal Open Market Committee. He served the Federal Reserve Bank for
15 years and is a member
of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
- Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs: Michele Davis, previously
Communications Director for House Majority Leader Dick Armey, and a graduate of
Georgetown School of Foreign Service with a degree in intl. economics.
- Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets: Brian Carlton Roseboro,
the Deputy Director of Market Risk Management with the American International Group in New
York. He was Director of the Risk Management Advisor at SBC Warburg Dillon Reed
1993-1996 and was with the First National Bank of Chicago from 1990-1993. From
1983-1986 he held several positions at the Federal Reserve Bank of NY.
- Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions: Sheila C. Bair, a
consultant to the Chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, and from 1995-2000 was Senior
V.P. of the NYSE for Government Relations. From 1991-1995, Bair served as Commissioner on
the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
- Acting Commissioner of the Social Security Administration: Larry Massanari,
the Regional Commissioner of Social Security in Philadelphia.
- Under Secretary of the Treasury: John B. Taylor, of California.
- Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service: Mark W. Everson, who has
been the Deputy Director for Management with OMB. He also contributed to the
development of the Department of Homeland Security. Upon joining the Bush
administration in 2001, Mr. Everson served as Controller of the Office of Federal
Financial Management within OMB.. Previously he was a V.P. for SC International
Services/LSG SkyChefs. From 1988-1998, he held several positions with the Pechiney Group
including Senior V.P. and Controller in Paris, France. From 1982-1988, Everson served as
Executive Commissioner and then Deputy Commissioner at INS and previously served at the
Dept. of Justice and the U.S. Information Agency. Yale, Master's in accounting from N.Y.U.
Bushs nominee to head the Internal Revenue Service [Mark W. Everson] yesterday
pledged, as have many IRS commissioners before him, to step up enforcement of the
nations tax laws and to continue modernizing the agencys computer systems.
"Although the IRS has about 100,000 employees and an annual budget that will top $10
billion if the administrations current request is approved, [previous IRS
Commissioner Charles O.] Rossotti said late last year that 60 percent of identified tax
debts are not pursued, 75 percent of taxpayers who did not file a return are not pursued,
79 percent of those who used abusive devises such as offshore bank accounts to hide income
are not pursued. And the agencys statistics show that the chances of being audited
have fallen to around 1 in 200 for individuals.
"Everson accused accountants and lawyers of contributing to the decline in tax
compliance, and he promised to put pressure on them." Source: Albert Crenshaw, Washington
Post, 3/19/03, p. A4
- Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board - Member: Raymond T. Wagner, Jr.,
of Missouri appointed for the remainder of a four-year term expiring 2004. Mr. Wagner has
been the Legal & Legislative Vice President for Enterprise Rent-A-Car in St. Louis,
MO. He completed a Master of Laws-Taxation degree from Washington University School of
- United States Agency for International Development
- Assistant Administrator for Asia and the Near East: Lori A.
Forman, who served as the Director of the Japan Program for The Nature
Conservancy since 1990 and is also a visiting professor at Keio University in Tokyo,
Japan. She served at U.S. AID 1983-1990 as a Program Officer where she
coordinated the US-Japan aid project. Harvard.
- Deputy Administrator: Frederick W. Schieck, of Virginia.
- Assistant Administrator for International Development: Roger P. Winter,
of Maryland.
- U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
- Presidential Appointees:
- Chairman: Gerald A. Reynolds, who
served as an assistant secretary in the U.S. Department of
Education's Office of Civil Rights, replaced liberal Mary
Frances Berry.
- Vice Chairman: Abigail Thernstrom, a Va. Commission
- Member: Peter N. Kirsanow,
appointed until 2007. Kirsanow is currently a Partner with Benesch,
Friedlander, Coplan and Aronoff in Cleveland, OH, where he practices labor and employment
law. From 1990-1996, he was Senior Labor Counsel for Leaseway Transportation,
and from 1984-1990, he was Labor Counsel for Cleveland under then-Mayor Voinavich. He is a
graduate of Cornell and Cleveland Marshall College of Law. Liberals on the
Commission tried to block Kirsanow from serving until a court ruled they could not keep
him off the Commission.
- Member: Ashley L. Taylor, an attorney from
- Member: Jennifer C. Braceras, Professor of Federal Anti-Discrimination Law
at Suffolk University Law School, Boston, Republican.
- Congressional Appointees:
- Member: Christopher Edley, Jr., Professor, Harvard Law School,
Founding Co-Director, The Civil Rights Project, Harvard. Democrat
- Member: Elsie M. Meeks, Executive Director, Lakota Fund, Co-owner/Operator, Lone Creek Store,
Wanblee, South Dakota, Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota,
- Member: Russell G. Redenbaugh, Investment Manager, Director & Co-Founder of
Kairos, Inc., Philadelphia, Independent
- Member: Abigail Thernstrom, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute,
New York City, Republican
- U.S. Commission on Fine Arts - Member: Don Cappoccia, a member of the homosexual "Log Cabin Republicans".
- U.S. Institute For Peace
J. Robinson West (Chair),
Chairman, PFC Energy, Washington, DC;
María Otero (Vice Chair), President,
ACCION International, Boston, MA.; Betty
F. Bumpers, Founder and former
President, Peace Links, Washington, DC;
Holly J. Burkhalter, Vice President for
Government Affairs, International Justice
Mission, Washington, DC;
Chester A. Crocker, James R. Schlesinger
Professor of Strategic Studies,
School of Foreign Service, Georgetown
University; Laurie S. Fulton,
Partner, Williams and Connolly, Washington,
DC; Charles Horner, Senior Fellow,
Hudson Institute, Washington, DC; Seymour
Martin Lipset, Hazel Professor of Public
Policy, George Mason University; Mora L.
McLean, President, Africa-America
Institute, New York, NY; Barbara W.
Snelling, Former State Senator and
former Lieutenant Governor, Shelburne, VT.
Members ex
Barry F. Lowenkron, Assistant Secretary
of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and
Labor; Peter W. Rodman, Assistant
Secretary of Defense for International
Security Affairs;
Richard H. Solomon, President,
United States Institute of Peace
(nonvoting); Frances C. Wilson,
Lieutenant General, U.S. Marine Corps,
President, National Defense University
- Iraq Study Group: a group
mostly internationalist advisors on Iraq, which has drawn
attention recently for being tasked by President Bush to tell
him what to do in Iraq. There are no military members at
all on this group which is advising the President on military
- Co-chairmen James A.
Baker, III, former Secretary of State and
Honorary Chairman of the James A. Baker III Institute for
Public Policy at Rice University, and Lee H. Hamilton,
former Congressman and Director of the Woodrow Wilson
International Center for Scholars.
- Other members: Lawrence S. Eagleburger, Vernon E.
Jordan, Jr., Edwin Meese III , Sandra Day O'Connor, Leon E.
Panetta, William J. Perry, Charles S. Robb, and former
Wyoming Senator Alan K.
All members of the Iraq Study Group are
members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) except for Meese, Simpson, O'Connor, and Panetta.
- U.S. Trade Representative: Susan Schwab, a
former University of Maryland administrator who was top deputy to
Rob Portman when he was Trade Rep.
- Deputy U.S. Trade Representative: Peter F. Allgeier, the Senior
Director for International Economic Affairs at the National Economic
Council. Before joining the National Economic Council, he had served at the
office of the United States Trade Representatives since 1981. While there, he
served as the Associate United States Trade Representatives for the Western Hemisphere and
Assistant United States Trade Representative for Europe and the Mediterranean.
- Deputy U.S. Trade Representative: Linnet F. Deily, a Vice Chairman for
Charles Schwab, which she joined in 1996. Prior to Schwab she was President, Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of First Interstate Bank of Texas.
- Deputy U.S. Trade Representative: Jon M. Huntsman, Vice-Chairman
of Huntsman Corp. in Salt Lake City, Utah. He served as Ambassador to Singapore
1992-1993 and in the Commerce Department 1989-1992, as Deputy Assistant Secretary for East
Asian and Pacific Affairs and Deputy Assistant Secretary in the International Trade
- Chief Agriculture Negotiator: Allen Frederick Johnson, with the rank of
Ambassador. He was the President of the National Oilseed Processors
Assoc. He served as the Executive Director of the Iowa Soybean Assoc. 1988-1991
and was Executive Director of the Iowa Soybean Promotion Board. He is a former
Legislative Aide to Senator Charles Grassley. George Mason, Stanford.
- U.N. Ambassador: John
R. Bolton, Bolton was the Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and
International Security, and held posts at Justice and State under
previous Republican administrations. Graduate,
Yale, Yale Law. Appointed as a recess appointment.
- Representative of the United States of America on the
Human Rights Commission of the Economic and Social Council of
the United Nations: Rudolph E. Boschwitz, former liberal
GOP Senator of Minnesota, with rank of Ambassador.
- U.S. Representative to the General Assembly of the United Nations: Paul Sarbanes,
former Democrat Senator from Maryland.
- U.S. Representative to the General Assembly of the United Nations: Michael B.
Enzi of Wyoming.
- U.S. Representative to the General Assembly of the United Nations: James Shinn
of New Jersey.
- Alternate U.S. Representative to the General Assembly of the United Nations:
Ralph Martinez of Florida.
- Alternate U.S. Representative to the General Assembly of the United Nations:
Cynthia Costa of South Carolina.
- Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations for U.N.
Management and Reform: Patrick Francis Kennedy, with the rank of Ambassador. A
Career Minister in the Foreign Service, he has served as Assistant Secretary of State for
Administration since 1993. He joined the Foreign Service in 1973 and has held multiple
posts both in Washington, D.C., and abroad including Supervisory General Services Officer
in Paris, France, and Deputy Executive Secretary in the State Department's Executive
- Veterans Affairs Secretary: Anthony Prinicipi, who was a
partner with the law firm of Principi and McClain in La Jolla, CA., and
former Deputy VA Secretary under former President Bush. He was also Chairman of
Federal Network in CA.
- Deputy Secretary: Leo S. Mackay, Jr., a V.P. at Bell Helicopter
Textron, Inc. He was Military Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense
for International Security Policy 1993-1995. Mackay is a graduate of the U.S. Naval
Academy, received a Master's in Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government and a
Ph.D. from Harvard University. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
- Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs: Maureen Patricia
Cragin, Director of Congressional Relations for Navy and Marine Programs at
Raytheon Company and served for five years as the Director of Communications for the U.S.
House of Representatives Committee on Armed Services. Originally from Maine,
she is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and a thirteen year veteran of the U.S. Navy.
- Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs: John W. Nicholson, a retired Army
officer. During his military career, he served in infantry commands and was a staff and
faculty member at West Point Military Academy. In 1982, he was President Reagan's
appointee to Strategic Arms negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland and then went on to be the
Commanding General of the U.S. Army Training Support Command. Graduate, West Point,
Masters in Public Administration from Shippensburg U., and a Federal Executive Fellow in
Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution.
- Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs: Dee Ann McWilliams,
of Texas, and an active member of the U.S. Army, Major General McWilliams has been the
Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel and Installation Management for the U.S. Army in
Europe and the Seventh Army. Previously she was the Director of Military Personnel
Management with the Department of the Army. Bachelor's and master's degrees from Steven F.
Austin U; master's degree in national security strategy from the National Defense
- Acting Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs: S. Eric Benson, who served
as Senior Advisor to the Deputy Secretary at the Department of Veterans Affairs since May
- General Counsel: Tim S. McClain, formerly a partner with the law firm
of Principi and McClain in La Jolla, CA.
- World Bank - President: Paul D. Wolfowitz,
formerly Deputy Secretary of Defense