Executive Orders, Proclamations, Memoranda, Acts,
Presidential Decision Directives Issued by President Bill Clinton, 1993-2001
Executive Orders
- 12834 - Ethics commitments by executive branch appointees
- 12835 - Establishment of the National Economic Council
- 12836 - Revocation of certain executive orders concerning federal
- 12837 - Deficit control and productivity improvement in the
administration of the federal government
- 12838 - Termination and limitation of federal advisory committees
- 12839 - Reduction of 100,000 federal positions
- 12840 - Nuclear cooperation with Euratom
- 12841 - Adjustments to level IV and V of the executive schedule
- 12842 - International development law institute
- 12843 - Procurement requirement and policies for federal agencies for
ozone-depleting substances
- 12844 - Federal use of alternate fueled vehicles
- 12845 - Requiring agencies to purchase energy efficient computer
- 12846 - Additional measures with respect to the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
- 12847 - Amending Executive Order No 11423 (Delegation of functions to
Secretary of State respecting certain facilities constructed and maintained on United
States borders)
- 12848 - Federal plan to break the cycle of homelessness
- 12849 - Implementation of agreement with the European community on
government procurement
- 12850 - Conditions for renewal of most favored nation status for the
People's Republic of China in 1994
- 12851 - Administration of proliferation sanctions, middle east arms
control, and related congressional reporting responsibilities
- 12852 - President's Council on Sustainable Development
- 12853 - Blocking Government of Haiti Property and Prohibiting
Transactions With Haiti
- 12854 - Implementation of the Cuban Democracy Act
- 12855 - Amendment to Executive Order No. 12852. (President's Council on
Sustainable Development)
- 12856 - Federal compliance with right-to-know laws and pollution
prevention requirements
- 12857 - Budget control
- 12858 - Deficit reduction fund
- 12859 - Establishment of the Domestic Policy Council
- 12860 - Adding members to the committee on foreign investment in the
United States
- 12861 - Elimination of one-half of executive branch internal regulations
- 12862 - Setting customer service standards
- 12863 - President's foreign intelligence advisory board
- 12864 - United States Advisory Council on the National Information
- 12865 - Prohibiting certain transactions involving UNITA
- 12866 - Regulatory planning and review
- 12867 - Termination of emergency authority for certain export controls
- 12868 - Measures to restrict the participation by United States persons
in weapons proliferation activities
- 12869 - Continuance of certain federal advisory committees
- 12870 - Trade promotion coordinating committee
- 12871 - Labor-management partnerships
- 12872 - Blocking property of persons obstructing democratization in Haiti
- 12873 - Federal acquisition, recycling, and waste prevention
- 12874 - Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate a dispute between
The Long Island Rail Road and Certain of its Employees Represented by the United
Transportation Union
- 12875 - Enhancing the intergovernmental partnership
- 12876 - Historically black colleges and universities
- 12877 - Amendment to Executive Order No. 12569 (Management of compact of
free association with Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia,
and Republic of Palau)
- 12878 - Bipartisan commission on entitlement reform
- 12879 - Order of succession of officers to act as Secretary of the navy
- 12880 - National drug control program
- 12881 - Establishment of the National Science and Technology Council
- 12882 - President's committee of advisors on science and technology
- 12883 - Delegating a Federal Pay Administration Authority
- 12884 - Delegation of functions under the Freedom Support Act and related
provisions of the foreign operations, export financing and related programs appropriations
- 12885 - Amendment to Executive Order No. 12829 (National Industrial
Security Program)
- 12886 - Adjustments of rates of pay and allowances for the uniformed
- 12887 - Amending executive order No. 12878 (Bipartisan commission on
entitlement reform)
- 12888 - Amendments to the manual for courts-martial, United States, 1984
- 12889 - Implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement
Executive Memorandum
- EM1 - Gun dealer licensing
- EM2 - Importation of assault pistols
- EM3 - Administration of the freedom of information act
Presidential Proclamations
- p6524 - Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 1993
- p6574 - Suspension of entry as immigrants and nonimmigrants of persons who formulate or
implement policies that are impeding the transition to democracy in Zaire or who benefit
from such policies
Executive Orders
- 12890 - Amendment to Executive Order No. 12864 (United States Advisory Council on the
National Information Infrastructure)
- 12891 - Advisory committee on human radiation experiments
- 12892 - Leadership and coordination of fair housing in federal programs: affirmatively
furthering fair housing
- 12893 - Principles for federal infrastructure investments
- 12894 - North pacific marine science organization
- 12895 - North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
- 12896 - Amending the civil service rules concerning political activity
- 12897 - Garnishment of federal employees' pay
- 12898 - Federal actions to address environmental justice in minority populations and
low-income populations
- 12899 - Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Long Island
Rail Road and certain of its employees represented by the United Transportation Union
- 12900 - President's advisory commission on educational excellence for Hispanic Americans
- 12901 - Identification of trade expansion priorities
- 12902 - Energy efficiency and water conservation at federal facilities
- 12903 - Nuclear cooperation with Euratom
- 12904 - Commission for environmental cooperation, commission for labor cooperation,
border environment cooperation commission, and North American Development Bank
- 12905 - Trade and environment polity advisory committee
- 12906 - Coordinating geographic data acquisition and access: the National Spatial Data
- 12907 - Amending Executive Order No. 12882 (President's committee of advisors on science
and technology)
- 12908 - Order of succession of officers to act as Secretary of the Army
- 12909 - Order of succession of officers to act as Secretary of the Air force
- 12910 - Providing for the closing of government departments and agencies on April 27,
- 12911 - Seal for office of National Drug Control Policy
- 12912 - Amendment to Executive Order No. 12878 (Bipartisan commission on entitlement
- 12913 - Revocation of Executive Order No. 12582
- 12914 - Prohibiting certain transactions with respect to Haiti
- 12915 - Federal implementation of the North American Agreement on Environmental
- 12916 - Implementation of border environment cooperation commission and North American
Development Bank
- 12917 - Prohibiting certain transactions with respect to Haiti
- 12918 - Prohibiting certain transactions with respect to Rwanda and delegating authority
with respect to other United Nations arms embargoes
- 12919 - National
Defense Industrial Resources Preparedness
- 12920 - Prohibiting certain transactions with respect to Haiti
- 12921 - Amendment to Executive Order No. 12864 (United States Advisory Council on the
National Information Infrastructure)
- 12922 - Blocking property of certain Haitian nationals
- 12923 - Continuation of export control regulations
- 12924 - Continuation of export control regulations
- 12925 - Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Soo Line
railroad company and certain of its employees represented by the United Transportation
- 12926 - Implementation of National Voter Registration Act of 1993
- 12927 - Ordering the selected reserve of the armed forces to active duty
- 12928 - Promoting procurement with small businesses owned and controlled by socially and
economically disadvantaged individuals, historically black colleges and universities, and
minority institutions
- 12929 - Delegation of authority regarding naval petroleum and oil shale reserves
12930 - Measures to restrict the participation by United States persons in weapons
proliferation activities
- 12931 - Federal procurement reform
- 12932 - Termination of emergency with respect to Haiti
- 12933 - Nondisplacement of qualified workers under certain contracts
- 12934 - Blocking property and additional measures with respect to the Bosnian
Serb-controlled areas of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 12935 - Amending Executive Order No. 11157 as it relates to the definition of
"field duty"
- 12936 - Amendments to the manual for courts-martial, United States, 1984
- 12937 - Declassification of selected records within the National Archives of the United
- 12938 - Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
- 12939 - Expedited naturalization of aliens and noncitizen nationals who served in an
active-duty status during the Persian gulf conflict
- 12940 - Amendment to civil service rule VI
- 12941 - Seismic safety of existing federally owned or leased buildings
- 12942 - Addition to level V of the executive schedule -- Commissioner, administration
for Native Americans
- 12943 - Further amendment to Executive Order No. 11755 (Prison labor)
- 12944 - Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances
Executive Memorandum
- EM1 - Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal Governments
- EM2 - Policy Concerning Distribution of Eagle Feathers for Native American Religious
Presidential Proclamation
- p6677 - Announcing the Death of Richard Milhous Nixon
- p6685 - Suspension of entry of aliens whose entry is barred under United Nations
security council resolution 917 or who formulate, implement, or benefit from policies that
are impeding the negotiations seeking the return to constitutional rule in Haiti
Presidential Decision Directive
Executive Orders
- 12945 - Amendment to Executive order No. 12640 (President's committee on employment of
people with disabilities)
- 12946 - President's advisory board on arms proliferation policy
- 12947 - Prohibiting transactions with terrorists who threaten to disrupt the middle east
peace process
- 12948 - Amendment to Executive order No. 12898 (Federal actions to address environmental
justice in minority populations and low-income populations)
- 12949 - Foreign intelligence physical searches
- 12950 - Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between Metro North
commuter railroad and its employees represented by certain labor organizations
- 12951 - Release of imagery acquired by space-based national intelligence reconnaissance
- 12952 - Amendment to Executive order No. 12950 (Establishing an emergency board to
investigate a dispute between Metro North commuter railroad and its employees represented
by certain labor organizations)
- 12953 - Actions required of all executive agencies to facilitate payment of child
- 12954 - Ensuring the economical and efficient administration and completion of federal
government contracts
- 12955 - Nuclear cooperation with Euratom
- 12956 - Israel-United States binational industrial research and development foundation
- 12957 - Prohibiting certain transactions with respect to the development of Iranian
petroleum resources
- 12958 - Classified national security information
- 12959 - Prohibiting certain transactions with respect to Iran
- 12960 - Amendments to the manual for courts-martial, United States, 1984
- 12961 - Presidential advisory committee on Gulf War veterans' illnesses
- 12962 - Recreational fisheries
- 12963 - Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
- 12964 - Commission on United States-Pacific trade and investment policy
- 12965 - Further amendment to Executive Order No. 12852 (President's Council on
Sustainable Development)
- 12966 - Foreign disaster assistance
- 12967 - Establishing an emergency board to investigate disputes between Metro North
commuter railroad and its employees represented by certain labor organizations
- 12968 - Access to classified information
- 12969 - Federal acquisition and community right-to-know
- 12970 - Further amendment to Executive order No. 12864 (United States Advisory Council
on the National Information Infrastructure)
- 12971 - Amendment to Executive order No. 12425 (International Criminal Police
Organization (Interpol) (limited privileges)
- 12972 - Amendment to Executive order No. 12958 (Classified national security
- 12973 - Amendment to Executive order No. 12901 (Identification of trade expansion
- 12974 - Continuance of certain federal advisory committees
- 12975 - Protection of human research subjects and creation of National Bioethics
Advisory Commission
- 12976 - Compensation practices of government corporations
- 12977 - Interagency security committee
- 12978 - Blocking assets and prohibiting transactions with significant narcotics
- 12979 - Agency procurement protests
- 12980 - Further amendment to Executive Order No. 12852, as amended (President's Council
on Sustainable Development)
- 12981 - Administration of export controls
- 12982 - Ordering the selected reserve of the armed forces to active duty
- 12983 - Amendment to Executive Order No. 12871 (Labor-management partnerships)
- 12984 - Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances
Presidential Proclamation
- p6786 - Victims of the Oklahoma city bombing
- p6789 - National day of mourning in memory of those who died in Oklahoma City
- p6857 - To modify the harmonized tariff schedule of the United States, to provide rules
of origin under the North American Free Trade Agreement for affected goods, and for other
- Mexico - This document contains references to actions related to Mexico
Executive Orders
- 12985 - Establishing the Armed Forces Service Medal
- 12986 - International union for conservation of nature and natural resources
- 12987 - Amendment to Executive Order No. 12964 (Commission on United States-pacific
trade and investment policy)
- 12988 - Civil justice reform
- 12989 - Economy and efficiency in government procurement through compliance with certain
immigration and naturalization act provisions
- 12990 - Adjustments of rates of pay and allowances for the uniformed services, amendment
to Executive order No. 12984
- 12991 - Adding the Small Business Administration to the President's Export Council
- 12992 - President's Council on Counter-Narcotics
- 12993 - Administrative allegations against Inspectors General
- 12994 - Continuing the President's committee on mental retardation and broadening its
membership and responsibilities
- 12995 - Amendment to Executive Order No. 12873 (Federal acquisition, recycling, and
waste prevention)
- 12996 - Management and general public use of the national wildlife refuge system
- 12997 - Korean Peninsula energy development organization
- 12998 - Amendment to Executive Order No. 11880 (Designation of officers of the
Department of Commerce to act as Secretary of Commerce)
- 12999 - Educational technology: Ensuring opportunity for all children in the next
- 13000 - Order of succession of officers to act as Secretary of Defense
- 13001 - Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between certain
railroads represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and their employees
represented by the Transportation Communications International Union
- 13002 - Termination of combat zone designation in Vietnam and waters adjacent thereto
- 13003 - Establishing an emergency board to investigate disputes between certain
railroads represented by the National Carriers' Conference Committee of the National
Railway Labor Conference and their employees represented by the Brotherhood of Maintenance
of Way employees
- 13004 - Establishing an emergency board to investigate disputes between certain
railroads represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and their employees
represented by certain labor organizations
- 13005 - Empowerment contracting
- 13006 - Locating federal facilities on historic properties in our nation's central
- 13007 - Indian sacred sites
- 13008 - Amending Executive order No. 12880 (National drug control program)
- 13009 - Amendment to Executive order No. 12963 entitled Presidential Advisory Council on
- 13010 - Critical infrastructure protection
- 13011 - Federal information technology
- 13012 - Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and their employees represented by the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
- 13013 - Amending Executive order No. 10163, the Armed Forces Reserve Medal
- 13014 - Maintaining unofficial relations with the people on Taiwan
- 13015 - White House commission on aviation safety and security
13016 - Amendment to Executive Order No. 12580 (Superfund implementation)
- 13017 - Advisory commission on consumer protection and quality in the health care
- 13018 - Amending Executive Order No. 12975 (Protection of human research subjects and
creation of National Bioethics Advisory commission.)
- 13019 - Supporting families: collecting delinquent child support obligations
- 13020 - Amendment to Executive Order 12981 (Administration of export controls)
- 13021 - Tribal colleges and universities
- 13022 - Administration of the Midway Islands
- 13023 - Amendments to Executive Order 12992, expanding and changing the name of the
President's Council on Counter-Narcotics
- 13024 - Amending Executive Order 12015, relating to competitive appointments of students
who have completed approved career-related work study programs
- 13025 - Amendment to Executive Order 13010 (President's commission on critical
infrastructure protection)
- 13026 - Administration of export controls on encryption products
- 13027 - Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and its employees represented by the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
- 13028 - Further amendments to Executive Order No. 12757-- implementation of the
Enterprise for the Americas Initiative
- 13029 - Implementing, for the United States, the provisions of Annex 1 of the decision
concerning legal capacity and privileges and immunities, issued by the council of
ministers of the conference on security and cooperation in Europe on December 1, 1993
- 13030 - Administration of foreign assistance and related functions and arms export
13031 - Federal alternative fueled vehicle leadership
- 13032 - Further amendment to Executive Order No. 12964 (Commission on United
States-Pacific trade and investment policy)
- 13033 - Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances
Executive Memorandum
- EM1 - Missing persons or children notices in federal facilities
- EM2 - Implementation of the youth crime gun interdiction initiative
- EM3 - Work requirements initiative
- EM4 - National Children's Island
- EM5 - Criminal child support enforcement
- EM6 - Naturalization
- EM7 - Reducing teenage driving under the influence of illicit drugs
- EM8 - Promoting food recovery activities to help the hungry
- EM9 - Steps to increase adoptions and alternate permanent placement for waiting children
in the public child welfare system
Presidential Proclamations
- p6867 - Declaration of a national emergency and invocation of emergency authority
relating to the regulation of the anchorage and movement of vessels
- p6880 - National day of remembrance of the Oklahoma City bombing
- p6914 - To modify the allocation of tariff-rate quotas for certain cheeses
- p6920 - Establishment of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
- p6925 - Suspension of entry as immigrants and nonimmigrants of persons who formulate or
implement policies that are impeding the transition to democracy in Burma or who benefit
from such policies
- p6942 - To amend the generalized system of preferences
- p6948 - To modify provisions on upland cotton and for other purposes
- p6955 - To provide duty-free treatment to products of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
and qualifying industrial zones
- p6958 - Suspension of entry as immigrants and nonimmigrants of persons who are members
or officials of the Sudanese government or armed forces
- p6961 - To facilitate positive adjustment to competition from imports of broom corn
- p6962 - To implement the United States-Israel agreement on trade in agricultural
- Cuba - This document contains references to actions related to Cuba
Executive Orders
- 13034 - Extension of Presidential advisory committee on Gulf War veterans' illnesses
- 13035 - Advisory committee on high-performance computing and communications, information
technology, and the next generation internet
- 13036 - Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between American
Airlines and its employees represented by the Allied Pilots Association
- 13037 - Commission to study capital budgeting
- 13038 - Advisory committee on public interest obligations of digital television
- 13039 - Exclusion of the naval special warfare development group from the federal
labor-management relations program
- 13040 - Amendment to Executive Order 13017, advisory commission on consumer protection
and quality in the health care industry
- 13041 - Further amendment to Executive Order 13010, as amended (Critical infrastructure
- 13042 - Implementing for the United States article VIII of the agreement establishing
the World Trade Organization concerning legal capacity and privileges and immunities
- 13043 - Increasing seat belt use in the United States
- 13044 - Amending Executive Order 12752, implementation of the Agricultural Trade
Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended, and the Food for Progress Act of 1985,
as amended
- 13045 - Protection of children from environmental health risks and safety risks
- 13046 - Further amendment to Executive Order 12975, extension of the National Bioethics
Advisory Commission
- 13047 - Prohibiting new investment in Burma
- 13048 - Improving administrative management in the executive branch
- 13049 - Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons
- 13050 - President's advisory board on race
- 13051 - Internal revenue service management board
- 13052 - Hong Kong economic and trade offices
- 13053 - Adding members to and extending the President's council on sustainable
- 13054 - Eligibility of certain overseas employees for noncompetitive appointments
- 13055 - Coordination of United States government international exchanges and training
- 13056 - Further amendment to Executive Order 13017, advisory commission on consumer
protection and quality in the health care industry
- 13057 - Federal actions in the Lake Tahoe region
- 13058 - Protecting federal employees and the public from exposure to tobacco smoke in
the federal workplace
- 13059 - Prohibiting certain transactions with respect to Iran
- 13060 - Establishing an emergency board to investigate disputes between Amtrak and its
employees represented by the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way employees
- 13061 - Federal support of community efforts along American Heritage rivers
- 13062 - Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees and Amendments to Executive
Orders 13038 and 13054
- 13063 - Level V of the Executive Schedule: Removal of the Executive Director, Pension
Benefit Guaranty Corporation, Department of Labor
- 13064 - Further amendment to Executive Order 13010, as amended, Critical Infrastructure
- 13065 - Further Amendment to Executive Order 13038, Advisory Committee on Public
Interest Obligations of Digital Television Broadcasters
- 13066 - Amendment to Executive Order 13037, Commission to study capital budgeting
- 13067 - Blocking Sudanese government property and prohibiting transactions with Sudan
- 13068 - Closing of government departments and agencies on Friday, December 26, 1997
- 13069 - Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to UNITA
- 13070 - The Intelligence Oversight Board, Amendment to Executive Order 12863
(President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board)
- 13071 - Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay
Executive Memorandum
- EM1 - Improving the safety of the nation's food supply
- EM2 - Memorandum for the chairperson of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War
veterans' illnesses
- EM3 - Child safety lock devices for handguns
- EM4 - Enforcing the youth handgun safety act
- EM5 - Strengthening Title IX enforcement and addressing discrimination on the basis of
sex, race, color, and national origin in federally conducted education programs and
- EM6 - Electronic commerce
- EM7 - Importation of Modified Semiautomatic Assault-Type Rifles
- EM8 - The Health Care Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
- RELIG - Guidelines on Religious Exercise and Religious Expression in the Federal
Presidential Proclamations
- p6969 - To modify application of duty-free treatment of certain articles under the
generalized system of preferences, and for other purposes
- p6982 - To implement an agreement to eliminate tariffs on certain pharmaceuticals and
chemical intermediates
- p6988 - To modify application of duty-free treatment under the generalized system of
- p7011 - To implement the world trade organization ministerial declaration on trade in
information technology products and the agreement on distilled spirits
- p7016 - To implement an accelerated schedule of duty elimination under the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- p7060 - Suspension of entry as immigrants and nonimmigrants of persons who are senior
officials of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola ("UNITA")
and adult members of their immediate families
- CUBA - This document contains references to actions related to Cuba
Executive Orders
- 13072 - White House millennium Council
- 13073 - year 2000 conversion
- 13074 - Amendment to Executive Order 12656 (Assignment of emergency
preparedness responsibilities)
- 13075 - Special Oversight Board for Department of Defense Investigations
of Gulf War Chemical and Biological Incidents
- 13076 - Ordering the Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty
- 13077 - Further Amendment to Executive Order 13010, Critical
Infrastructure Protection
- 13078 - Increasing Employment of Adults with Disabilities
- 13079 - Waiver Under the Trade Act of 1974 with Respect to Vietnam
- 13080 - American Heritage Rivers Initiative Advisory Committee
- 13081 - Amendment to executive order No. 13038, Advisory committee on
public interest obligations of digital television broadcasters
- 13082 - Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission
- 13083 - Federalism
- 13084 - Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments
- 13085 - Establishment of the Enrichment Oversight Committee
- 13086 - 1998 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States
- 13087 - Further amendment to executive order 11478, Equal Employment
Opportunity in the Federal Government
- 13088 - Blocking Property of the Governments of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), the Republic of Serbia, and the Republic of
Montenegro, and Prohibiting New Investment in the Republic of Serbia in Response to the
Situation in Kosovo
- 13089 - Coral Reef Protection
- 13090 - President's Commission on the Celebration of Women in American
- 13091 - Administration of arms export controls and foreign assistance
- 13092 - President's information technology advisory committee, amendments
to executive order 13035
- 13093 - American heritage rivers, amending executive orders 13061 and
- 13094 - Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
- 13095 - Suspension of executive order 13083 (Federalism)
- 13096 - American Indian and Alaska Native Education
- 13097 - Interparliamentary Union
- 13098 - Blocking property of UNITA and prohibiting certain transactions
with respect to UNITA
- 13099 - Prohibiting transactions with terrorists who threaten to disrupt
the middle east peace process
- 13100 - President's council on food safety
- 13101 - Greening the government through waste prevention, recycling, and
federal acquisition
- 13102 - Further amendment to executive order 13038, Advisory committee on
public interest obligations of digital television broadcasters
- 13103 - Computer software piracy
- 13104 - Amendment to executive order 13021, Tribal colleges and
- 13105 - Open enrollment season for participants in the foreign service
retirement and disability system and the central intelligence agency retirement and
disability system
- 13106 - Adjustments of certain rates of pay and delegation of a Federal
Pay Administration Authority.
- 13107 - Implementation of Human Rights Treaties
- 13108 - Further amendment to Executive Order 13037, commission to study
capital budgeting
- 13109 - Half-day closing of executive departments and agencies of the
federal government on Thursday. December 24, 1998
Executive Memorandum
- EM1 - Zero Tolerance for Drug Use and Drug Availability for Offenders
- EM2 - Privacy and Personal Information in Federal Records
- EM3 - Use of the Social Security Administration's Prisoner Database to Prevent Prison
Inmates from Inappropriately Receiving Federal Benefits
- EM4 - Plain Language in Government Writing
Presidential Proclamation
- p7062 - Suspension of entry as immigrants and nonimmigrants of persons who are members
of the military Junta in Serra Leone and members of their families
Presidential Decision Directives
- PDD-62 - Combating Terrorism directive
- PDD-63 - Critical Infrastructure Protection directive
- PDD-Sum Summary of Presidential Decision Directives 62 and 63
Executive Orders
- 13110 - Nazi war criminal records interagency working group
- 13111 - Using technology to improve training opportunities for federal
government employees
- 13112 - Invasive species
- 13113 - President's information technology advisory committee, further
amendments to executive order 13035, as amended
- 13114 - Further amendment to executive order 12852, as amended, extending
the President's council on sustainable development
- 13115 - Interagency task force on the roles and missions of the United
States Coast Guard
- 13116 - Identification of trade expansion priorities and discriminatory
procurement practices
- 13117 - Further amendment to executive order 12981, as amended
(Administration of export controls)
- 13118 - Implementation of the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring
Act of 1998
- 13119 - Designation of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Serbia/Montenegro), Albania, the airspace above, and adjacent waters as a combat zone
- 13120 - Ordering the selected reserve and certain individual ready
reserve members of the armed forces to active duty
- 13121 - Blocking property of the governments of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), the Republic of Serbia, and the Republic of
Montenegro, and prohibiting trade transactions involving the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) in response to the situation in Kosovo
- 13122 - Interagency task force on the economic development of the
southwest border
- 13123 - Greening the government through efficient energy management
- 13124 - Amending the civil service rules relating to Federal employees
with psychiatric disabilities
- 13125 - Increasing participation of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
in Federal programs
- 13126 - Prohibition of acquisition of products produced by forced or
indentured child labor
- 13127 - Amendment to executive order 13073, year 2000 Conversion
- 13128 - Implementation of the Chemical weapons convention and the
Chemical weapons convention implementation act
- 13129 - Blocking property and prohibiting transactions with the Taliban
- 13130 - National Infrastructure Assurance Council
- 13131 - Further amendments to executive order 12757, Implementation of
the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative
- 13132 - Federalism
- 13133 - Working group on unlawful conduct on the internet
- 13134 - Developing and promoting biobased products and bioenergy
- 13135 - Amendment to executive order 12216, President's committee on the
International Labor Organization
- 13136 - Amendment to Executive Order 13090, President's Commission on the
Celebration of Women in American History
- 13137 - Further Amendment to Executive Order 12975, as Amended, National
Bioethics Advisory Commission
- 13138 - Continuance of certain federal advisory committees
- 13139 - Improving health protection of military personnel participating
in particular military operations
- 13140 - 1999 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States
- 13141 - Environmental Review of Trade Agreements
- 13142 - Amendment to Executive Order 12958 -- Classified National
Security Information
- 13143 - Amending executive order 10173, as amended, Prescribing
Regulations Relating to the Safeguarding of Vessels, Harbors, Ports, and Waterfront
Facilities of the United States
- 13144 - Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay
Presidential Proclamation
- p7219 - Contiguous Zone of the United States
Executive Orders
- 13145 - To prohibit discrimination in federal employment
based on genetic information
- 13146 - President's Council on the Future of Princeville,
North Carolina
- 13147 - White House Commission on Complementary and
Alternative Medicine Policy
- 13148 - Greening the Government Through Leadership in Environmental
- 13149 - Greening the Government Thouugh Federal Fleet and Transportation
- 13150 - Federal Workforce Transportation
- 13151 - Global Disaster Information Network
- 13152 - Further Amendment to Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment
Opportunity in Federal Government
- 13153 - Actions to Improve Low-Performing Schools
- 13154 - Establishing the Kosovo Campaign Medal
- 13155 - Access to HIV/AIDS pharmaceuticals and medical technologies
- 13156 - Amendment to executive order 12871, regarding the National
Partnership Council
- 13157 - Increasing opportunities for women-owned small businesses
- 13158 - Marine protected areas
- 13159 - Blocking property of the government of the Russian Federation
relating to the disposition of highly enriched uranium extracted from nuclear weapons
- 13160 - Nondiscrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, national
origin, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, and status as a parent in federally
conducted education and training programs
- 13161 - Establishment of the Presidential Medal of Valor for Public
Safety Officers
- 13162 - Federal career intern program
- 13163 - Increasing the opportunity for individuals with disabilities to
be employed in the federal government
- 13164 - Requiring federal agencies to establish procedures to facilitate
the provision of reasonable accommodation
- 13165 - Creation of the White House task force on drug use in sports and
authorization for the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy to serve as
the United States Government's representative on the Board of the World Anti-Doping Agency
- 13166 - Improving access to services for persons with limited english
- 13167 - Amendment to executive order 13147, increasing the membership of
the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy
- 13168 - President's commission on improving economic opportunity in
communities dependent on tobacco production while protecting public health
- 13169 - Assistance to small business exporters and dislocated workers
- 13170 - Increasing opportunities and access for disadvantaged business
- 13171 - Hispanic employment in the Federal Government
- 13172 - Amendment to executive order 13078, to expand the role of the
National Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities to include a focus on youth
- 13173 - Interagency task force on the economic development of the Central
San Joaquin Valley
- 13174 - Commission on Workers, Communities, and economic change in the
new economy
- 13175 - Consultation and coordination with Indian tribal governments
- 13176 - Facilitation of a Presidential transition
- 13177 - National Commission on the use of offsets in defense trade and
President's Council on the use of offsets in commercial trade
- 13178 - Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve
- 13179 - Providing compensation to America's nuclear weapons workers
- 13180 - Air traffic performance-based organization
- 13181 - To protect the privacy of protected health information in
oversight investigations
- 13082 - Adjustments of certain rates of pay
- 13083 - Establishment of the President's task force on Puerto Rico's
- 13184 - Revocation of Executive Order 12834 (Ethics commitments by
executive branch appointees)
- 13185 - To strengthen the Federal Government-University Research
Presidential Proclamations
- p7275 - Registration Under the Military Selective Service Act
- p7295 - Establishment of the Giant Sequoia National Monument
Presidential Decision Directive
- * PDD - Directs the Departments of State, Defense and Justice
to undertake a series of critical enhancements in the areas of police-military
coordination, as well as in police, penal and judicial training and development.
Presidential Determination
- PD 19 - Waiver and Certification of Statutory Provisions
Regarding the Palestine Liberation Organization
Other Documents
- SECURE - A National security strategy for a new century
2001 Executive Orders
- 13186 - Responsibilities of federal agencies to protect migratory birds
- 13187 - The President's disability employment partnership board
- 13188 - Amendment to Executive Order 13111, Extension of the advisory
committee on expanding training opportunities
- 13189 - Federal interagency task force on the District of Columbia
- 13190 - President's commission on educational resource equity
- 13191 - Implementation of the African Growth and Opportunity Act and the
United States-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act
- 13192 - Lifting and Modifying Measures With Respect to the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
- 13193 - Federal leadership on global tobacco control and prevention
- 13194 - Prohibiting the Importation of Rough Diamonds From Sierra Leone
- 13195 - Trails for America in the 21st Century
- 13196 - Final Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve
- 13197 - Governmentwide Accountability for Merit System Principles;
Workforce Information