Executive Orders,
Proclamations, Memoranda
Issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933-1945
#6073-9508 * = Summary of Text
1933-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Executive Orders
- 6073- Reopening of Banks. Embargo on Gold Payments and
Exports, and Limitations on Foreign Exchange Transactions continued
- 6080 - Authorizes appointment of bank conservators
- 6084 - Consolidating Federal Farm credit agencies
- 6086 - Establishment of the Rio Grande Wild Life Refuge.
- 6092 - Veterans Regulation No. 4, Protected Awards
- 6093-Veterans Regulation No. 5, Entitlement to Emergency
Officers' Retired Pay
- 6098 - Veterans Regulation No. 10, Miscellaneous
- 6099 -Veterans Regulation No. 11, Disclosure of
Information and Furnishing Copies of Records.
- 6100- Veterans Regulation No. 12, Presumption of
Entitlement to Pensions for Spanish-War Veterans and Certain Widows Children, and
Dependent Parents of Deceased World War Veterans.
- 6101 - Civilian Conservation Corps.
- 6102 - Forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion
and gold certificates.
- 6111-Transactions in foreign exchange are permitted under
Governmental Supervision
- 6145 - Consolidation of government agencies by the
- 6156 - Veterans Regulation No. 1 (a), Entitlement to
- 6157 - Veterans Regulation No. 3 (a), Schedule for rating
- 6158 -Veterans Regulation No. 9 (a), Payment of burial
expenses of deceased war veterans
- 6159 - Veterans Regulation No. 10 (a), Miscellaneous
- 6161 -Conservation and development of the natural
resources of the Tennessee River drainage basin
- 6166 - Reorganization of executive agencies generally.
- 6173 - Order appointing administrator and recovery board
- 6174 -Organization of Public Works Administration is
Established Naval construction
- 6182 - N.I.R.A. Administration over certain farm products
transferred to Department of Agriculture
- 6198 - Appointment of Harold L. Lckes as Administrator of
Public Works
- 6199 -Regulation of Interstate Commerce of Petroleum
6202a- Order creating executive council
- 6203 - Postmasters under the Civil Service
- 6204 -Power given to the Secretary of the Interior to
Enforce the Preceding Order
- 6204a - NRA (National Recovery Administration)
Code for the Rayon Weaving Industry
- 6204b - NRA Code for the Throwing Industry
- 6205a - Delegation of Certain Presidential Powers to the
Administrator for Industrial Recovery
- 6205b - Exceptions and Exemptions from Codes
- 6205c - NRA Code for the Silk Manufacturing Industry
- 6206b- NRA Code for the Cotton Thread Industry
- 6209 - Delegation of Presidential Powers to the Secretary
of the Interior Relating to Subsistence Homesteads
- 6216 - NRA Code for the Shipbuilding and Shiprepairing
- 6221a- NRA Code for the Wool Textile Industry
- 6225 - Establishment of a Central Statistical Board
- 6228 - Transfer of national cemeteries and parks from the
War Dept. to the Interior Dept, interpreted.
- 6229 - Veterans Regulation No. 1 (b), Entitlement to
- 6230 - Veterans Regulation No. 2 (a), Effective dates of
awards of disability and death pensions; Provisions for filing claims; Review of
presumptive claims by special review boards.
- 6231 - Veterans Regulation No. 3 (b), Schedule for rating
- 6232- Veterans Regulation No. 6 (a), Eligibility for
domiciliary or hospital care, including medical treatment.
- 6233 - Veterans Regulation No. 7 (a), Eligibility for
medical care.
- 6234 - Veterans Regulation No. 10 (b), Miscellaneous
- 6240 - Office of Economic Adviser to National Emergency
- 6242a - NRA Code for the Coat and Suit Industry
- 6242b - NRA Code for the Electrical Manufacturing
- 6246 - Code Compliance Made a Condition for Government
- 6248 - NRA Code for the Corset and Brassiere Industry
- 6249 - NRA Code for the Lace Manufacturing Industry
- 6250 - NRA Code for the Legitimate Theatrical Industry
- 6251- Federal Power Commission Designated as an agency of
the Public Works Administration
- 6252 - Functions, Powers and Regulations of the Public
Works Administration
- 6253 - NRA Code for the Fishing Tackle Industry
- 6254 - NRA Code for the Iron and Steel Industry
- 6255 - NRA Code for the Lumber and Timber Products
- 6256 - NRA Code for the Petroleum Industry.
- 6260 - Hoarding, export, and earmarking of gold coin,
bullion or currency, and transactions in foreign exchange.
- 6261 - Forces domestic gold producers to sell their output
to Secretary of the Treasury
- 6340 - Formation of the Community Credit Corporation.
- 6354 - Regulations to Exempt Minor Business Enterprises in
Small Towns from the President's Reemployment Agreement.
- 6355 - Regulations Limiting Effect of N.R.A. Codes upon
Cooperative Organizations
- 6359 - Receipt on consignment of gold by the United States
mints and assay offices
- 6420B - Creating Civil Works Administration
- 6433A- Creation of the National Emergency Council
- 6443 - Authorization to Modify or Make Exceptions in the
President's Reemployment Agreement to Avoid Hardships
- 6470 - The Creation of the Public Works Emergency Housing
- 6474 - Establishment of the Federal Alcohol Control
- 6511 - Powers of the National Labor Board are Increased
- 6513 - Adding the Members of the Special Industrial
Recovery Board to the National Emergency Council
- 6514 - Authorization to the Electric Home and Farm
- JUL9 - NRA Code for the Cotton Textile Industry
1933-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
1933-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Presidential Proclamations
- p2038 - Calling for a special session of Congress to meet
on March the 9th
- p2039 - Bank Holiday, March 6-9, 1933, Inclusive
- p2040 - Continuing in force the bank holiday proclamation
of March 6, 1933
- p2047 - Creation of a board to settle railroad dispute
- p2065 - The President Proclaims the Repeal of the
Eighteenth Amendment
- p2067 - Ratifying the London Agreement on Silver
- p2068 -Christmas Amnesty Proclamation for Certain War-time
Offenders Who Have Completed their Prison Sentences
- p2070 -The Restoration of Non-Member banks to the
Jurisdiction of their own state banking authorities
- p2092- Proclamation on the coinage of silver
Other: Congressional Actions
- ACT33- March 9, 1933. to provide relief in the existing national
emergency in banking, and for other purposes
1934-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Executive Orders
- 6547- Veterans Regulation No. 2 (b), Effective dates of
awards of disability and death pensions; Provisions for filing claims; Review of
presumptive claims by special review boards.
- 6556- Amendment to executive order of August 28, 1933
(E.O. 6260 - Hoarding, export, and earmarking of gold coin, bullion or currency, and
transactions in foreign exchange)
- 6560 - Prescribed regulations for the investigation,
regulation, and prohibition of transactions in foreign exchange, transfers of credit
between or payments by banking institutions, and export of currency or silver coin by
persons within the United States or subject to its jurisdiction.
- 6565 - Veterans Regulation No. 1 (c), Entitlement to
- 6566-Veterans Regulation No. 6 (b), Eligibility for
domiciliary or hospital care, including medical treatment.
- 6567- Veterans Regulation No. 9 (b), Payment of Burial
expenses of Deceased War Veterans.
- 6568 - Veterans Regulation No. 10 (c), Miscellaneous
- 6581 - The Export-Import Bank of Washington is Created.
- 6591 - The Army Temporarily Flies the Mail.
- 6606 -Veterans Regulation No. 2 (c), Effective dates of
awards of disability and death pensions; Provisions for filing claims; Review of
presumptive claims by special review boards.
- 6611 - Transfer of the Bureau of Mines to the Department
of the Interior was authorized effective April 23.
- 6623 - The Federal Employment Stabilization Board was
abolished and the Federal Employment Stabilization Office established in the Department of
- 6632 - The National Recovery Review Board is created to
investigate monopolistic codes.
- 6638 - Export-Import Bank of Washington, DC
- 6646 - The Government Does Business Only with Those
Complying with N.R.A.Codes. (Note: Text incomplete)
- 6651 - The Office of Special Adviser to the President on
Foreign Trade is Created (Note: (Text incomplete)
- 6661 - Veterans Regulations No 1 (d), Entitlement to
- 6662 -Veterans Regulation No. 12 (a), Presumption of
Entitlement to Pensions for Spanish-War Veterans and Certain Widows, Children and
Dependent Parents of Deceased World War Veterans.
- 6668 - Veterans Regulation No. 1 (e), Entitlement to
- 6669 -Veterans Regulation No. 12 (b), Presumption of
entitlement to pensions for Spanish-War Veterans and certain widows, children and
dependent parents of deceased World War Veterans.
- 6675A- Code of Fair Competition for the Live Poultry
Industry of the metropolitan area in and about the City of New York.
- 6693 - Committee on National Land Problems
- 6695 -Veterans Regulation No. 9 (c), Payment of Burial
Expenses of Deceased War Veterans.
- 6715- Filing of functional organization charts with the
Director of the Bureau of the Budget.
- 6750- The procedure for notice and hearing on any proposed
Reciprocal Trade Agreement.
- 6750C- Federal Committee on Apprenticeship
- 6757-The Initiation of studies to archive a program of
national social and economic security (Adoption of the Social Security Act of 1935)
- 6763-Creation of the first National Labor Relations Board
(Note: Text incomplete)
- 6766-A Typical Act of Protection and Conservation of Wild
Life by Providing Suitable Refuges.
- 6770 - The Industrial Emergency Committee is Created.
- 6775 -Veterans Regulation No. 6 (c), Eligibility for
domiciliary or hospital care, including medical treatment.
- 6777 - The National Resources Board is Established.
- 6793 - Appropriating funds "for the planting of
forest protective strips in the Plains region as a means of ameliorating drought
- 6814 - The Government Requires the Delivery of all silver
to the United States for coinage (Note: Text incomplete)
- 6840 - Textile Industry, Board of Inquiry for the Cotton.
- 6859 - N.R.A. is Reorganized -- The National Industrial
Recovery Board is Established
- 6877 - Wool Textile Work Assignment Board
- 6889A- Consolidation of the National Emergency Council, the
Executive Council and the Industrial Emergency Committee.
- 6910-Withdrawal of Public Lands to be Used for
Conservation and Development of Natural Resources
- 6917-Creating a body corporate to be known as Federal
Prison Industries, Inc
1934-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Presidential Proclamations
- p2072-Fixing the Weight of the Gold Dollar (Note: Text
1935-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Executive Orders
- 6963 - Veterans Regulation No. 10 (d), Miscellaneous
- 6967 - Veterans Regulation No. 1 (f), Entitlement to
- 6979 -The Secretary of the Interior is designated to carry
out the oil regulation prescribed by the Congress.
- 6989 - Veterans Regulation No. 1 (g), Entitlement to
- 6990 -Veterans Regulation No. 2 (d), Effective dates of
awards of disability and death pensions; Provisions for filing claims; Review of
presumptive claims by special review boards.
- 6992 - Veterans Regulation No. 10 (e), Miscellaneous
- 7027 - The Resettlement Administration is established.
- 7028 - Transfer of Land Program F.E.R.A. to the
Resettlement Administration
- 7034 - The Creation of Machinery for the Works Progress
- 7037 - Establishment of the Rural Electrification
- 7041 -Transfer of subsistence Homesteads Activities to the
Resettlement Administration. (Note: Text incomplete)
- 7057 - Establishment of the Puerto Rico Reconstruction
- 7064 -The Powers of the Administrator of Public Works
under N.I.R.A. Are Continued (Note: Text incomplete)
- 7065 - The National Resources Committee is Created
- 7073 -The National Emergency Council is Reestablished
(Note: Text incomplete)
- 7074-The National Labor Relations Board is Reestablished
(Note: Text incomplete)
- 7075-N.R.A. is Reorganized after the Supreme Court
Decision (Note: Text incomplete)
- 7076 -The Activities of N.R.A. Remaining after the Supreme
Court Decision are Extended
- 7086 -The National Youth Administration is established
(Note: Text incomplete)
- 7120 -Reorganization of Consumers' Agencies (Note: Text
- 7126-Submission of Estimates to the Bureau of the Budget
of Expenditures for Administrative Expenses in Certain Cases (Note: Text incomplete)
- 7139-The Jurisdiction of the Electronic Home and Farm
Authority is Extended
- 7150-Amendment of Executive Order No. 7126 of August 5,
1935 (Extending effect to additional agencies of order requiring submission of estimates
of expenditures to Bureau of the Budget)
- 7170 - Opened the Lower Souris River National Wildlife
- 7174 -Amendment of Executive Order No 7126 of August 5,
1935 (extending effect to additional agencies of order requiring submission of estimates
of expenditures to Bureau of the Budget)
- 7193 -Coordinator for Industrial Cooperation
1936-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Executive Orders
- 7298 - Division of the Federal Register of the National
Archives duties of numbering the Executive orders and proclamations and of supervising
their promulgation, publication, and distribution
- 7323 -Creating the Committee of Industrial Analysis (Note:
Text incomplete)
- 7397 -Federal Fire Council
- 7421 - The President Places Postmasters under Civil
Service Regulation
- 7464 - Extending certain periods of trust on Indian lands
- 7496 - Transfer of recreational demonstration projects
- 7521 - Use of vessels for ice-breaking operations in
channels and harbors
1937-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Executive Orders
- 7640 -The Bituminous Coal Code
- 7709A- Abolishing the National Emergency Council
- 7711 - Appointing the Administrator of the Unemployment
- 7732 - Federal Housing Projects
- 7776 - Extending the National Emergency Council
1938-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Executive Orders
- 7916 - The Competitive Classified Civil Service is
- 7998 -An Interdepartmental Committee on Printing and
Processing is Established
- 8034 - Real Estate Board, Federal
1938-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Presidential Proclamations
- p2282 - Proclamation No. 2092 on the Coinage of Silver is
- p2309 - Postage rates on books are reduced
1939-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Executive Orders
- 8057 -Transfer of certain lands from the Secretary of
Agriculture to the Secretary of the Interior Virginia
- 8099 -Administration of benefits provided by act of
Congress approved April 3, 1939
- 8185 -Administration of the Foreign Service under
Reorganization Plan No. II
- 8233 - Regulations governing enforcement of neutrality of
the United States
- 8234-Regulations governing passage and control of vessels
through Panama Canal in any war in which the United States is neutral
- 8246 - Protection of American citizens abroad
- 8248-Establishing the divisions of the executive office of
the President and defining their functions and duties
1939-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Presidential Proclamations
- p2352 -Proclaiming a national emergency in connection with
the observance, safeguarding, and enforcement of neutrality and the strengthening of the
national defense within the limits of peace-time authorizations
1940-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Executive Orders
- 8357 - Administration of the Foreign Service
- 8389-Regulating transactions in foreign exchange and
foreign-owned property, providing for the reporting of all foreign-owned property
- 8407 - Withdrawal of public land in aid of flood control,
- 8512-Regulations pertaining to budgetary administration
and financial reporting
- 8526-Coordinating the electrical facilities of Grand
Coulee Dam Project and Bonneville Project
- 8530 - Calling Out the National Guard
- 8533 -Designating the Secretary of the Treasury to act in
respect of any bonds, notes, or other securities acquired on behalf of the United States
under the provisions of the Transportation Act, 1920, as amended
- 8546 - Defense Communications Board
- 8568 - Establishing the St. Lawrence River Advisory
1940-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Presidential Proclamations
- p2425 - Selective Service Registration.
1941-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Executive Orders
- 8629-Office of Production Management and the Office for
Emergency Management
- 8632 - Division of Defense Housing Coordination
- 8680-Establishing naval defensive sea areas around and
naval airspace reservations over the islands of Kiska and Unalaska
- 8682 -Establishing naval defensive sea areas around and
naval airspace reservations over the islands of Palmyra, Johnson, Midway, Wake, and
Kingman Reef
- 8716 -National Defense Mediation Board
- 8734 -Office of Price Administration
- 8743 - Extending the classified civil service
- 8751 - Division of Defense Aid Reports
- 8757 - Office of Civilian Defense
- 8773 -Seizure of the North American Aviation Company Plant
at Inglewood, California
- 8785 - Freezing the Assets of Certain European Countries
- 8802-Reaffirming policy of full participation in the
defense program by all persons, regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin, and
directing certain action in furtherance of said policy
- 8807 - Office of Scientific Research and Development
- 8809 - Good Conduct Medal
- 8832 - Freezing Japanese and Chinese Assets in the United
- 8839 - Economic Defense Board
- 8840 - Establishing the Office of Coordinator of
Inter-American Affairs
- 8843 - Directing the Federal Reserve Board to Curb
Installment Purchasing
- 8875 - Supply Priorities and Allocations Board
- 8890 - Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services
- 8922 -Office of Facts and Figures
- 8926 - Office of Lend-Lease Administration
- 8929 - Transferred the Coast Guard to Navy Department
- 8964 - Use and control of radio stations and preference or
priority of communications
- 8983 - Establishing a Commission to Investigate the Pearl
Harbor Attack
- 8984 - Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet, and Chief of Naval
Operations Duties
- 8985 - Establishing the Office of Censorship
- 8989 -Office of Defense Transportation
- 9001 - Establishing Methods for Wartime Procurement
1941-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Presidential Proclamations
1943-- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Executive Orders
- 9300 - Subversive Activities by Federal Employees
- 9301 - Establishing a Minimum Wartime Work Week of
Forty-eight Hours
- 9310 - Transferring nutrition functions of office of
Defense Health and Welfare services to Department of Agriculture
- 9312 - Office of War Information
- 9322 -Administration of Food Production and
- 9325 - Payment of expenses of the Office of Alien Property
- 9327 - Production Areas, Committee for Congested
- 9328 - Prices and Wages
- 9338 - Community War Services
- 9340 - Seizure of Coal Mines
- 9346 - Establishing a Committee on Fair Employment
- 9347 - Office of War Mobilization
- 9357 -Transferring the Functions of the Public Works
Administration to the Federal Works Agency
- 9361 - Establishing the Office of Economic Warfare
- 9367 - Prohibited, with certain exceptions, instructions
of applicants for civil service and foreign service examinations by officers or employees
of the government
- 9370-Action in Connection With the Enforcement of
Directives of the National War Labor Board
- 9383-Coordination of functions and policies of federal
civil agencies in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
- 9396-Authorizing the Secretary of War to Issue Citations
in the Name of the President of the United States to Army Units for Outstanding
Performance in Action
- 9412 - Seizure and Operation of the Railroads
1944--Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Executive Orders
- 9417 - War Refugee Board
- 9419 - Authorized award of bronze star medal
- 9424-- Establishment of a register of government interests
in patents
- 9425-Surplus War Property Administration
- 9432-Designation of Undersecretary and Secretaries of the
Interior to act as Secretary of the Interior
- 9508-Siezure of Montgomery Ward Co. Properties