Let us publicize your 2012
political event!
Sign up at each candidate's
website, Facebook and Twitter page for their events.
TBA Campaign events,
rallies, etc.
Possible Obama trips to
foreign countries.
This year: Many events and re-enactments to
commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Civil War.
January-February: Many "state of
the state" addresses by governors.
TBA Special election to
fill Gabrielle Gifford's seat.
Possible special elections.
January 2012
January 3 Iowa
January 11 New Hampshire Primary
January 11-14 The 2012 RNC
Winter Meeting will be held in New Orleans, at the Hyatt
January 12 100th
Anniversary of Taiwan, the Republic of China.
January 14 Presidential
Election in Taiwan.
January 16 GOP Debate in
South Carolina.
January 17 Congress
January 19 GOP debate in
south Carolina
January 20 Third anniversary of
Obama presidency-please help TCC STOP
Obama's socialist agenda
and repeal Obamacare. Yes we can!
January 21 South Carolina
January 22 Students for
Life National Convention, Washington, DC. This event is held
the day before the March For Life.
January 22 The Annual
Cardinal O'Connor Conference will be held at Georgetown
January 23 GOP debate in
Tampa Florida.
January 23 Attend the
for Life in Washington, DC. Join with 500,000+ people!
Walk in the March and attend the pro-life convention.
Related events at their website.
Many local march for life events
are held around the country.
January 24 Obama's State of
the Union speech. (scheduled date)
January 26 GOP debate in
January 22-29 Annual meeting of the World Economic
Forum in Davos Klosters, Switzerland. (one of the one-world
January 28-31 The National Association of Secretaries
of State hold their Winter Conference at the Mayflower Hotel, (ACORN & George Soros helped elect/appoint radical
secretaries of state to help ignore voter fraud)
January ? Annual Alfalfa
Club Dinner is held in Washington DC. This is an elitist club and the dinner
and its jokes are closed to the media. The President often
January 30 Rally for
Marriage and Family by TFP Student Action, State House,
Annapolis, MD, 6:00-8:00 PM
January 31 Florida primary.
January 31 Special
election in Oregon's 1st Congressional district (Rep. David
Wu resigned).
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February 2012
February 1 National Freedom Day.
February 2 National Prayer
Breakfast, Washington Hilton, Washington, DC. President Obama
might speak.
February 4 Nevada Caucus,
Maine Caucus begins.
February 4 Russian
anti-Putin mass demonstrations planned by the
For Fair Elections movement.
February 5 Superbowl XLVI -
Not the day to hold a political event!
February 6 101th
Anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth.
February 7 Colorado and
Minnesota Caucuses.
February 8 Is Government
the Problem or the Solution? A debate by the Ayn Rand Center
at George Mason U., Arlington campus 8:00 p.m. Will be
livestreamed at
February 8 The Washington
Press Club Foundation's annual Congressional Dinner
February 9-11 The
major CPAC
will be held at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in
Washington, DC www.cpac.org
February 11 Maine Caucus
February 11 Possible
pro-freedom demonstrations in Iran -- perhaps this will be
the year for freedom in Iran!
February 11 Constitution
Party of Pennsylvania holds their State Convention at the
Park Inn (Harrisburg West) Hotel, 5401 Carlisle Pike,
Mechanicsburg, PA.
February 12 Republican
Liberty Caucus National Convention, Hilton Arlington, 950 N.
Stafford Street, Arlington. Info 866-752-5423.
February 12 Abraham
Lincoln's Birthday.
February 18-21 National Religious Broadcasters Convention, Nashville, TN.
February 28-31 National
Association of Secretaries of State Winter Conference,
at Mayflower Renaissance Hotel, Washington, DC
February 20 "President's Day"
February 20-24 Congressional President's Day recess.
February 22 Ash Wednesday.
February 22 George Washington's Birthday. Honor our
first President & Founding Father!
February 22 GOP debate in Arizona.
February 25-26 G20 Finance Ministers meet in Mexico
March 2012
March 1 GOP debate in
March 2 Iranian
parliamentary elections. If the people vote against the
thugocracy, this could help spark a revolution.
March 3 Washington
March 3-6 The National
Association of Counties holds their annual Legislative
Conference and Lobbying Day at the Washington Hilton
Hotel in Washington, D.C.
March 6 Super Tuesday!
Primaries and caucuses in Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, Mass,
Ohio, North Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming.
March 5-12 National
Association of Attorneys General Spring Meeting Fairmont
Hotel, Washington, DC.
March 10 Kansas Caucus.
11 53rd anniversary of Chinese brutal invasion and
illegal occupation of Tibet. Perhaps the revolutionary
spirit in the Mid-East will help bring freedom to Tibet at
March 13 Hawaii Caucuses,
primaries in Alabama and Mississippi.
March 15-16 The Council on
Foreign Relations holds their annual Corporate Conference in
March 15-17 Reagan Ranch High School
Conference at the Ranch in California, sponsored by
America's Foundation
March __ The Annual
Gridiron Club Dinner is held in Washington, DC at the
Renaissance Washington Hotel, 999 Ninth Street NW, and
President Obama may attend. This is an elitist journalist
club and the event is one of the top society events in DC,
featuring Hollywood and political stars and starlets. If you
go, white tie please.
March 17 Missouri
March 17 Los Angeles March
for Life.
March 19 GOP debate in
Portland Oregon.
March 20 Illinois primary.
March 24 Louisiana
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April 2012
April (TBA) "Tax Freedom Day" The day you stop slaving for
government taxes and begin to earn for you and your family.
April is Civil War History
Month in Virginia, by proclamation by Gov. McDonnell.
April (TBA) National
Catholic Prayer Breakfast.
April 1 Iranian 'National
Day and Revolution Day.' Expect more protests to end the
April 2-13 Congressional Easter Recess
April 6 Good Friday.
April 6-14 Passover.
April 8 Easter Sunday.
April 13-15 The Philadelphia
Society holds their meeting.
April 15-16 Herman Cain's big 9-9-9 tax plan demonstration at the US Capitol cainsolutionsrevolution.com/april16
April 21-22 Annual Meeting
of the Trilateral Commission in Tokyo, Japan.
April 13 Thomas
Jefferson's Birthday.
April 15 Tax Horror Day.
Work for the day when April 15 is just another pretty spring
day--abolish the income tax. Tea Party events, protest events and street
theater are encouraged.
April 15
Possible Tea Party and election events on the theme of
Got a Tax Day tea party or
tax-related event? We'll list it here!
April 20-22 Spring
Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) in Washington, D.C.
April 18-21 Constitution
Party National Convention, Nashville, TN.
April 18 The Annual
Shad Planking--a great Virginia political tradition. Wakefield
Sportsmen's Club, 12205 Brittles Mill Road, Wakefield, VA.
April 22 Expect protests and phony science to be in
the media on the annual "Earth Day." Obama might
even use the
occasion to announce executive orders to make home heating, energy and
driving more expensive.
April 12-15 National
Rifle Association (NRA) holds their annual meeting in
Saint Louis.
April 28 White House
Correspondents' Dinner, Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC.
President Obama may speak and this is a major 'high
society' event; political and Hollywood stars will attend
and show off. Black tie. Info
May 2012
May 3 UNESCO’s
World Press Freedom Day
May 2 Congress returns
from Easter recess.
May 2-6 Libertarian Party
National Presidential Nominating Convention at Red Rock
Resort in Las Vegas. www.lp.org
May 5 51st Anniversary
of America's first man in space, Alan Shepard.
Kentucky Derby Day Fundraiser. Info:
May 10 Canadian March for
Life - Ottawa, Ontario. Info:
May 11-12 2012 American
Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Spring Task Force
Summit, Charlotte, NC. www.alec.org
May (TBA) Washington DC
Embassy tours:
19 Armed Forces Day.
18-19 Andrews AFB, Maryland Huge military Air Show!
May 21-23 US Chamber of
Commerce holds their 2012 America's Small Business Summit
"to rally for free enterprise, entrepreneurship, and
economic opportunity"
May 25 51st
Anniversary of JFK's speech to send Americans to the moon "in this
May 28 Memorial Day.
June 2012
June Bilderberger
Annual Meeting. Who will be there?
4 The 22nd anniversary of the Tiananmen Freedom
Demonstrations, and the bloody assault by the dictators.
Hopefully this year, the people will win freedom.
June 8 The 2012 Radio and Television
Correspondents Association Dinner at the DC
Convention Center. Black tie. President Obama might speak.
June 14 Flag Day:
our flag and the liberties it represents.
June 16 Republican Party
of Virginia State Convention at the Great Richmond
Convention Center. www.rpv.org
June (TBA) U.S. Conference
of Mayors hold their Annual Conference.
June (TBA) The National
Right to Life Committee holds their annual convention. Info.
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July 2012
2-6 Congressional Independence Day recess.
4 Independence Day. Educate people on the
importance of independence and sovereignty, and the dangers
of 'globalism,' 'internationalism,' etc.
4 Leadership Institute's annual Conservative "Soiree" in
Bull Run Park, Fairfax, Virginia. Free but bring a
dish to share. Info.
4 Got a major 4th of July event? We'll post it here.
(TBA) National High School Leadership Conference in
Washington, DC, sponsored by
America's Foundation
11-14 Freedom Fest in Las Vegas.
July 15-17 National
Governors Association Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City,
UT. nga.org
July (TBA) National
Association of Counties Annual Conference.
July 20 43rd Anniversary of the Moon Landing by Apollo
11. Mankind's Greatest Technical Achievement. American
expertise, ingenuity and determination challenged the
highest goals--and won!
Now let's return to
the moon and go on to Mars!
21-22 Annual Eagle Forum Collegians Leadership Summit,
Washington DC at the Heritage Foundation.
July 24-29, Cato University,
Loews Annapolis Hotel, Annapolis, MD.
July 25-28 2012 American
Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Annual meeting, Salt
Lake City. www.alec.org
July 27-29 National
Lieutenant Governors Assoc. Annual Meeting in Puerto
July (TBA) Western
Conservative Summit, Denver Marriott City Center, sponsored
by the Centennial Institute.
August 2012
August (TBA) National
Conservative Student Conference in
Washington, DC, sponsored by
America's Foundation
August (TBA) American
Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Annual Meeting. www.alec.org
August 6-September 7
House August Recess: Be sure to participate in
Congressional Town Hall meetings.
August (TBA) National
Conference of State Legislatures annual Legislative Summit.
August 27-30 Republican
National Convention in Tampa, FL.
September 2012
September 3-6 Democratic
National Convention in Charlotte, NC.
September ? Congress
returns from August Recess.
September 11 Patriot Day &
9-11 anniversary--Never forget, never let down our guard.
September 14-16 Values
Voter Summit, Washington, DC.
September 17 The
anniversary of the ratification of our Constitution.
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October 2012
Attend Campaign Events and ask tough questions and demand honest
answers. Video them and put on the web.
October Pro Life
Memorial Day -- marking the start of the new Supreme Court
session. Events in DC and nationwide.
October (TBA) Values
Voter Summit, Washington, DC, a large
annual gathering of conservatives. Info:
October 10 Columbus Day: Celebrate the exciting discovery of the New
World which led to the founding of the greatest nation on
Earth, the United States of America!
October 12-14 Annual
Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World
Bank Group in Tokyo, Japan.
October 16: The Pro-Life Day of
Silent Solidarity--You take individual action, not a rally
or event; see site for details.
November 2012
November Virginia RPV GOP
Donald Huffman Advance Event. www.RPV.org
November North
American Regional Meeting of the Trilateral Commission
November (TBA) "Defending the
Dream Summit" at the Washington DC Convention Center
http://site.defendingthedream.org/ Sponsored by
Americans for Prosperity.
November 6 Election Day!
November 9 23rd Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin
Wall! Freedom won!
November Federalist
Society's National Lawyers Convention will be held in
Washington, DC. fed-soc.org
November 22 Thanksgiving
November 30-December 2, 2012
North American Regional Meeting of the Trilateral
Commission, Washington, DC,
November 26-December 7 The 2012 UN globaloney 'climate
change' conference (also called COP 18 or UNFCCC) meets in
Doha, Qatar. Facts on the subject at
December 2012
December 7 71th
anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day.
America must remain ever alert and willing to fight back
against any and all foes.
December 14 Congressional target
adjournment date.
December 8-16 Hanukkah.
December 16 Anniversary of
the original Tea Party in Boston Harbor in 1773.
December 25 Christmas Day
-- Keep
Christ in Christmas!